Eating Habits, do u eat for taste or for advantages of that food

@cupid74 (11388)
January 21, 2008 4:11am CST
hi dear i was just replying a discussion and in that lot of benefits of oranges were discussed but i eat whatever i like the taste and match my taste buds i dont care about their advanatages and dis advantages, i just ate them but i know ecxess of every thing is bad so i always try to be in limit (wink) what about u, u eat anything to satisfy ur buds or u search for their advantages and disadvantages and then decide either to eat or not take care
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22 responses
@MGjhaud (23239)
• Philippines
22 Jan 08
it's a yes for the both. usually i buy foods i thought it also smells great as it looks great too but sometimes out of free treats, i take it even though it looks not so okay to my eyes. just out of curiousity you know. hehe..
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@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
24 Jan 08
Hi thanks for ur response and also thanks for adding one more thing that its not only taste and advantages of food but their presentation and smell also attracts. good point and at parties where u have every thing for free hen sure u should try whatever u can grab on take care
@mayka123 (16975)
• India
11 Jul 08
My choice of food depends on what I like and not what is good for me. I never look at the advantages and disadvantages. I have not been eating a lot of vegetables since childhood and nobody has been able to make me eat them till now. Ofcourse I made sure my children learnt to eat everything and not become fussy like me.
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
12 Jul 08
Hi Nora thats perfect, its the way to enjoy the meal, dont go in more details, i like that. in our home some one dont like some vegetables some dont like some pulses some dont like sea food so its alweays a problem to decide what to cook, LOL well, u r smart, u create problems for ur mom as what to cook and trained ur kids to eat every thing, not fair
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
12 Jul 08
hmmm if we pampre kids they turn out sweet like u but what if i pamper u now????
@mayka123 (16975)
• India
12 Jul 08
I had not created any problems for my mom. I have been brought up by my uncle and aunt from the age of one and they pampered and did not force me to eat things I did not like. In fact they would prepare both vegetarian and non veg food because they knew I would not eat the veg. See the benefits of being a pampered kid.
@SViswan (12051)
• India
21 Jan 08
I used to eat what I liked and never bothered about nutrition earlier. fortunately, I don't put on weight never bothered to watch what I was eating either. But now with young children at home, my husband is very particular that they have a balanced diet with proteins and all that. So, I try to make a balanced diet everyday...with lots of proteins and vegetables and fruits everyday....milk. I don't cook separately for each member of the we all have the same food. I try to make the healthy food tasty too.
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
21 Jan 08
Hi Dear see life changes after marriages but u r lucky that u dont put weight regardless what u eat and how much u eat. i think its blessing for a lady well ur hubby seems to be particular about intake andseems to be promotor of balance diet and thats good, fruits and milk are very good for kids as usually in our diet dairy products are very less but sure they are essential for growth. and its nice that u cook healthy and tasty food, hmm yummy take care
@SViswan (12051)
• India
21 Jan 08 hubby has to be...he's a pharmacologist and manufactures nutrition supplements. He made me take lots of protein when I was pregnant with my second and it turns out that our son benefitted from it. But if you saw my husband you'd think I was feeding him junk...he's tall and heft and doesn't look healthy at all. But fortunately, our older son and I that's balanced out there..and my hubby keps complaining that both of us need to put on more weight!
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
21 Jan 08
Oh Oh Kool for u its not a problem to have food suppliments, u can have as many as u want but with approval of doc lol so ur old son and u r thin ( u might get some weight as ur hubby wants, wink) while ur second son is benefiteed by protien aid jokeaside, see its advantange of knowledge and correctly implementing it, take care
@stella1989 (2274)
• India
21 Jan 08
Eating habbits..!!! Well earlier I had a very bad eating habbit as kid I used to skip the meals and leave the food on table if that isn't tasty!! After that I became a big Foodie..!! always sweets and eating every time..!!! but now I know my limits. In this cses yes it is my tastes budds who come first but I never forget he advantage of that food...! I know which food is bad for me and which is not. Like I do like junk food but I onyl have at ocassionally..!! Well this is called control..!! (wink) But some times I never mind indulging in food sometimes..!! C'mon is life is for fun you should enjoy the every moment of it. :)
• India
22 Jan 08
hehe ..ya ..!! thanks. :)
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
11 Feb 08
where r u
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
22 Jan 08
Hi Stella what a response skipping meal is not good habit doc days , even on dieting dont stop or skip meal but just take balance diet. and big foodie is good thing but only when u know u can burn those calories , but sure satisfying taste bud is achievement too and after all experience now u learn to control ur diet, thats great once a while such things are OK Enjoy life and enjoy what God created for US take care Keep in touch beauty bye
1 person likes this
• India
21 Jan 08
I eat for taste and that is the reason why I love spicy food, fried food and a lot of junk food. But I try to limit myself and not eat too much of anything.
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
23 Jan 08
well ur name is really good and sweet are really tempting how can u resist them take care
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
22 Jan 08
Hi butter u name is ful of calories too thanks for response glad to know that i am not alone you is also with me i like deep friedthings, junk food, potatoes and eat them, they are crispy and soicy hmmm yummy but i am also fond of sweets and choclates hmmm
• India
22 Jan 08
Hey thanks for the comment on my name. I love sweet too but try and not eat too much of them.
• Australia
22 Feb 08
Definitely for taste. What's eating without good taste?
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
23 Feb 08
Hi Sassy very right u r agree with u and thanks for response
1 person likes this
• Australia
23 Feb 08
Thanks :-)
@bunmi2501 (465)
• Nigeria
15 Feb 08
I dont consider any benefit from a meal, as long as I enjoy the meal, but my partner alway tell me about the composition of meal, love to analyse what we should eat before embarking on it, sometime this can be very boring but she kept saying that one day, she will safe my life with her analysis. How true this is, I wait and see.
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
15 Feb 08
Ha ha ha very nice post i agree with u eat what u like but at the same time she is right tooo so isnt it better eart healthy but tasty food work on it and u will have fun with him Take care and enjoy
@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
17 Jul 08
well i'm a live to eat person. i love to eat good food and will go to great lengths just for good food. i know certain food are supposed to be better for health. there are also certain food that are supposed to be really bad for me. but i believe that everything should only be taken in moderation. anything taken too much will not be good, no matter how healthy it's supposed to be. so i always go for taste. eating something just because it's healthy really doesn't agree with me. ;p
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
17 Jul 08
Hi Dear Thanks for the response, and its nice that u want to enjoy the life as well as the food, and i do agree with u that’s was we have taste bud, so we can differentiate between good and bad taste and if good taste is available then why not go for it and i do agree moderation is best policy in every aspect of life Take care
@sang2k2 (1833)
• India
8 Feb 08
yeh i eat to satisfy my taste buds and obviosuly my hunger but there do arise times where in if i am not hungry but if i feel the need to have sumthing tasty i do go ahead with that. one more reason i like to eat the most is when i am angry or tensed in this situation i either eat a lot or eat nothing at all. i am a foodie and love to binge on junk food the most.i love eating vada pav, sev puri pani puri, dosas,etc as in mumbai is famous for junk food.
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
9 Feb 08
hmmmmm thanks for ur response quite mouth watering response pani puri who can resist that
@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
11 Feb 08
I eat for its healthy benefits. But sometimes I am tempted to eat "junk" foods. Because of its taste or presentation. But as much as possible I am eating fresh and nutritious foods.
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
11 Feb 08
Hi iza thanks for response u r right. temptation is killing either its Presentation or smell of KFC/Piza Hut Lol
@lynnchua (3412)
• Singapore
2 Aug 08
Just like you, I eat according to my taste buds and of course to fill my stomach and I don't really care about the advantage and disadvantags of it. Of course eat them in moderation.
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
2 Aug 08
Hi dear thanks for ur response see i told u Friends think same thats why we are friend Moderation is always best Take care
@mlhuff12 (797)
• United States
11 Feb 08
I try to eat healthy. But at the same time it must taste good too. Some might think that isn't possible. But I believe it is. However I haven't always eaten like this. This is why I believe that healthy food can taste good. Cause if it can't there is no hope for me being healthy or losing any weight.
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
11 Feb 08
Hi ml thanks for ur response u r right healthy food but tasty food good approach i like that and sure nothing is impossible, but u need to manage it nice response
@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
15 Feb 08
I like to eat for taste. However I try to not eat too much of the yummy foods too often as it is fattening and bad for health. Everything in moderation!!!
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
15 Feb 08
Hi Kiran thanks for ur response very true and agree that every thing with moderate level is best and ur pic shows that u r in good health and shape keep it up, and sure enjoy life Take care
11 Jul 08
I always eat what I like to eat, I mean satifying my taste buds rather than getting into what is good and what is bad. Of course I do not go excess on anything and whenever I have gone have suffered. Well with my kid, just need to be a little careful as she requires good nutrition at her growing age so am a little careful on that part and follow the same regime after my kid was born.
@infoguy (210)
• India
22 Jan 08
I dont have food based on its advantage or disadvantage but just merely because of taste and to fill my stomach......People who are very careful with these issues are the one who are suffering with some or the other disease to my experience.
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
22 Jan 08
Hi info thanks for reply u r right either they are suffering from disease or they have lot of knowledge LOl take care and enjoy
@karthima (111)
• India
22 Jan 08
I eat for advantgae than for taste. I can even control myself even if i see my favourite receipes. AS i'm pregnant now, i eat mainly for health than for wish and happiness.Many food doesnt suit me , still i eat for the welfare of my baby.Health is wealth, so its always better to eat healthy food than tasty ffod.
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
22 Jan 08
Hi Karthima first of all wish u best of luck with ur pregnancy and hope u will have healthy baby in this condition and when u r feeding to baby then u should be careful and eat with care. but i was asking about general habit Take care, send us pic of new infant, when can we expect the Pic see ya
@feroz97 (52)
• India
22 Jan 08
I eat for taste, but when required I eat the food or drink no matter how bad they taste.
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
23 Jan 08
lol ur primary priority is taste if necessary any one intake anything specially where there is no option thanks for responding take care
• Philippines
22 Jan 08
it really depends on my mood. but if the health buff kicks in i watch what i eat. if not i eat what my heart desires. may it be healthy or not.
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
22 Jan 08
Hi Jeanne thanks for ur response do agree, normally fllow ur heart and taste bud but when not feeling well, follow ur doctor take care
• Philippines
22 Jan 08
Right now I don't usually think on how beneficial the food can bring me. Just like you I ate whatever I want and like without considering if it is nutritious or not. Actually I'm fun of eating a junk foods though I am aware that it brings no good to our health and our body. Maybe when I gain more age I'll try to be more consious about my diet and its nutrients it gives me. LOL!
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
24 Jan 08
Hi yeah u r young so why to worry just eat whatever u like just wear what suits u enjoy chill and stay happy
@lynnchua (3412)
• Singapore
23 Jan 08
I eat to fill my stomach, of course it need not be tasty but it must not taste terrible. I won't mind much about whether is it healthy to eat it or not. Eat everything I like in moderate amount.
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
24 Jan 08
Hi Lyn thanks for ur response u seemd to be nice and down to earth person with not much choosy about food approach thats good take care Zass