To Spank or Not to Spank. That is the Question...
By 34momma
@34momma (13882)
United States
22 responses
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
21 Jan 08
I believe it is okay to spank a child lightly when they are old enough to be able to understand that they got that little tap on the back side for doing something wrong. I was spanked when I was little and I have also spanked my daughter a few times when she was little. I think i hurt her heart more than the tap hurt her little butt, LOL.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
21 Jan 08
I have spanked my boys when they were little also. my 3 year old is at the point where she is testing the waters now. and I think she is ready for a little spanking on the backside. I was spanked maybe twice as a child. I was a good girl who just did not like to get in trouble. besides, my brother got in trouble for the both us
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
21 Jan 08
I was a good girl too but there were 4 of us girls in the home and it seemed that every time one got in trouble, we all got spanked for it. All of us girls were fairly good. I think mom just liked to show she had the upper hand at all times.
My dad only spanked me one time and he cried. He spanked me because I crossed the street to go to the neighbors and the dog crossed over with me even though I told it to stay. I bet my mom told him to do it.
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@tamararacine (268)
• United States
21 Jan 08
Well I was a little more than spanked when I was a kid..but then it wasn't
"unacceptable" to take a belt to your child..The worse was kneeling in the corner on a piece of cardboard with rice on it...AWWWW after a little bit you could feel every grain of rice in your knee :(
I do spank my children, when they need it. But, there is a big difference between spanking and beating.
My oldest I only spanked him once when he was 3 or 4, and he asked me why I tell him not to hit if I hit never did that again!
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@tamararacine (268)
• United States
21 Jan 08
Ohhhh it was only a couple of times and to think now boy did I deserve it!!! I was a very, shall we say, rebellious child!!!
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@melissa929 (12)
• United States
21 Jan 08
ouch.....I have a friend how had to do the rice thing but with books in each hand
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
21 Jan 08
I wouldn't say I've NEVER spanked my son...but it's not often that I do.
The first time I spanked him was when he was 5. He usually gets spanked when he is pushing his limits and after being warned repeatedly. It's never done when I am already angry (I prefer to remove myself then). He's 7 now and I must have spanked him 3 times in 2 years.
I was spanked when I was little. My dad was more into other forms of punishment like deprive me of something I liked....but he did spank me once or twice when I did cross the limits. My mother was one who would get angry easily (and I have to admit that I provoked her quite a bit)and spank. I've been at the recieving end most of the time because I was more vocal than my sister was.
Though I was spanked, it was nothing really harsh or something that I can complain about now.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
22 Jan 08
Good to know that your boys have turned out to be wonderful boys. Just proves how a spank once in a while doesn't harm. My older one didn't give me too much trouble. But I can see the one year old is going to be one brat....but I'm working on that now and can see hopefully he won't be getting too many spankings.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
21 Jan 08
you got it right. never ever spank when are angry. i always make sure that I have relaxed and calmed down first. I use to even let my boys know that you are going to get spanked for what you did. My older son only got spanked 2 or 3 times. He didn't give me much trouble. now my middle son was something else when he was younger. so he got a few of them. but now that he is 12 he is such a different boy. I am a very proud mommma

@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
22 Jan 08
I have on occasion spanked my son but its something that I don't resort to first. It's a firm telling off with explanation, followed up with a time out or something taken away from him and if he still plays up and doesn't listen or shall i say start to answer back to mommy in a tone that is disrespectful and with a raised voice, then a spank on the bottom is given.
I got spanked probably twice in my life and it didn't scar me at all, it surely made me think twice about doing wrong again because when my dad raised his hand to me, boy did it hurt LOL. My husband got the belt, jug chord around his legs when he crashed his moms car, when he lied about stuff and answered back to his mom. His father was very strict and from some of the stories he told me, I cried from just hearing about it. I think its scarred him for life and I know he never ever wants that to happen to his son. Sometimes I worry that he might react the same way his Dad did when he was younger, but I have found him to be a lot more patient when it comes to handling our son and always sits down with him to talk it out.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
21 Jan 08
I was spanked as a child because I was raised by a Christian minister mother who followed the Bible to the letter. At least, until I was almost 11 years old. After that, most of my spankings were nothing more than abuse.
I thank God that my mother spanked me. It told me that she cared about whether I did right or wrong. Without the strict start with my mom, I do not know where I would be today. I plan to spank my children when it is needed.
I am the one that is responsible for how my children turn out. I am the one who will answer to God if they are not properly disciplined. God's word says to do it and it is good for them. It's like the song we use to sing in church. God said it, I believe it, and that settles it for me.
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@mistissa (1349)
• Netherlands
21 Jan 08
I don't spank my children, I just give them a time out, and sometimes I take away priveleges. It all depends on what they have done. If one of my children gives me a big mouth they will have to sit on the stairs by theirselves and think about what they have done. With taking away priveleges I mean a week without tv, or no playdates for a week or so.
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@Yuripro84 (107)
• United States
21 Jan 08
Spanking your kids is wrong, it just proves how bad of a parent they are. If the only way for you to resolve problems is by beating up your child(ren), you don't deserve to be a parent. They shouldn't fear you like that. I guess that's just my opinion though :/ I'm not a troublemaker, never been spanked or anything, and I'm glad I guess.
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@samila18 (67)
• Canada
21 Jan 08
Absolutly not! I am 19 years old and I was physically abused as a child which was WAY more than a spanking. If you can tell your child to NOT hit why would you hit them? It's taboo and makes no sence. I was spanked, hit, thrown, stood on, bitted, and punched as a child I could never lay a hand on a child. I understand why people do it, often they get frustrated and the only way to stop the child would be to hit them. It is hitting, spanking does not mean it isnt abuse you just smacked your child on the bum. Lighly, or hard makes no difference to me. I hope it becomes illegal it is abuse, thats all i can say. Just my opinion but the FACT is hitting is hitting there is no word that can make it right.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
21 Jan 08
honey i am sorry that happened to you. and abuse is against the law. but a few hits on the the backside is not abuse. and i have three children and you can ask them i have never abuse them or done any of the horrible things that happen to you. I am truly sorry that happened to you
@samila18 (67)
• Canada
21 Jan 08
I understand a pat on the backside to keep kids in line is alright, but i think some parents get frustrated and do it just to make them stop, not telling them why. I still do not understand the "dont hit" when you give them a pat on the bum. Can they do that to you if you be bad? Abuse is behind me now, i was diagnosed with MRKH so i have alot more to worry about. My step father (abuser) will pay in the end, it makes me stronger. I had problems with my fiance, i broke one of his favourite cups and i automatically hit the floor trying to cover my face. It almost made him cry to know i though he would hit me. Although with kids i prefur the cover ears and sing untill the kids be quiet:) I'm sure your a fatastic parent, no one can tell you how or how not to parent it just comes to you. do what you think is right dont look back:)
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
28 Jun 08
I was never spanked as a kid and as a rule I avoided doing it to my kids. THey did get a few swats here and there when they were younger and when they deserved it,
I don't think that people really get the difference between physical abuse which, yes, will certainly be harmful in one way or other, and a spanking here or there for a specific reason. As a society we are pretty unbalanced, going from one extreme to the other without stopping in the middle.
Yes, something is bad, so let's go all the way over to the other end. It does not benefit anyone on the contrary.
As a rule every parent will prefer to find a solution that does not involve hitting, but sometimes it is not only the most reasonable way but also the one that will work. That certainly doesn't mean that they will start hitting the child senseless, or that it will be done all the time.
But I digress... no, I wasn't spanked as a kid. As a rule I don't spank my kids, but it has happened a few times very briefly and for very specific reasons.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
28 Jun 08
there is a big difference between spanking a child and beating a child. i have spanked my children from time to time. I have never ever beat my children. I think spanking a child when needed is fine. as long as you don't spank out of anger. as long as you spank out of love
@dta_kitty (191)
• India
21 Jan 08
You can spank your kids but not out of anger.Children can be spanked till they are 5 years of age.After that age, kids react to spanking in a different way.The spanking which they get at an young age does remind them to avoid doing the same mistakes again even later on in life.The disciplining part is a vital and crucial one in the first five years which later shapes what they would be like when they are adults.When spanked, they should be told about why they are being spanked.You should ask them why they think they are getting spanked.Never out of anger, because it can even end with serious injuries which might be a regret later on.They will also not learn the lesson.Its better to talk to them about things when they get older than 5.Spanking after 5 might make them aggressive and they would hate you or look at you as harm.Depending on your kids behavior and thinking, use should discipline.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
4 May 08
I grew up in a time when giving a kid a spanking was considered an acceptable thing. I always thought it was the only way to keep kids in line. I found out when Hubby and I became foster parents that there are other ways to keep kids in line. My top three were (in order of severence) corner time, taking away privleges and sentences. The kids learned quickly what they could and couldn't do and even our 5 year old knew her limits. The biggest part is to be consistant.
When we first got our 5 year old foster daughter (she had been at my Mom's foster home previously) she was pretty out of control. I started her in the corner when she'd get in trouble which was pretty often. My Mom would come by to see her and I'd tell her she was in the corner. After about the third time of coming by and finding her in the corner again she told me that she wouldn't learn anything standing in the corner...I told her she was wrong...she would learn to mind me or have very strong little legs. She learned to mind and did alot better.
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@nakitalikely3617 (453)
• United States
22 Jan 08
I think that spanking are okay. It all depends on what the child has done and the age. I spank my younger siblings for not listening sometimes and other times they are put in timeout because they don't need to be spanked on all of the time.
As a child and even now I get beat on so....... with that said let me know
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@Yuripro84 (107)
• United States
23 Jan 08
Why would you ever need to resort to it though? You're afraid your child(ren) will be bullied at school, when their bullied by you! Don't get me wrong, they need to be punished, but physically? You should be thrown in jail for spanking your child. You're beating up an innocent :/ Again, just my say, but whatever, abuse your child(ren) all you want I guess, I can't stop you.
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@melissa929 (12)
• United States
21 Jan 08
I don't spank. I have three boys 2,1,1.I think spanking sends the wrong message to kids, that it is sometimes ok to hit others. I was not spanked as a child, My mother attempted to once but she didn't have the heart the "make it count" I think that's why I can't, don't and won't.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Jun 08
NO I do not believe in spanking at all. in timeouts, in taking
away priveledges and standing in the corner but no spanking at
all ever., it is child abuse plain and simple and usually leads
'to officous mean adults who use their fists on wives and
children too. no no no. no spanking for me at all ever.I was never spanked as a child and I grew up to be a decent woman.
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@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
21 Jan 08
No I do not, I have never done such a punishment. There are better things to use. In the community you do get in jail if you violent the law´s. So the children are suppose to learn that if you do something to brake the rules, you will get punished for it. But there are no one who spanking you if you brake the rules, Right? No! Instead you have to pay for it or you will be put in jail, or make some community service hours. So people in my opinion should try to use similarly punishment on the children so that they now what to expect if they do brake the rules.
I do know though it is frustrating and a lot of job to teach kids what they can or can not do. However, spanking a child is not allowed. In Sweden a parent can lose custody or spend some time in jail if they really do spank a child.
In our law book, there is a rule, that an adult are never allowed to use that as a punishment. There are better ways to use which will not make children feel uncomfortable.
@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
21 Jan 08
I dont have a kid of my own but i do have a step kid, we dont spank him (unless he really, really needs it which hasnt happend just yet) for a couple of reasons. his step dad is abusive (He doesnt see his step dad anymore whoo hoo) and most the stuff can be fixed by sitting down and talking to him or taking his favorite toy or something then he stops and is all better. But kids will still be kids. we save a spanking for when something real bad happens so he would also know that hey this is real bad and you really dont need to do it agian. it seems to be working somewhat we could ground him or put him in the corner a little more. When I was young I got in trouble all the time my step mom hated me then when they got a divorce I was at the rebeling stage and got spankens all the time I ran away when I was 15 though and been on my own since.
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@aduck06 (19)
• United States
21 Jan 08
My son is 2 years old and is just now getting to the age where he understands timeouts and getting things taken away as punishments. Depending on what he has done, there are definitely times that he is spanked. We make sure to tell him why he is getting spanked.
I was spanked when I was growing up. To be honest, I am glad my parents did spank me. I know kids that no one wants to be around because of the way they act. I don't want my child to be that kid, and if spanking helps him behave, then he will be spanked.
@neelygal (1022)
• Bahamas
21 Jan 08
I think that children at some point in their lives need to be spanked.Thr Bible says if you spare the rod you spoil the child.I believe that is true.I have friends that do not spank their childen and their kids are some of the rudest kids you can imagine.They are disobedient and rude to their parents as a result of this.As a child I was spanked when behaving rude, by my mother.My father never spanked me because he was abused as a kid by his father so he was against my mom spanking us.Nevertheless I think I am a better person tody because of my mother teaching me how to behave and what happens when you dont.
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@SixPaulEleven (552)
• United States
21 Jan 08
I see nothing wrong with it. It doesn't make you a bad parent or an abusive parent. A swat on the butt is needed every now and again to keep kids in line.
If you want to spank, then spank your kids.
If you don't want to spank, then don't spank your kids.
But IMO, spanked kids act better than those who receive empty threats of time outs, or even being put in time out. Children don't remember punishments that don't stick in their heads and I know all the parenting books state that you need to reason with your child.
Who can reason with a 2 year old? THey forget things as soon as you tell them. Spank them!
@cuddlesnsnuggles (12)
• United States
21 Jan 08
I was spanked when I was little. I think there is a difference between spanking and abuse. I do think that people tend to use spanking more than they should. I think that there are different ways that you can disicipline your children.