Do you think people should have two cell phones always?
@roshnichaudhary (1160)
United States
19 responses
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
19 Jan 08
I don't see why most people need a cell phone at all in the first place! It is just another expense, another money grabbing monster, another thing to "do" instead of dealing with the things you need to do. I don't see why people think they need to be accessible 24/7/365. Sorry, other than a doctor, no one is that important. And 99% of all calls are not important or necessary enough that they can't wait till you get home and check your mesages. So to think someone needs 2 incase one's battery fails, how stupid is that?!! why not just carry extra batteries? or better yet, tell them "I'll call you when I get home" and pay attention to what you are supposed to be doing and not yaking on the phone!
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@mehale (2200)
• United States
19 Jan 08
Well, we drive a truck cross country, and that is how we stay in touch with our family, contact shippers and receivers, contact our company and dispatch. It is a lot cheaper and easier than having to use calling cards and pay phones to do so. It makes our life a lot easier as most people we have contact with, we do so by phone.
@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
19 Jan 08
Coffeebreak, you rock! I could not agree with your sentiments more. The number of people going through life with a cellphone glued to their ear is nuts. Hang up the cell and pay attention to what is happening around you right here!
My favorite button on the cell phone is the one I aim for when I am swinging the five pound hammer.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
20 Jan 08
We sure did raise our kids just fine without them, didn't we! And working full time nda them in different schools all the time. But you truckers and one the road people - that isa different story - you guys need them and i am sure they are a "god send" to you! That is different. A cell is a necessity to you guys. But just people around day to day etc, come on, they don't need them, And then you hear on the news and place about all the high high bills and the whining and complaininga bout the kids running the bills up and "surprise" bills at the end of the month - give me a break. If you don't want to get fried, either make sure you turn that tortilla or get out of that frying pan!

@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
19 Jan 08
I confess that I do actually have a cell phone, but I hardly ever use it as I find it mostly unnecessary. I don't feel the need to constantly be in contact with everyone I know. Most conversations can wait until I am home. I find people using cell phones everywhere very annoying! Hang it up and pay attention to what is happening around you! Watch out for that kid on the bicycle you almost hit because you were too busy talking or texting on it! Focus on driving if you are operating a vehicle! No time for the cell there!
When was the last time you bumped into someone on the sidewalk because either you the other person were distracted by it? Ever been near someone at a restaurant who won't stop talking loudly on their cell making it impossible for you to carry on a conversation with the people at your table or booth? How about those morons at the theater or meeting who didn't turn off their cell and thus disrupt everyone else when a call comes in! I find these noisy/ringing devices so very very annoying I just want to destroy them all!
Now even though I admit that I do actually have one I barely ever use it. I do like the fact that it is quiet enough that I often don't even hear it ring. I pay a whooping eighty dollars a year for it!
Now because man has so embraced these portable transceivers we have all those ugly cell towers dotting the land and destroying the natural beauty of Gods good earth. Telephone poles and power lines are more then enough thanks!
I realize I am very much in the minority with this but the more cells have invaded our lives the more I have learned to hate them. If you will entertain further response about cell phones... I posted this in a discussion "Could you live without your cell phone?"
News flash. You are not going to die without a cellular phone! Your dependence on it is all in your head. You don't have to always be seconds away from talking to everyone you know.
Most people talking on cell phones don't actually have anything really IMPORTANT to say. Everyone thinks that they do but if they knew the truth they might find what they have to say is really only important to them. Not always, but more often then not.
Most conversations could actually wait until you can actually tell the person you want to talk to in person.
People in the store who can't seem to buy anything before checking with the person who they love. Talk about insecure! Can't remember everything you came to buy? Make an old fashioned list. Probably takes less time then making the call.
I can't begin to count the times I have had close encounters with other drivers who instead of focusing on their driving instead are texting or dialing or conversing with someone they could wait till they got home to talk to!
How about the folks in the next booth at the restaurant who keep talking louder and louder on their cell because you have to do the same to be heard by the people AT YOUR TABLE?! Then they get all bent because you are interfering with their phone conversation. *sheeez
The Zagat restaurant guide reports that cell phone rudeness is now the number one complaint of diners, and USA Today notes that “fifty-nine percent of people would rather visit the dentist than sit next to someone using a cell phone.”
How many times have you collided into someone who was preoccupied with their phone instead of watching where they are walking?
I’ve listened to strangers discuss in excruciating detail their own and others’ embarrassing medical conditions.
In the past few years alone, men and women have been stabbed, escorted off of airplanes by federal marshals, pepper-sprayed in movie theaters, ejected from concert halls, and deliberately rammed with cars as a result of their bad behavior on their cell phones.
With phones ringing in movies, weddings and classrooms, it's no wonder people want to tone down the intrusion. So what legally can be done to stop annoying cell-phone use?
The cellular phone is convenient but not required. If on the road I pull over and stop somewhere before using it.
Join the smokers outside the building if you need to shout into your phone. Don't be so rude.
There now I feel a little better.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
20 Jan 08
I am clapping and giving you a standing ovation! I have one but only cuase my daughter pur me on her family plan so I'd have one when I keep her daughter - for emergencies. If I have a flat tire with the child (or even by myself!) or something like that. Other than that, I don't use it - oh, I do use the alarm on it in the mornings when I have to get up at a certain time! Only other time I use it is on free weekends and I can call long distance to my family and friends out of state for free. However, since I changed my landline - I have that free time ALL the time and can call long distance anytime for free so there goes that reason! Will let you know when I stop applauding!
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@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
20 Jan 08
Thank you so much for your approval Coffeebreak! It really feels good that I am not alone in this. I assume that eventually I will start to get over my attitude about cell phone use but until then at least I know there are some who feel as I do about the vast majority who use cellular phones extensively. I just need to learn to adjust till I no longer experience animosity toward others just because they use their cell phones in public.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
20 Jan 08
Well here's a question that is buggin me....when does it stop? Why just 2 phones? WHy not four? I mean batteries are unperdictable, they could go out on both those phones! Then what are you going to do? And if you charge 2, why not charge 4 and carry all four everywhere you go - you have them for the "just in case" reason in the first place, well, just in case the 2 die, you'd have 2 more to, hopefully, tide you over until you can get new batteries. And what about those batteries? How many of those do you carry? You can use cell 1 and it die and then use cell 2 and it die - and if you have batteries, you can replace them, but if you dont' - you're incommunicado! And since the point of having the phones in the first place is to be accessible 24/7/365....what about that saying -"better safe than sorry". And in the words of the mechanic on that hilarious movie " Long Long Trailer" with Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz, as the mehcanic throws in a huge chunk of rope and when Nicky asks "whats that for?" and the mechanic says "Just in case". and Nicky says "in case of what?" and the mechainc says "just in case". Four cell phones and batteries for each- just in case!!
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@piatos03 (393)
• Philippines
19 Jan 08
Most of my friends use two cellphones always. We use two different sim cards. One is for our family and close relatives while the other we use for friends only. There is a distinction between the two because the family sim is being paid every month by our parents while the friends sim is an unlimited card which we use. We like to always keep in touch either by a voice call or text messaging and the sun cellular sim offers that.
It's actually pretty cool because whenever we lose battery, we can just switch the sim cards into different cell phones if we need to. But sometimes it also gets tedious, especially when we don't want to carry bags and have to keep them both in our pockets.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
20 Jan 08
But why do you need to be that accessible? I can understand one for emergencies - just keep it in the bottom of your purse or something, but to be constantly on the phone, accessible to so many, good grief, if they don't call you, you call them - when do either of you have time for anything else, including yourself?
@johnrp (69)
• United States
20 Jan 08
I can't imagine why anybody would need two cellular phones, unless a person was going on a long drive by oneself under potentially dangerous conditions, say through a desert or through mountains in winter. But then maybe in remote places a cellular phone wouldn't work anyhow!
I overhear lots of people conversing on their cellular phones, and believe me their conversations are usually stupid and unnecessary.
@theproperator (2429)
• United States
19 Jan 08
No, that would be silly. Far cheaper to just keep an eye on the charge and plug it in when necessary. Carrying two would be wastful and a bit silly.
@mehale (2200)
• United States
19 Jan 08
My husband and I each have our own cell phones, but we only have one each. This is usually enough, though once in a while we will use the other's phone due to low batteries. We drive a truck team, and have two phones so that when one of us is in the truck and the other is in a truckstop or whatnot, we can still get in touch if necessary.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
20 Jan 08
Well, that's different. A Cell phone is a necessity to you guys just to stay in touch with your families, not to mention work contacts. That is totally a good thing to have - I remember having to search for a pay phone - and always kept a dime in my wallet. But these days, if you can even find one, they are really crummy. But you guys need them. That is totally understandable and I am glad you guys and all truckers have that commodity.
@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
19 Jan 08
I think only very busy people *may* wish to have more than 1 cell phone.
It may just be that they wish to have a private line for their friends. This would be acceptable.
Otherwise, just remember to charge your phone lol... or alternatively, have a charged backup battery. You don't need 2 phones - just an extra battery. :)
@nayanmange (148)
• India
19 Jan 08
Not necessary. You can have a spare charged battery with you. And when the need comes, replace it. Shouldn't take more than 2 minutes.
@darkangel079 (1488)
• United States
20 Jan 08
It all depends on the person why they carry two cell phones. People I've known carry two cell phones because for one they multi-task - having one cell phone they use for their work or business and the other cell phone to keep in contact with friends and families. That is a great combination and it's always best to do that not to interfere mixing both family and business in one cell phone.
@xoxoaisha (82)
• Philippines
19 Jan 08
I don't think that is a need, If you charge regularly, having one cellphone is enough. I actually have two mobile phones, just incase things like that happens, or if the other phone has no signal, then I'll use the other phone that I have. It really depends on the person that owns the phone.
@maggiemoon (487)
• China
19 Jan 08
surely no!
there are two situation I think
first they are business needed or something like this,which offer them double identities.
second they feel guilty in some way and be afraid of making direct interview at any other words ,they need time to make their lie.
@retrac1324 (227)
• United States
19 Jan 08
No, you might as well have one cell phone and two batteries (spare internal or an external charger with built in lithium ion battery).