is the house wife dead???

United States
January 22, 2008 2:39pm CST
ARE THERE ANY WOMAN OR MEN OUT THERE THAT STILL BELIEVE THAT "A WOMAN'S PLACE IS IN THE HOME,RAISING THE FAMILY "? WOMEN- If you and your spouse were financially well enough off that one of you could stay home with the children, would you choose to do so, or would you rather work? MEN- Same question... How many of you had mothers and/or fathers that stayed home, and were happy? How many remember their mother/father wanting more? For those of you believe in sharing the financial responsabilities, do you also agree that you should share the family resposibilities as,cleaning,raising the children,shopping,etc. ? Please share your thoughts.Thank you.
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28 responses
• United States
23 Jan 08
I do not believe that a womans place is at home. I may be a little bias on this because I am a single mom. I do everything work,cook,clean, and take care of my boys. If given the opportunity to stay home instead of working I would not take it. I love my children but I love my job and would not stop working.
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• United States
23 Jan 08
I've been a single mother for 4 years, I too feel this way.Especially now that I am about to be married.I just don't want to become dependant on someone, nor do I think it is fair to my fiance that I dump all the financial resposibilities onto him.
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• United States
23 Jan 08
thank you! I'm glad someone feels the same as I do :)
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• United States
23 Jan 08
Congratulations!!!! I feel the same way. I have been with my boyfriend 2 years and he makes a great deal more money than I do. But, we split everything down the middle. I can't picture not having my own income. Plus, my kids are in daycare and I think it is good for them to have interaction with other children and be in a school setting.
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• United States
22 Jan 08
I stay home, we're not financially well off but we get by. I love being the housewife. I love keeping a clean house, having time for my children and having dinner ready by the time my hubby gets home from work. I don't believe though that its "my place" its just the place I choose to be.
• United States
22 Jan 08
I agree with you about wanting more time for the family, but I feel horrible making my fiance carry the entire financial burden. I wan to help him, plus I want my children to equally know their father.Thank you for your comment, I appreciate it very much :)
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@chilenita (473)
• Canada
23 Jan 08
i belive that if my spouse can take care of me and The kids and i can stay at home why not.... I also get bored being at home all the time so i would enjoy some quite time when daddy gets home so i can do my hobbies witch does Include goign out. ....I love working too.. i love getting dirty at work and getting a nice fat paycheck and say i brought some money home and buy my things and make My kids look good for sure.
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• United States
23 Jan 08
thank you for commenting :)
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@subha12 (18441)
• India
23 Jan 08
i am woman. i do not believe taht women shoulkd just stay at home to take care of house, chilkdren. all these are tresponsibilty of both the couple, not teh woman alone.Allk women should pursue their dream.
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• United States
23 Jan 08
Thank you very much for your comment :)
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• Canada
23 Jan 08
Sadly to say there are still men out there that do think a womens place is in the home. Will wait let me change that. They think her place is to cater to him in the home and still bring in money to help with finances or extras or whatever. Now that is the kind of man who makes me want to come out swinging. It litterally feel physically sick to see a man come home and expect his wife to cater to him because he has been out working all day. Mind you she has a part time job, kids to drop off and pick up after school, shopping, laundry, housework and cook. It is like they think I'm home now my part is done and they put their feet up, relax and expect everything to be brought to them. Yet his wifes job is never really done. I know these men exist but why do they exist today? There is no need for their ignorance. Why oh why can't they just see that this is a partnership an equal opportunity to building a good and happy life together. I am so gratefull to be married to a man who reinforced my convicitons and taught me even more about sharing my life with someone. Couples need to educate each other and strive to have the ideal relationship that is suited to them and their needs. I know many of us was raised without good examples to follow and we have to find our own way. I know that I was rebelious and reactive to having a man think he was the only head in the house hold. I was very lucky second time arund to find a man who not only agreed with my conclusion on relationship but helped remove all my rough edges of feeling like I had to fight for my rights and position in our home. He taught me we just are. We are a team striving and working for the same things in life.
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• United States
23 Jan 08
thanks so much for your comment, best yet :)
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@Monkeyrose (2840)
• Canada
23 Jan 08
I don't really want children. I might like to have one but only if I'm with someone who really wanted one. I would prefer my significant other to stay home. I really want a career. I think both should share responsibility.
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• United States
23 Jan 08
Great answer, but what if he wants to work as well? Would you compromise? Split shifts or use daycare? Just curious...Thanks for commenting
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• United States
23 Jan 08
I'm sorry I must have missed that before.Thank you for you comments!!
• Canada
23 Jan 08
If my husband wanted to work as well then I would not have kids. I believe strongly that it is important for a parent to stay home with the child, especially in the first 5 years. This is when most of the development takes place and I think it is vital to have the parents there. Having one child would be a compromise in itself for me. I really don't believe in having children. I think the world is way too overpopulated as it is. I would much rather adopt.
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@livewyre (2450)
23 Jan 08
I don't think it is as cut and dried as you seem to have stated. In today's society (particularly where I live), it is difficult to buy a house without having two incomes. Therefore many couples start life on a kind of equal standing and why not? Personally I was earning less than my wife when we got married, and with no kids in sight, there was no need for a house role and chores were divided up depending on strengths (I am GOOD at ironing...) Things are different now, as we have a child and my earnings have overtaken my wife's earnings. The issue is not so much sharing responsibility, but this 'if we can afford [by drastically cutting our expenditure] to have one of us staying at home, will our child benefit?' My conclusion was that we could not afford it, but my wife was getting so sick with worry over it, I said she could quit work and we would work something out. (She was part-time at this point, bringing home about 25% of our household income - and spending a good chunk on childcare...). You might look at our family situation from the outside and think that I am a misogynist/traditionalist or that my wife is down-trodden, but the reality is very different - I was very much in favour of my wife continuing to work and sharing housework tasks. The truth is that now my wife is very happy, and my child is very happy, we are managing to make end meet, so I am happy. I could do more around the house (I still do a lot of ironing), and I love to take my child out when I can. To answer your question specifically: Although we are not at all well-off [we had to reduce our spending A LOT to make this work], one of us stays at home (and for the record, if we could do it on my wife's income alone, that would work for me!). It turns out that our ambition or desire for certain worldly goods is not our prime motivator, our prime motivator is to provide the best environment that we can for our child - She won't get the latest 'phone or games console because we will never be able to afford that type of thing, but she gets taken to school every day and one of us is at the gate to pick her up, take her home and give her the attention she needs (she currently is only at school in the mornings - we could not easily send her if we both worked). Is it a sacrifice? you're kidding... it's a privilege. [For the record both our Mother's worked]
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@livewyre (2450)
24 Jan 08
Thanks for your reply - It's a case of what is best in the situation... I wouldn't advocate that women MUST stay at home, it's not always practical though it was an aim of mine to earn enough to allow my wife to stay at home because I knew that was her preference. When a child comes along, it's a whole different story - in my opinion, it's no longer about what you desire as an individual or even as a couple, it should be what is best for the family. I have no time for people (men or women) who believe they have a 'right' to advance their career at the cost of a child's welfare. As has been said before, what sane person on their deathbed has ever said 'I wish I had spent more time in the office....'
1 person likes this
• United States
24 Jan 08
you definitely have a point there!
• United States
23 Jan 08
I am glad that both of you decided what was best for your family, I think this is my point here....The old days have past,we do things for different reasons now, it shouldn't come out of anyone's mouth that their spouse can't work...yada yada yada...joint deisions are one thing, in fact they are great...but setting rules in your home because of what your father's father's father did is rediculous...[the reason for this discussion was/is that my brother is one of these men...ignorant to say the least] I could have been more specific about my motivation for the subject, but I didn't want to lead anyone into candy coating their answers...and thank you for yours :)
@marty3888 (2355)
• Acme, Michigan
26 Jan 08
It is very hard these days to make it on a one person income. Neither my gifrnd nor I could pay all the bills on our own, so we both have to work. So in this situation, yes you should share household responibilities. I vacuum, do dishes, clean the bathroom. My girlfriend says she wouldn't mind doing most of the housework if she didn't have to work. But with our income and today's economy thats's just not possible, probably with most people.
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• United States
26 Jan 08
I agree
• United States
22 Jan 08
First of all, it's horrible thing to say that it's "the woman's place". That makes me sick. If a woman chooses to stay at home, that's her business, but it is not "her place" nor should she be "kept in her place". The whole "barefoot and pregnant" idea makes me want to kill someone. And equally as important, not all married couples have children. Childbearing is not a requirement nor a prerequisite to be married. In my personal life, I fluctuate between working and not. I have serious health problems and more often than not, I physically cannot work. I firmly believe that both parties in a relationship are required to do as much as they can and compromise the rest. I grew up in a household where my father stayed home and did nothing and my mother worked all the time. It was NOT a happy situation because my father was very abusive and my mother never knew about it because she was never home. Also, he didn't work because he "didn't feel like it".
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• United States
22 Jan 08
First of all, I apologize if this topic offended you in any way. I too do not like the labels.I have my own opinions on the subject and was interested in someone elses.I should and could have been more discriptive in asking for couples with children for their opinion, but a little late.My mother had seven children, and still worked, my dad had two jobs.My father passed and my mother was then forced to stay home because she couldn't afford daycare,and no one else was there to share the responsibility, she re-married[in my opinion] for that support, only to have her new husband forbid her to work.It wasn't until I was almost out of school and grown that my mother took a stand.I remember many tears shed by her wanting to break that chain.I realize some choose this life, I respect that also.I think you misunderstood my goal for this discussion,I am trying to understand both veiws.Thank you for sharing :)
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23 Jan 08
I am a stay at home mum and i have been since our son was born in 2006. I am going to work part time(only a few hours) each day so that we can afford to pay the rent and save up for our own place. I enjoy staying at home looking after our son full-time and doing all the cooking and cleaning aswell. I'd prefer to just stay at home and look after the kids, but we need the money so after the baby is born i will have to work a few hours a day. It isn't going to make alot of difference in the time with our kids because after all its not long each day. My husband works alot longer, but if we want to buy a house we both have to work to be able to afford the mortgage. ~Joeys wife
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• United States
23 Jan 08
I think what is important is that you are doing what is best for your children and your future.
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@dta_kitty (191)
• India
23 Jan 08
I feel that its alright to work if you are not having kids.If you have kids and can manage with 1 income its better to stay at home and take care of the children.Its an essential when it comes to raising children.Kids need that love felt from their mom and the sense of a family doing everything to take care of them instead of some stranger in daycare.The mother has the best chance of shaping an individual in that manner.The father should also try to spend at least some quality ti with the kids.It takes them a long way in the psychological sense.They would feel the love and warmth, not just more money.Relationships are more important than money.So if it is just to make more money, it is not a good idea.But if it is for a living, kids can be explained.It never is the same though.Being content is one thing.Happiness is necessary than money.So even if it is a humble appartment,there can be contentent,fun and time for each other instead of family being never found in the house because of work.There are higher chances of kids going the wrong way through friends, other infuences than the family because there is no time with family.Its a choice each individual has to make between growing children better and living better.My opinion.I would wanna work till I have kids.Save up all the cash to make kids and the whole family comfortable, stay at home and take care of the kids managing with my husband's income.
• India
24 Jan 08
I was talking about the time when kids need their mom by their side.After they start going to school, its better not to stay at home doing nothing.Its better to take up some sort of job part-time or full-time to make your family's living a bit more comfortable.It would also be nice if you were home by the time your kids,husband get home.Only that crucial period when kids need their mom.
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• United States
5 Feb 08
well then your point is well taken :)
• United States
23 Jan 08
ok say you are in a humble apartment the children are now old enough for school,every one is happy, but something is still missing. As a woman I feel it is important for me to have a sense of self, I am not saying neglect your role as wife and mother, I am saying time for do the things you want to experience,be it a career or a part time is important to have some other identity than just so and so's mom or so and so's wife.
@ellie26 (4139)
• Malaysia
5 Feb 08
If I am well off financially, I would rather stay at home and hire a housemaid to help me with the daily chores. I do think that in this modern time, where both men and women work and sharing the financial responsibilities, there should be a change in the household responsibilities too. Both husband and wife should share the family responsibilities. It is unfair when women have added financial responsibility and the husband role remain the same.
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• United States
5 Feb 08
we definitely share the same opinion, and believe it or not, most guys do too
@Samanthavv (1380)
• United States
8 Feb 08
I want to stay at home and be a housewife, I always have... But being a housewife can be a NIGHTMARE with the wrong person being the supporter. Especially if they're very critical and condescending of everything you do. Like my husband, he'll tell me how HE wants something cleaned and when I get offended he says "I'm not lecturing or telling you what to do. I'm just letting you know what MY definition of clean is." It's aggravating. Especially when you don't feel like you're given equal privileges when it comes to the money. It seems like the moneymaker is the one who controls it all and you're left with nothing but your measly "allowance" which all goes to the kids and groceries anyways.
• United States
8 Feb 08
Communication plays a huge role in relationships, if you are the bread winner or stay at home mom, it is important to have a clear view on what is expected in each role, and whether or not you are willing to supply those demands.
• United States
23 Jan 08
For years both my husband and I worked outside the home. There were times I worked more while he was in college. When our son was born, I took a little time off and he worked more. Since we've recently relocated and have a few more family responsibilities at home, I'm not currently working. I don't believe in the "a woman's place is in the home" mentality" just as much as I don't subscribe to a man being the sole provider and protector. Any relationship in my opinion is a partnership of give and take. If I'm the one home all day, then there are certain things I should take the inititive to do. The same goes for him when he's home. If there is something one person does better or is more comfortable doing then no harm in that one person doing it.
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• United States
23 Jan 08
well put. thank you
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
23 Jan 08
i think in a perfect world it would be the ideal situation. i say that because as a working mother i see the difference in my older son who i was home with from my last two children who had to go to sitters. being able to raise your own children is a gift, and If i could be home doing so i would do it in a second. being that we are a two income household, i think yes we should share the household responbilities.
• United States
23 Jan 08
I have mixed feelings about the children situation to be honest..I stayed home with my son the first couple years due to health issues,but I work now, I feel good about it...I could afford staying home before, so there was no guilt and I knew I was doing what was best for my son, but it was a decision I made,not because it was what society accepts or doesn't accept,or some idea of how a family should be, but because you do things and make compromises for the good of the family.Back to the mixed feelings, I think being around other children is good for them.
• India
24 Jan 08
A good question. "A woman's place in the Home and raising the family is great. In a family where both husband wife are wage earners/ employed in decent jobs, I have noticed the misery of the children. But when thay were in joint family set up i.e. with grand parents, they didn't suffer or felt abandoned about the absense of the mother. In some cases the boys became irresponsible.
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• United States
24 Jan 08
thank you , for your views and comment :)
@Tweetb1 (77)
• United States
23 Jan 08
I am a sahm and most of the time love it . I use to own a bar and a cafe worked 20 hrs a day . But when I got married and had my daughter sold it . My husband and I decided He made enough that it would be possable . I do get bored I mean shoot how many times can u sweep the floor. The guilt I felt always making my own money and now him carrying it all is bad at times. I do do the gpt thing now and feel alittle better but all in all I like being available for her and now that she in school I voulunteer up at the school few hours a day and its good . When she gets sick or there is no school someone is always around .
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• United States
23 Jan 08
I can respect that too...but you have had your career, some women never get to have that experience and when the relationship flops, they are left jobless with no experience,can't raise their kids solo and have little chance of finbding employment.
23 Jan 08
as a member of the young generation i can say that i would love nothing more than to be a house wife to stay home and take care of the house and children but being a young lesbian i feel asthough this life is to far from my reach although i would love to be a stay at home mum i do not believe a womans place is in the home its down to an individuals choice on what they want to do with there lives
1 person likes this
• United States
23 Jan 08
I agree...and btw, there are methods you's not that far out of reach :)
• Australia
23 Jan 08
if i had the choice id stay home an send the biatch to work but id miss working to much i cant stand not doing anything all day
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• United States
23 Jan 08
ok so you aren't one of those "a woman's place is in the home" type guys...very well thought out reply, I applaud you...not really
@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
26 Jan 08
If my parnter and I were finanically well enough off I would like to stay at home with the kids when they are young. However when they reach preschool I would want to go back in the workforce. As I enjoy my job, teaching children it is my passion. My mother and father both worked when I was young. I do not feel like I missed out as they provided me with a good home, food and gave me the best chance in life. I do agree that family responsibilities should be shared. However that is not the case in my household. Even when I work full time, I still do cooking, cleaning, shopping and raising the children. He does outside duties once every few weeks. Do not feel like it is evenly weighted.
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• United States
26 Jan 08
good out look, than kyou for sharing