what is your husband's the first word after seeing your newborn infants

January 22, 2008 12:46am CST
it is a pity that my husband didn't accompany me to hospital.after giving birth to a child,he called me and ask whether i was safe,then ask our infant a boy or a girl?what about you ?what did he say?
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9 responses
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
26 Jan 08
Hi greensleeve, since it was long ago, I still remember when I first gave birth to my first child my hubby help one of hands and said gratefully “well done”. He then watched earnestly at the newborn baby with smile that showed fatherly love. He stayed there for quite a long time before he took a move from it.
• China
27 Jan 08
hi, it warmed the cockle of my heart when i read your discussion.that's a nice memory.best wishes for you.
• Philippines
24 Jan 08
well my husband when i was giving birth to our 1st child he gaves name either it was a girl or boy ,he is so excited he waited for several hours in ER,but when the baby arrived he's afraid touching it, and always asked the doctor if our baby is ok.
• China
26 Jan 08
my husband always asked me if our baby is ok.a healthy and cute and normal baby is the most important for every parents
• United States
22 Jan 08
well with our first child my hubsnad was right there at the bottom of the bed watching everything that was happening he drove me to the hospiatal and tried feeding me durng the deliery.. my husband is a "man" he desnt cry or get all mushy...( LOL) until out popped our little girl.. he cut the cord said i have a little girl! and was upset when they handed her to me first.. he wanted to be the first one to hold her... later after everything calmed down and we were the only ones in the room i rested when iwoke up i found him taking a picture of himself holding our daugheter and talking to her there was yes even a tear in his eye!! well our second pregneacy was a set of twins... again he drove me to the hospital he had to take my mom to an appointment so they left me,.. the doctors came in an broke y water and my husband was no weher to be found.. i was dilating fast and the babies were ready to come.. i began to cry becase i didnt wnt to go through this all alone.. he showed back up just in time to go to the operating room... he stood there beside me holding my hand coaching met hrough the pushes of our baby girl... the it was time for me to dleiver the second twin... there were some co,lications and they had to do an emergency c-sectin they had him leace the room while they prepped me and i can still see his head through the little cirlce on the door watching there every move.. it was then time for him to return and he stood there atching eerything thing they did.. when they took our little man out of my uterus and rushed him to the bnurdeing station he covered me so that i wouldnt see that my baby was all blue and wasnt breathing i knew something was wrong and he assured me everything was goung to be alrign.. he just kept rubbing my head and kissing my hand.. sure enough 5 minutes later he was walkinga round holding our babies like the proud daddy that he is
• China
23 Jan 08
i feel that you are happy from your text,and your husband love you so much.your children must be very lovely.Best wishes for you
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
22 Jan 08
My husband didn't really say anything that I can remember. He's pretty quiet. I remember when our first daughter was born, you could just see how proud and excited he was. They took her down to another room to clean her off and he stayed with her and followed them everywhere till they brought her back in the room with me.
• China
23 Jan 08
everyman who become dad for the first time are a little nervous in fact,i rememberd that my husband didn't dare to hold our baby in his arm when he saw infant.
@cherriemae (3370)
• Philippines
22 Jan 08
unfortunately, i dont have husband and dont know the feeling of what you feel..i'm a single mom, then the time that my baby was born, it's my mother who accompany me to the hospital, because my bf leave me when i'm still 3mos pregnant so he's not there, he doesn't saw our baby when she's born..
• China
23 Jan 08
you are brave and great as a single mom,i believe that you must bring up your baby very well by yourself.God bless you!best wishes for your baby!
@nyumix (1658)
• Belgium
22 Jan 08
When my daughter was born, my husband started to cry, or had tears and said.. She is wonderful.. my beautiful daughter.
• China
23 Jan 08
LOL,your husband is very interesting,i can see that your husband must love you and your baby very much,Good luck!
• United States
23 Jan 08
We are divorced now, but then (20 years ago this week) he said, sorry I made you wait so long. I do remember thinking it was nice. Sorry your husband was not able to be there with you.
23 Jan 08
Mark delivered our son and he was overcome with emotion. Then he said....he looks like my dad.
• India
22 Jan 08
he said she is very cute
• China
23 Jan 08
thank you for your reply.good luck!