making juice
By jerritts1mom
@jerritts1mom (816)
United States
January 22, 2008 12:41pm CST
Have any of you made your own juice for your kids?
My son seems to be sensitive to some juices I have purchased,and was wondering if I made it myself, would it actually be milder? Juicy juice seems to be ok, but there are only a couple that he likes the taste of. Thanks for any suggestions of info!
10 responses
@sonyareads (73)
22 Jan 08
WHy give juice at all? It's not very healthy, too much sugar. Water is always better. If he doesn't like the taste of water, try adding a little bit of juice just to flavor it.
If you absolutely have to have it, making your own is always better than store bought.
We skipped juice most of the time. When we did give them juice, we always diluted it by half. I don't know how old your child is, but full strength juice isn't good for a baby's stomach at all, and can cause diarrhea and stomach aches. citrus juices are way too harsh for babies because of all the acids.
On a side note, we made all our own baby food too. I never bought jar food. Too expensive. yes that jar only costs .33, but $2 worth of sweet potatos could fill that itty bitty jar more than 20 times. Plus it's healthier, fresher, and I KNOW what's in it.
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@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
22 Jan 08
Thank you, great response...He's 4 almost 5.He has a habit of pretending to eat the vitamins and throwing them away when I turn my I thought he could use the added calcium and vit.C, but I guess there are other ways to give it to him.Too I thought if I got him used to juices, he would make healthier choices for that over sodas later in life.
@justrachel (98)
23 Jan 08
Hve you visited yhe Annabel Karmel website ? I have made several of the meals and drinks from there and my kids always eat/drink them.

@lurchandpasta (22)
• Italy
22 Jan 08
Sorry, I forgot a very important ingredient. Add about a third water into the juice to tone it down a bit.
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@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
22 Jan 08
Thank you, he doesn't show sensitivity to fresh fruits, he just complains of tummy aches after drinking some juices, and usually has very loose bowels after. I want him to have some sort of juice added to his diet, but don't want him to suffer either. I will try that, thanks again :)
@lurchandpasta (22)
• Italy
22 Jan 08
It was my pleasure, I find with some or most bought fruit juices, the preservatives are quite acidic, and this does not work for me because I have arthritis, and the water added into your homemade juice along with the salt reduce the acidic content of the fruit.
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@sunshinedap (615)
• United States
23 Jan 08
My son always liked koolaid better than juice and some juices would upset his stomach. So, to compromise, I'd make koolaid with half the amount of sugar and water and fill the rest of the container with a complimentary juice, like apple juice for cherry and punch, grape juice for grape, etc.
@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
23 Jan 08
I never thought of that, we use splenda around my house...but someone just mentioned it could be the dyes, so I am afraid kool aid would probably just be worse, thank you though for your suggestion
@mamakat (321)
• United States
25 Jan 08
I haven't yet made any homemade juice for my kids. But that's just because our main drinks of choice around here are water and soy milk.
I agree with the people who said that it could be a sensitivity to the dyes/colorings used in the juices. It's amazing how many people are sensitive to the red dyes in particular.
Another thing that may be throwing his system off is a sensitivity to the high fructose corn syrup (sugar) used in processed fruit drinks. If along with the upset stomach, etc., you also notice that his mood (i.e., he becomes more aggressive or agitated) or activity level changes after drinking processed fruit drinks, this could be a big clue that he's having an 'allergic' reaction to the sugar/hfcs. Most people would refer to this as the sugar making him 'hyper' when it's actually his system reacting to the extra sugar he's just ingested (kind of like when people who are allergic to bees swell up and can't breathe).
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@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
25 Jan 08
anaphylactic shock...
yeah he's had sugar shock in the past, he has been taken off all sugars, I only buy juice that is sugar free, I thought about that must be the dyes...thank you :)
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
23 Jan 08
I had a fruit juicer when my oldest was a baby and I LOVED IT....fresh fruit juice is so much healthier and tastes SO MUCH BETTER..but...big downfall is its NOT cheap to do especially if you live in an area like NY where I do and certain fruits are seasonal and more pricey in the winter...
Question though, and keep in mind I've not read all the responses yet so this may have been asked already...when you say he is "sensitive" to some..what do you mean? does it make him sick does he break out in hives etc etc...It might not be the juice at all but an additive...Have you ever had him tested for allergies or spoken to his doc about it?
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@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
23 Jan 08
He isn't allergic, I thought his sensitivity to juices [tummy ache,diarrea] was due to the amount of sugar and/or acidity
@justrachel (98)
23 Jan 08
If the price of fresh fruit is expensive have you thought of visiting a pick your own fruit farm ?
I take my children we have great fun and buy fruit really cheap.
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@manya_pearl (1901)
• Singapore
23 Feb 08
I dont have kids. I make juice for only my little cousins and nephews.
I dont like to make juice form preserved product which sells in the supermarket. I prefer fresh fruits like avocado, coconut, pineapple, apple, and carrot. They are healthy and its vitamins still there!
@nyumix (1658)
• Belgium
22 Jan 08
I always try to make my own juice in the morning for my children. I think it is much more better than the one you buy from the box or can. Fresh juice which contains of some different fruits like apples, kiwi, carrots and few more. You can choose the one or the taste that your children like. :)
@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
22 Jan 08
Thanks, I just bought a Jack La Lanne juicer,I'm going to put it to just still concerned about the strength and acidity, should I add more water to keep him from getting an upset stomache?
@pinay81 (1535)
• Philippines
22 Jan 08
its better to make by your own atleast you really sure its fresh because your the one make it you can buy some fresh fruits like orange and squeez it or use some electrict juicer then put some sugar if not that really sweet and if you find some ripe mango also its good:-)
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
23 Jan 08
Could be an allergic reaction to some dyes that are in the juice. My daughter has reactions to red. Mostly she eats fruit. Oranges, grapes strawberries. In its natural form. When she drinks store bought juice we do put some water into it. That may give it the mildness you are looking for.
@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
23 Jan 08
yeah it could be the dyes, I guess..
he won't drink it watered down, he won't even drink water unless I bribe him!
@lurchandpasta (22)
• Italy
22 Jan 08
If your son is not sensitive to fruit, then the best thing to do is juice some fruit and add a bit of sugar and salt for him, the sugar and salt combine for energy and hydration and it is advisable to use these only in citrus fruits, they also make the drink very refreshing.