Christians can you tell me...
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
United States
January 20, 2008 12:38pm CST
why is it so important to believe in the Virgin birth? Or that Jesus didn't marry?Or that He had siblings or not?I am not trying to disrespect your beliefs I just really don't understand.Isn't His messages that are more important?
I believe that everything they say He did and said is true but I don't care if the story of His family life is true or not.Why would His family change the meaning of His teachings?I don't call myself a Christian because I do believe He is/was what He said but I can't follow His teachings so I am Jewish instead. So I don't understand why His background means so much. Please help. Thanks.
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15 responses
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
21 Jan 08
Ok I'm not Christian either, and this is one of the reasons. It doesn't make a lot of sense unless you believe the Roman Catholic Church.Why for God's sake would it be important? Its just another dogmatic Catholic teaching. Perhaps I'll turn Jewish too! God Bless!
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
21 Jan 08
I couldn't be Catholic.Too many rules that you can't question.To become Jewish you have to look at Jesus as just a teacher , not as The Messiah.If you can do that, welcome aboard.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
21 Jan 08
In a way I feel the same - why does his background matter? I have heard bits and pieces of his background 'issues" but that is as far as I let it goes. I believe what the bible says and if I find where the bible says he was married, I will then believe it. When I find where it says all these things they are "claiming", I'll believe them. They have found to many things from "bible days", the ark, and things like that, found all kinds of things deeming the biblical truth. But in the end, everyone chooses what they want to believe and what they don't want to believe. And I think that is where it should end. Share your faith and beliefs, but since not everyone knows every single thing about every other faith, no one has the right to degrade another faith. If you know yours inside and out, then preach it. But don't put down others. There are going to be people of a lot of faiths up there in heaven. And alot of those who think they are at the right hand of God down here, are not going to be there. IT's God's choice who goes. Everyone will answer to him and he is the one to make final judgement. Not us and not down here. And seems what htey are "accussing" Jesus of doing is something Jesus encourages us to do or is the way we should be, so where's the problem?
And I started to look into it, but then didn't want to waste my time, but those that are doing all these accusations of questioning his background - who are they? Are they real christians or non-believers in God or anything else? Are they this faith or some other faith and they are just trying to put down christianity so as to boost their own faith?
And I end with - why do people these days have such a huge urge to destroy history? It can't be changed, and proving a difference isn't going to help anyone in anyway - it just spends alot of money to hopefully approve this or that didn't happen or wasn't as we have believed. So what? We can't take what we know today and use it to replay history for a different result. "If we had known then what we know now, things would have been differnet" they say. Well, yeah it would have been diferent but so what? We didn't know then what we know now, so why tear apart the history that made us what we are today just because we can? I have heard often that if the south had taken todays knowledge and done this, that and the other, the South would have won the Civil War. So what? They did what they knew to do at the time, not 200 years in the future and both sides did what they knew to do at the time.
Okay, off my soap box, I just get tired of people destroying history...just because they can. And working so hard to prove someone or something wrong...just because they can. I get tired of people tearing other peoples lives apart, just cause they can.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
21 Jan 08
I hope you didn't think I was trying to destroy Christian history. I was just curious why Jesus family history was so important.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
21 Jan 08
Oh, heck no! I ask that same question! Why? What difference does it make? It really aggrivates me to hear people trying to destroy history for no other reason but that they can. It is done and over and can't be changed, so believe what you chose to believe and leave it at that! And not only for christianity, for so many other things too! And thing is, we are supposed to learn from our mistakes and try not to make them again. These people only want to tell you how wrong life has been, they don't do anything to use that to make a better future - they just make sure everyone knows the past is not what they thought---nanner, nanner, nanner! If these history crushers would spend their time and effort and moeny on things about today that would effect a better future, why not do that instead of trashing the past? You can't change the past! Move on in life and work for a better future. I still watch for a good answer to your question!
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@erminiasanjose (1588)
• Philippines
21 Jan 08
The birth of a child by a young woman or virgin was prophesied in the Old Testament and that shows its importance that such prophecy was fulfilled in the birth of the Christ through Mary who was a virgin betrothed to Joseph. For me it is only a proof of the prophecy and the child was to be what he was as prophesied also in so many verses in the Old Testament.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
21 Jan 08
So it is His link to the Old Testament. Thank you.
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@urbandekay (18278)
21 Jan 08
What makes Jesus important, unique even is not his virgin birth. That and fulfilling the other prophesies is only important in identifying him.
What is important is not just his teaching, though, despite translation they come down the centuries clearly, but that his life is totally authentic, that is he practised what he preached, in a way no one else has done and that his life is sacrificed in the greatest act of love imaginable.
all the best urban
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
3 Feb 08
I guess I am not Christian material because the one thing that takes away the hurt for me is good revenge.And if I was with Jesus and saw the Romans kill him, I would be try to kill some Romans.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
21 Jan 08
I large hint is well written on response #6.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
22 Jan 08
Annie, the freedom to ask why and not being excommunicated for it is one of the reasons I am Jewish. The other is that I could Never love my enemies. With those two, I knew I could never be a good Christian. And when I learned that in the Jewish faith you are encouraged to question the Torah, Old Testament, I knew I found the religion for me. I am so sorry to hear about your loses.I hope everything is better now.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
3 Feb 08
I would have been livid with that person.What a stupid and unfeeling thing to say. Besides the music, the freedom to question was the main thing that attracted me to Judaism.
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@adrenalyne_rush (126)
• Philippines
21 Jan 08
for me it's not important either. what's important is to learn His teachings and apply it in everyday life. it's some people's nature to create stories and my answer to them is, "so what?".
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
22 Jan 08
I agree. It is the message that counts, not the background of the messenger.
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@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
21 Jan 08
being someone from another religion, I don’t have any first-hand knowledge of Christianity. Even then (in the hope that that there are many liberal believers here) I would like to state that I find the very concept of a Virgin Mary very surprising. If Joseph and Mary are human and so is Jesus, then how can Mary be a virgin after she has given birth? Or does Christianity point towards artificial insemination and C-section even in those times? And why are all religions more concerned in projecting their prophets as celibate saints? Don’t you think it’s a disrespect to women in the sense that women and religion don’t go together?
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
22 Jan 08
It isn't disrespectful if the religion is meant for men only.
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@gbolly54 (661)
• Nigeria
21 Jan 08
Nice topic! To me, Muhammed of Islam is not belittled by being human. Ditto Moses, Joseph, Abraham, etc. Their teachings and ways of life attested to their purity. I think all the myths woven around Jesus were meant to serve some mundane purpose(s). To me, Adam was even more miraculous in origin than Jesus. Why the fuss then about somebody being born of a "virgin", which could have even been stage-managed? Even in our contemporary world, we hear of some women being s*xed in their sleep by some spirits. Wouldn't such matings have produced some miraculous babies unnoticed?
The novel, "Da Vinci", threw some light on this matter, eventhough many people would not believe it. The CNN recently also revisited the issue as raised in Da Vinci, with an indication that the novel had some credibility.
I am not a christian, but I love Jesus for his teachings and pure ways of life. I even feel that he was greater than the prophet of my own religion. However, I believe that he was just human, a special human, but not a god to be worshipped.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
22 Jan 08
Wow.I believe He was human and Divine for some.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
21 Jan 08
I an Jewish and I believe the same thing.One Being, many names.
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@thanks2jesus4ever (76)
• United States
22 Jan 08
There are 2 aspects to consider; one- every person on this Earth either does or does not believe in this or that, if someone does NOT believe in something why discuss it if it does not change an opinion- those of us who do believe will simply continue believing and pray for those that don't- two- it is madated unvoluntarily to each one that attends school of the history, lives and sometimes bit by bit occurrences in just our presidents not to mention thousands of countless others - what more beauty and love to reveal the life and times of our precious Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It IS important to know that HE was not married because it would contradict the very BOOK that Christians believe in..the Holy Bible. It states that Christ when He was on this Earth knew NO sin - and I believe this. Now there are MANY who believe in many different things..but whatever this may be EACH "thing" has its past, history, statistics and basis for the belief. If you are NONChristian then why ponder thinking on it anyway. There will come a day, soon I believe, when ALL will have the opportunity to express themselves before HIM. God bless. (Oh, and by the way, Jewish people are God's chosen people and they are quite devoted in prayer and loyalty- the ones who are REAL). Thanks.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
22 Jan 08
Just because I am not Christian doesn't mean I am going to just ignore Jesus. I like to learn about all religions.Question. Why would having kids be considered sinful?Aren't kids a blessing?
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@jahjahlives7 (77)
• United States
22 Jan 08
Christians dont follow Jesus they follow Paul. Christians are more confused then they even know. If christians are so saved why does it say that few will make it? There sure are alot of christians. I believe chirstianty is used for brainwashing and to make everyone lawless. Tell me some of the laws of Moses that Christians practice? Why dont they? Oh because of Paul. Oh didnt Christ say that we are under every law untill heaven or earth passes away? Oh you must be another Christian that actullay believes Paul has the new authority over Chirst. You are worng. Paul has nothing on Christ and is no more then the false apostle out of Ephesus. ACTS CH19 Rev ch2 vs 2. Read it and weep christianity and Paul are exposed. MMatt ch 23 We are all brethrens and not all the jobs Paul gave us. Paul goes directly against the teahing all the time. Read Matt ch 23 and see. Paul tells us we have 5 jobs with God. Jesus forbids us calling ourselves anything in matt ch 23. Christians are decieved
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
21 Jan 08
Here's a comparision for the exact same issue:
You love your family. But if you did a geneology background and traced your family tree and found, albeit distantly, that you are descendants of a really horrible person in history past, will that make you think you are horrible or your parents are horrible or anyone else in your family is disgusting? WOuld it make you love your family members less now that you know you are all descendants from a horrible person way back when? If a great great great great great grandparent was found out to be a major killer or something or hey, point blank - what if you found out you were related to Hitler? Would that change how you feel about all the family members since then? would it make you not believe in your family any more? Of course not. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. Other times, what difference does it make?
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@pastorkayte (2255)
• United States
27 Jan 08
The importance of the virgin birth is to know that Jesus was born without sin, it is important to also know that the power of God was in the process alone and that the hand of man was not present. Also it is part of the prophesy that the seed of the woman would stamp out the seed of the serpent as seen in Genesis. The seed of a woman means not born of man's seed or without man.
Another thing is to let you know that Jesus lived a simple life, not just some rich kid running around saying he is the messiah.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
28 Jan 08
I didn't think He was cruising in a fancy chariot.. Thanks for explaining the Virgin birth. I think I get it now.
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@genie82 (65)
• Philippines
21 Jan 08
i cant answer your question. but as a concern Christian to my fellowmen, i would like to help you answer all the questions regarding faith or anything about Jesus through the help of Bro. Eli Soriano. Pls visit his website i am very sure that all the questions in your mind regarding faith and religion is 100% answered.
pls try and visit... thanks!