What Would You do?
By copperkitten
@copperkitten (3473)
United States
January 18, 2008 2:17pm CST
Ok as many of you know I am a stay at home mom and I do daycare from home. I recently started watching 2 girls. Now the mom was good about paying the first couple times I had them. But now its been 2 weeks and she owes me 225$. She keeps saying well when the support check comes or so and so is renting the apartment and Ill have your money when he payes me. Well its getting old. I understand people fall on hard times and dont have cash but if you cant pay for it dont have me watch your kids. I think im going to tell her I cant watch her kids untill she pays atleast half of what she owes me. Come on I have bills to pay and need this money. I cant let her rack up more of a bill because then she will owe alot and not be able to pay any of it. I watch other children and usually the parents pay every week or every two weeks depending on when they get payed. Which is not a problem. I just dont want her thinking this is a free service for her. Im in a jam. What would you do in this situation?
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26 responses
@ladymoonstone143 (1507)
• United States
19 Jan 08
Tell her that you needed the money because like her, you needed to pay bills too. IF she is working, she need not wait for the support check to come, she can get it from her salary. There are people that doesn't get their priorities straight. Just because she gets the money to pay you from the support check, she has to wait for it until it comes. She should realize that without you watching her kids, she won't be able to do work. So she should see to it that paying you is one of her top priorities...with or without the support check.
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@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
20 Jan 08
She dosent have a job right now but her husband does. She is out looking for one and doing interview so she says. She keeps saying she will get me payed. I sayed well Im NOT watching the kids till you pay atleast half. Now she says she will pay wed. Im not going to hold my breath on that one.
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
20 Jan 08
You are nicer than I am. If I was in your shoes I wouldn't take care of this persons kids again until they paid me in full, or at least had some sort or written, NOT just verbal, agreement so that if she didn't pay the full amount owed by a certain date then you could take her to court. Though that is a lot of hassle. Hopefully this woman will come to her senses and start paying you something. It sounds like you are willing to work out a solution for both of you and she should be grateful for that.
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@happythoughts (4109)
• United States
18 Jan 08
I would talk to her and explain that some of the money she is paying you goes to taking care of her kids and it needs to be payed right away. Tell her that you have bills to and ask her if she has a plan for paying you back. If she has a plan or makes payment arrangements I would give her a chance to make it right with you. Otherwise I guess she shoud find a new sitter.

@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
19 Jan 08
Thanx all for your thoughts. I told her she has to pay me at least half or I cant watch the kids anymore. Now she seems to be able to come up with some of it on Wed. Well see what happens with that. I have bills due I need the cash. Thats why I babysit. Its how I pay my bills. If she can come up with half I will let her pay me so much a week so long as she pays.

@eden32 (3973)
• United States
20 Jan 08
Do you have a contract with your clients? You should spell out clearly when payment is due and any grace period you allow. At this point I'd tell her to catch up and that she'll have to pre-pay future services if she wants to continue to your services.
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@drmala (26)
• United States
18 Jan 08
i m sorry to hear this but as far as this situation is concerned u should tell her directly that look i am also running a daycare and i devote my time and committed to your children , and i shoud be paid for it .tell her i do understand that your support check hasnt come but tell her she should try to keep giving money atleast by installments - that seems better idea .
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@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
19 Jan 08
Its like she dosent get it. I am like a "mom" to these kids when they are here. I protect them from getting hurt, I feed them, I Love them. I told her to pay up or im done and now she says she will have money wed. I sure hope so. She atleast needs to make an effort to pay. Something is better than nothing. Thanx!
@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
19 Jan 08
I also wanted to say WELCOME to MyLot! I see you are new. I hope you like it here and we hear more from you! If you need help just ask. Happy MyLotting!
@jillbeth (2705)
• United States
18 Jan 08
You are running a business and have a right to expect payment for your services! I would give her a deadline by which you must be paid and if she doesn't pay up you should tell her that you can't watch her kids after that date. It would be nice of you to give her a little advance notice so she can find someone else (who she probably won't pay either)! People can only take advantage of us as long as we let them.
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@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
19 Jan 08
I told her today was the last day and that I wouldnt do it again till I was payed. She now says oh well Ill have most of your money on Wed. I guess we will see what happens wed. Thanx for the advice.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
18 Jan 08
I would explain to her that until I was paid for watching her girls, she is going to have to find someone else to watch them. She should be able to give you something, maybe not all of it, but some. You are doing a job, just like her, and she would not go to work and not get a paycheck and you do not intend to either.
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@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
19 Jan 08
Thats the thing. She dosent have a job. She is going looking and doing interviews but no luck yet. But I do know the husband works sooo theres some money coming in. Hell Id be happy with 40 a week for now. Something to show shes trying. Thanx!
@drknlvly6781 (6246)
• United States
18 Jan 08
I would tell her straight out that I am not babysitting anymore until I get paid. I would tell her that I need the whole amount at first, but if she shows some good faith in trying to pay, I would take payment. Something is better than nothing at all. But I wouldn't watch her kids again, until I got that something.
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@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
19 Jan 08
Thats what I thought. She could atleast make an effort to pay me part of what she owes. Would show she isnt just taking advantage of me. Thanx!
@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
19 Jan 08
How old were the girls? If they are of reasonable age, perhaps it would be fair to leave them to their own means. If they are still young, I guess I would not have the heart to turn them away even though I need the money. Perhaps I may negotiate with the mother telling her of my dilema and that I might not be able to continue helping her after maybe another 2 weeks unless she pays up.
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@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
20 Jan 08
They are 2 and 1. They need a constant eye. I dont want to turn them away. But she needs to pay. I told her I was done till she payed me half and now she says she will pay on wed. I hope so.
@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
19 Jan 08
Good Morning Copper.....you know what I don't get?.
Why do some people think that other people don't have rent to pay, bills to pay, gas and maintenance for the car, food for the table, utilities to pay, etc., etc.
How selfish they are to think they are the only one's living this life with hard times. Give me a break, I can't stand people like that.
It's one thing to help someone out, and I'm all for that. But taking advantage and counting on a support check are absurd. She should have explained that to you in the beginning and been honest about the support check. Those are never a sure thing but you might have given her a break.
She could have at least given you SOMETHING which I'm sure would have made you feel a little better. She just sounds like a leech and probably does it to every baby sitter she's had. Half would help right now, otherwise, by by.
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@lilybug (21107)
• United States
18 Jan 08
This is exactly why several of the daycares that my son when to made you pay on Monday morning when you dropped your kids off for the current week. That way they had the money at the beginning of the week and did not have to worry about not getting paid like you are. I would give her a set amount of time to get caught up, or find a new daycare. You could be making money watching someone else's kids.
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@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
19 Jan 08
I have people pay me on fridays when they get payed either every week or two weeks. They have always payed and I havent had a problem. I told her im done watching the girls untill she pays atleast half of what she owes. Now she says she will have most of it on wed. I hope so!
@neelygal (1022)
• Bahamas
18 Jan 08
Wel,I would tell the lady that either she pay up or she would have to find someone else to take care of her kids or take care of them herselfI ean if you dont put a stop to it now then she will think that she can ust keep on getting away with it repeatedly.Have you asked her about it?What did she say?If the other parnts are paying I would just tell her that I had to stop watching her kids and look for new kids with paying parents.
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@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
19 Jan 08
I asked when she was going to pay and she keeps saying as soon as this check gets here or as soon as this guy pays rent...Bla Bla Bla...A bunch of excuses. I did tell her that today was the last day im watching them without payment. She now says oh well Ill have most of it for you on Wed. Ya well see.
@shymurl (2765)
• United States
18 Jan 08
I would do just that. Tell her she has to pay. That happened to me before I was watching 2 kids overnight. The mother would drop them off around 5 or so and say she would pick them up the following morning at 8. Sometimes she wouldn't get there until noon. and not even call to say she would be late. I was trying to potty train her daughter which was 4 at the time. I didn't mind helping out cause I felt sorry for the kids but enough was enough. I had two of my own at the time as well. So I told her I couldn't watch them until she paid. Unfortunately she found someone else. Oh well. You hope for the best and move on from there.
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@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
19 Jan 08
Same situation Im in. Im potty trainning and bottle braking the 2 year old. They show up and are here for 18-20 hours at a time. She does call most of the time though with an excuse of course. I told her she had to pay and now all of a sudden she will have money for me on Wed. Cross your fingers for me! Hope she pays. I really like the girls and would hate to losse them over something so stupid.
@SViswan (12051)
• India
23 Jan 08
I'd tell her that I can't watch her kids till she pays because I need the money too. I can't be watching her kids when I'm not getting paid for it. I would probably be able to watch other kids whose parents will pay and then I can pay my bills.
If she's having problems and you are a friend too...then maybe you can do it as a favour for her till she gets the money to pay you back. But from the post I don't think that's the case. And it also seems like you need the money and can't afford to watch the kids unless you get paid.
The only way is to tell her so.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
22 Jan 08
Two weeks is a long time without being paid. I wouldn't babysit for her anymore as two weeks will turn into three, then a month and then you are left out in the cold. I feel sorry for her and her children but you are doing her a service and its your home business. I would call it quits with her sorry to say or do what you suggested and ask for half today and the rest with any addition in two weeks time - set a date and have her sign something. If she doesn't pay up then no more daycare service for her.
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@crazylady (470)
• United States
21 Jan 08
I have BTDT (been there done that) in the past and you are not going to get anywhere being Mr NiceGuy (or Mrs). She has probably promised everyone this money and you have no guarantee she will get it. As much as you may love her kids, this is a business arrangement. If you don't have the back money by Monday morning, do not bring the kids to me. And then go to small claims court (or Judge Judy) for the past money's owed you. IF she is low income the state has childcare assistance out there for her. Don't make her problem your problem.
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@irishmist (3814)
• United States
22 Jan 08
I would tell her straight up. Look you have a job and expect to get paid every week. You need your money as well. Once in awhile I can possibly see getting a little behind, but not all the time. I would just put her on the spot and say you can't watch her kids anymore, and see what she says.
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@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
21 Jan 08
It certainly sounds to me like she may be using you...I agree that you should confront her and let her know how you feel...I could not come up with 225 dollars at one time...If she isn't working I don't know how she is going to pay you...Just tell her how you feel and I am sure all will work out...
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@prettygirl_80650 (306)
• United States
22 Jan 08
i have been in this position before and heres what i have done. I kept watching the children . Why because i know im a good person who can teach them things they need to know I dont hit i dont hollar i dont abuse. It seems the mother is in very hard times and when you are in that position you tend to think of sollutions to problems hastly thus she can be puting her inocent children in harms way (i wouldnt like to have that on my conscience). I kept a record book of what was owed and gave the mother a tally every week. When she or you terminates the child care then i would ask for the rest of the shorted money to be paid with in a certain amount of time, and should she not pay in the alotted time tell her you will take her to court for services not paid for. By then you will have a leg to stand on more so then just the 225 she owes you now.
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