I lost my job...

@ky1119 (698)
United States
January 20, 2008 4:54pm CST
Well, it happened. I lost my job. I was fired on Thursday the 17th. My husband says it's because I'm a workmans comp liability. After having witnessed my bosses murder, I desperately need counseling to begin the healing process. The owners of the company I worked for wouldn't pay for it. Out of the blue on Thursday, the new district manager came in and told me that they couldn't pay me anymore because they weren't doing enough business to justify keeping two people in the store that I have been working in. (my store closed when my boss was killed) The termination paper is marked eligible for rehire and he told me that I was welcome to come back if they opened another store. The next day I received a phone call from employees from another location. They told me that within minutes of my leaving they had a help wanted sign up, but not to tell that they told me because they were told not to. So, Friday morning I went and updated with the temp agency, I applied for a couple of other jobs and registered for unemployment benefits. I also went and took pictures of the help wanted sign. I'm just really upset. I never missed work until the tragedy with my boss. I worked my tail off for them and this is the thanks that I get? I guess I'm going to be posting a lot more here and I'm looking for any other opportunity to make a little extra money, so any of your ideas are welcome!!
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14 responses
• United States
20 Jan 08
Hi Ky1119, I'm sorry you lost your job. And right after the holidays too. As for a job, check with the job service location in your area too, they get calls from employers when they need help. You mentioned you could use extra money. I have a list of companies that you can work from home with. I work from home and get paid. I could make more working out side my home but I only want to work the hours my daughter is in school. I created a blog with the companies listed. Some you work as an employees others as an independent contractor. You wont get rich but they do pay. Most seem to pay about 8.00 per hour, some higher and some minimum wage. Check it out and let me know what you think. I hope it helps. Good luck. http://lifesrockyroad.blogspot.com/ you might have to copy and paste that in your browser. I'm not very computer savvy.
@ky1119 (698)
• United States
20 Jan 08
It loaded just fine. :) Thanks for the link, it looks very informative. I'm going to be spending a lot of time on your blog. :)
• United States
20 Jan 08
Thanks, I have more to add so check back. I hope the site helps. I'm not a writer so it's pretty basic. Nothing high tech or creatively written but that wasn't what I was shooting for anyway. If you apply to any of them let me know. Some take a while to respond and some hire in specific states. It's all a work in progress when I get time. You can email me at that site too. Let me know how things are going in your search.
@lightningd (1039)
• United States
20 Jan 08
That sounds like wrongfull termination to me. I'd take the pictures to an attorney. Can you get fellow employees to make statements as to what they were told? I'd be taking that up with an attorney if I were you. As far as you being a workman's comp liability, well, they've just opened themselves up for a good lawsuit. I wouldnt' stand for it. Hang on to that letter that says you are eligible for rehire, as that could be valuable in court. They can't claim that they fired you for other reasons. Just my two cents.
@ky1119 (698)
• United States
20 Jan 08
I've already spoken with an attorney and sent him the pictures. Hopefully the company will learn that they can't get away with being unfair.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
21 Jan 08
wow, i am so sorry for you! is there no legal action that you can take against these people? did you consult a lawyer? take care of you...
@danzer (2723)
• Philippines
21 Jan 08
That's the reality that can happen to anyone out there. Since you have some working experience, why not use it to your advantage instead of running looking for a job and work for somebody for your entire life. You can actually start your own business and be your own boss. But you need to calm down and think, think again, and think again. Your actions today may answer your financial problems in the short-term. You might be scammed and lose some of your savings. But to I hope you get patient and devise a plan for a long term.
@luanakent (794)
• Brazil
21 Jan 08
paid they all your rights? What you think about to ask(quietly) to they written reason for you to have lost jobs? Thus may be that if they do not return to employment, maybe they pay a little more for you be satisfied. At the beginning i thought they were really in trouble but you say that they are employing another person .... But..also..who knows is not a change for the better? Talk to God in prayer and put this case on hands Him. Do you read my post " i win"??.if not.._Read!! Placed there 2 links from sites that i sure pay honestly. I have more links but i am looking at almost 1 year before to send to friends. I hope you can a good job. God bless.
• United States
21 Jan 08
well i never had a job so can knoe wat it fill like
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
21 Jan 08
If I was you I would be up in arms. I would have been down to the unemployment agency that day filing paper work. I would have also call a lawyer. I bet you could easily sure the company you were working for for an unfair firing.
@nangel78 (1454)
• United States
21 Jan 08
Hope the attorney works out for you. Sounds like a wrongful termination to me as well. I was let go from a job three years ago and got unemployment through the state while I looked. Is that something you could look into as well?
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
21 Jan 08
that's just bad, the whole thing. your boss got killed, you lost your job, and that they put a sign wanting to hire someone else after telling you they don't make enough money to keep two people? I hop I can help you, but all i got is moneymaking sites on my blog, on my profile. No money needed for you to join, but without referrals, you will be earning pocket money, not enough to pay $ 1200 mortgage monthly (for example)
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
20 Jan 08
I am so sorry this happened to you! Talk about adding insult to injury! I just hope things get better!
@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
21 Jan 08
Well if I were you and you got a picture of the sign and if you can get some statements from the people that called you I would sue the company for what I could have made for the nextfive years and then on top of that I'd sue them to take care of my post traumatic stress from seeing my boss murdered and guess what you'd win. So I wouldn't be looking until after I meet with a lawyer and got this filed.. Because you really need to do that.
@mandy_27 (67)
• Australia
21 Jan 08
Sorry to hear that you lost your job. The whole situation doesnt sound very good. they have not done the right thing by you. sorry also that you saw your boss get killed,I think I would need counseling after that. Have you told the unempolyment benefits department about the situation? You sould see if you can get some counseling through there and it shouldn't cost you anything. good luck with it all, hope you find another job...
21 Jan 08
Hi, What an awful way to be treated by your former employer(Quite honestly your probably better off out of that company). But I am sorry that you were treated in such a shoddy way...I dont know what country you're in,and how long you worked for the company,but maybe you should find out if you can at least claim some kind of compensation from the company if you feel you have been treated unfairly...Anyway I hope you find another job soon. all the best.
• India
21 Jan 08
My appreciation to you that you are work oriented.one should have that goodthing.Don't worry lot of resources are there.Sticking one place is not appreciable with god also.We should learn different aspects in life.see following links for online money. http://onlinemoney-jenya.blogspot.com