The Inevitable Has Happened :(
@jeweledbluerose (3061)
United States
January 17, 2008 11:47am CST
Well today did start out well, my fears of speeders on the road live on, hitting someone has unfortunately come true. :( An hour ago my neighbor was trying to collect her mail, someone not paying attention ended up drifting towards her, speeding none the less as well. The roads being covered in ice at the moment, since we got freezing rain here. The person went to stomp on their brakes but was no good the truck kept going and my neighbor was struck full force.
I'm a total mess right now, so I am sorry if this sounds jumbled. Anger and sadness is all I am really feeling right now.
I just don't see what the big deal is about following the dang laws of the road. Please can someone help me understand what all the rush is about? Why people feel it is necessary, once behind the wheel, to think that the rules don't apply to them?
Vehicles as I understand, aren't toys. We aren't in any sort of game, where if you hit someone you get bonus points or the person miraculously jumps back up and runs away. This is reality and people do get hurt, even killed.
People, as I have stated before, them signs with numbers on them aren't there just to make things look pretty, they are there to for a reason, and that reason is to keep stuff like this from happening. So next time you see one of them signs with numbers on them, make sure your speedometer reads the same thing!!
I can only hope my neighbor will be alright, could really give a crap less about the driver of the vehicle who hit my neighbor at this point. Since he wasn't paying attention, nor obeying the law. I just can't help but feel I am in a nightmare, and any moment I'll wake up.
How would you handle being witness to someone being hit by a speeding motorist? Do you get angry? Do you feel sadness? or do you just shut down and act like it never happened?
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10 responses
@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
18 Jan 08
I am sorry to learn that your neighbor was hit by a truck while collecting mail. This is terrible and really unnecessary, because there are speed limits with a neighborhood and motorists should not be driving fast within such areas. Having witnessed the accident, you must have been shaken. I have been driving 33 years, and have not knocked anyone down all this while. As a motorist, I am always mindful that the vehicle I drive can become a dangerous weapon if I become reckless or careless on the road through poor driving habits or a loss of concentration. All motorists should also remember this, so that innocent people do not get injured or killed by their actions. I do hope your neighbor is not badly hurt and will recover from the accident. I can only pray for him/her to get well.
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@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
20 Jan 08
Your response just reminded me that I should say a prayer for your neighbor's recovery, and I just did. Even though I am thousands of miles away and I do not know yr neighbor, God hears our prayers.
I can understand your paranoia. We all feel like this in one way or another. When we witness an accident, our confidence is jolted and we become afraid to drive, or step out of the roadside kerb. When we watch a horror movie at night, we suddenly feel unsafe or that someone may be lurking around our home. It is natural for us humans to react this way. But over time, we will get over it. We just have to be extra careful everytime we go out on the road, whether we are driving, carrying out a task or just crossing a street to get to somewhere.
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
18 Jan 08
I know you are angry. I would be too. When we were kids my sister was hit by a car. The driver was 17. And drunk. It is a horrible thing to see. It is even worse to watch the person have to live through it. My siter was nine at the time she was hit. She woke from a coma not knowing anyone. She still has on going health issues to this day. She will be 36 next month. Speeding drunk drivers etc. We need STRICT LAWS! When my mom took the boy and parents to court, the settlement was for $1,700. Thats it no loss of liscense NOTHING! My sister deals with everything like a trooper. She's married has a full time job luckily with health insurance to help her deal with on going problems. Including the possibility of loss of her sight. She's been wearing bifocal lenses for 11 years. SLOW DOWN TO ALL. Not worth the cost to anyone else. I am sorry about your neighbor.
@jeweledbluerose (3061)
• United States
19 Jan 08
I am sorry to hear about your sister. I can imagine what it would be like to witness a family member getting hit by a car. Seeing my neighbor hit, was enough to most likely give me nightmares for months into the future.
I can hope that my neighbor fully heals from this ordeal, but she will be scarred for life because of one person's irresponsibility.
I do agree with the stricter laws issue, but getting them enforced is another matter all together, considering in just my area, we only have one cop that patrols the entire town of Clarkson. I think that is why so many in my area, just don't give a rat's behind about the posted speed limits, cause it's basically 1 in 100 that might get ticketed for speeding.
Thanks for your concern and response.
@r0ck_r0ck (1952)
• India
18 Jan 08
i d feel ur anger n sadness well is natural n abt that accident we all in a hurry sometimes like n we often get distracted by other things while driving n then it hapens well i know not like dat guy did hit ur neighbour cuz he wanted to it was an accident. cant do anything abt it.
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@jeweledbluerose (3061)
• United States
19 Jan 08
Yes, I know that it was an accident, but it was a preventable accident. First he was breaking the law by going over the posted speed limit of 25mph. Secondly, the roads were icy so he should have been going even slower on a residential road. It's called responsibility. So no matter how much we are in a rush to get things done, it's still important to hold to the laws that were provided in order to keep the public safe from stuff like this.
Thanks for your response.
@bishu_sinha (1457)
• India
18 Jan 08
Generally, I do't think any type of complex thing. I think you should consult a Lawyer.
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@jeweledbluerose (3061)
• United States
19 Jan 08
My neighbor's parents are most likely doing that today.
Thanks for your response.
@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
18 Jan 08
I live on a pretty traveled road when I am at home. There are a lot of twists and turns on the road and a lot of tractor trailers on our road but people don't care about that and drive 70 or more on our little country road. I don't like going to get our mail because when people come around those turns rather quickly, you don't have a lot of time to react in the event something bad happens.
I hope the guy that hit your neighbor gets punished and pays for his crime and I hope other's take heed of his situation.
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@wisedragon (2325)
• Philippines
17 Jan 08
I said a prayer for your neighbor.
I don't think I have actually witnessed such an incident, but I hear about it a lot on the news. I think when you see an incident like that your role as the witness is to get the license plate of the vehicle, especially in a case of hit-and-run. Also to call emergency services to attend to the victim right away.
@jeweledbluerose (3061)
• United States
18 Jan 08
Thanks for your prayers wisedragon, they are appreciated. Didn't have to worry about getting the license plate number, since the guy was at least smart enough to stay at the scene. I do have to give him that much.
Emergency crews were called almost as soon as it happened if not as it happened. And they were pretty quick to arrive thankfully. Now really all one can do is deal with their own thoughts and wait to see what the outcome is. I'm keeping my fingers crossed she gets through this ok.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
19 Jan 08
Sweetie first of all I am so sorry for the late response I am so far behind and I am sorry that this has happened
There are a lot of People on the road today who just do not care
I have driven for many years and I have seen how much over the years it has changed for the worse and it is so sad
I hope your Neighbour will be ok I will be thinking of her
@jeweledbluerose (3061)
• United States
19 Jan 08
Thanks for your prayers and response. No worries about the late response, I know you have been going through a tough time of your own, in which you have my deepest prayers as well and hope you get better soon.
Unfortunately what you say is true, it seems more grow even more uncaring as time goes on. I don't know what lead up to the mentality of it being ok to drive over the posted speed limits, or just driving like an idiot in general, but something needs to be done about it. Like for instance getting more police officers in an area that is known to have a problem with speeding motorists, and secondly distractions need to stop being installed in cars. I know distractions can come from anything or anyone, but don't see the point in having basically the comforts of home installed in something that requires a person's full attention.
Thanks again. *hugs*
@mac1946 (1602)
• Calgary, Alberta
17 Jan 08
I feel your saddness,I have been driving for 45 years with a clean record,I am not saying I have't sped,but I do not talk on the cell,fix my hair,or take my eyes off the road to talk to my passanger,not look at bookwork while driving,all of which are habits most of todays drivers do.the worse is the cell phone,even those things you stick in you ears so you have both hands free to hold the wheel,what about your mind,it isn't on the road is it.
the first and main thing for you todo now,is make sure the police know you are an eye witness with a written statement.
I do hope your niebour is alright.
it is fine to be upset.
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@jeweledbluerose (3061)
• United States
17 Jan 08
I've only been driving since I was 21 years old, and I'm 26 now, even in my hellraising days I would never imagine doing things that would take my attention from the road. It's things like this that make me wonder what the driving instructor was smoking to give this person a license. Of course though I shouldn't blame the driving instructor for what happens after they have gotten out of the car.
Already been through talking with the police and making out a report. Did that while the EMT's were working on my neighbor and trying to get her stablized for the trip to the hospital. I made sure I was the first to do such.
I'll save the gory details, but it will be a miracle if she makes it through the night. Though I keep praying that she'll make it through, not one that gives up hope that easily.
Thanks for your response and kind words.
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
18 Jan 08
That is awful! I hope your neighbor recovers too! Is their condition known right now??
I agree with you, I don't know what peoples problems are either, but there are some real jerks driving!! I always get tailgated when i am going the speed limit! People get so close I can't see their headlights anymore. It's so annoying and disrespectful! And I don't know how to stop it! I wish I could!
Sometimes I'll go 5 over the limit, but that's where I stop. I don't go anymore than 5 over the posted speed limit. I always drive with my cruise control on to control my speed. It's always on from anywhere between the posted limit, or 5 over. No more than that. And even when I go 5 over people still tailgate me really bad! I wish a cop would see them and pull them over, I'd laugh! Losers.
I hate bad drivers, I wish they could be taken off the street!!!
@jeweledbluerose (3061)
• United States
19 Jan 08
I have posted an update to my neighbors condition here:
Tailgaters get on my nerves too. I have that problem here as well, because I refuse to go over the posted speed limit, just so they can continue to be speed demons. Sometimes I will slow down even more, if I had a particularly bad day, and am just fed up with things. Seriously nothing is worth, breaking the law over, so I will most likely continue to be baffled on why some think it necessary to be a hazard to not only themselves, but those around them while behind the wheel.
I don't know what can be done about it either, so I just continue to do my part and obey the rules of the road, and hope and pray that I'm not witness to something of this nature for the rest of my life.
Thanks for your concern and response.
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
22 Jan 08
Sometimes I'll slow down too if someone is tailgating mereally badly! lol. Some people have such short fuses! It amazes me! But I'm glad I'm not one of them!
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
25 Jan 08
Sorry I missed this post earlier. With Tasha's passing and a friend visiting us and trying to stay on top of responses on my site I haven't been able to visit other sites.
When I read this I was shocked! It is bad enough to read about events like this when you don't know the people involved...but when it strikes so close to home it is even more upsetting. I am really sorry to hear that you and others within your community have to have your reality shaken up this way.
To address your questions...I always feel sadness and concern when I hear of anyone suffering...anywhere. My mind goes to what their loved ones must be going through...and the ripple effect that will ensue during any kind of catastrophic event.
So no, I do not shut down and pretend painful life experiences never happened...I prefer to stay present and work through my emotions so they don't get stuck and repressed. I have been there and done that in the past..and doing the ostrich routine of burying our heads in the sand does not make the effects go away. Sooner or late they seep back in, demanding our attention so we can release our attachment to them.
When you ask why people drive irresponsibility? In my view...they are distracted, unfocused...split off...whatever the term...they are simply not present. Whenever that occurs...accidents are bound to happen.
I will check your follow up post for any update. Take care of yourself...and my thoughts and well wishes are with you and your community.