operating system

January 19, 2008 7:33am CST
recently i have been pondering to accept the change from windows to linux...so i used the wonderful weapon ever created to get my answer,web.. seems lot of people are facing the same question.. they said linux is hard to use.. they said windows is hard to maintain as i am a student ,having hands-on with both os will b useful.. sothis looked like i found an answer but the transformation from windows to linux iwas harder than expected... got to wait till i get command over command(oops!!..sorry..terminal.)
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4 responses
@santuccie (3384)
• United States
10 Apr 08
Some Linux distros are getting easier to use, though still not as easy as Windows. A bigger problem is that not all distros will run on all hardware. I've downloaded over 12 different distros, only three of which will boot on my AMD64 laptop, and only one of which partially recognizes the WiFi chip (it still can't get online with it, though). Mandriva is my favorite distro, but it's no replacement for Windows.
@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
27 Feb 08
I use both Windows and Linux, with Mandriva being my favourite Linux distribution so far. Linux is very user friendly these days and the majority of tasks can be accomplished via the GUI much the same as in Windows, although as you pointed out there are still occasions were comaand line is required. Of course, with the system being so user friendly it is easy to use Linux and gradually develop a familiarity with the use of terminals. I also agree that it is very useful to have a basic working knowledge of both.
• United States
22 Jan 08
I have experimented with Linux. A popular and easy to install distro is Ubuntu. It is very much like windows. Uploading and installing software packages is not hard. There is not much need to use the terminal - but it is there for you to learn with. Xubuntu is good for older, slow computer cpus.
@vivibela (19)
• India
8 Feb 08
windows xp is very easy to use for everybody but linux is some difficult to use,in linux there they use commands,there is securitry is very high,so it very useful for internet servers,and file server i like fedora, i know some commands in it,now i m studying this in home, i m hardware and network student,sao i m trying my best to study it