Too Many Computers!

United States
January 23, 2008 9:00am CST
Are you as a society getting too many computers in our homes? I have my pc, a server, the kids pc, my sons' laptop, my wifes' laptop and I have 2 laptops from work(1 is always at the house, the other either in the car or at work). On top of that I have 4 other devices talking to my network, that being the networked printer, a Wii and 2 ninetendo DS's. On top of that I am about to get back another laptop I have been lending to someone, so, that'll be another device! How many computers and network devices in your home? And is it too many?
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14 responses
@solson (406)
23 Jan 08
Wow u seem like you have a big family also that u have alot of money o be spening on all these computer my family only has 2. My laptop and are home computer. O ya are Wii but i never play it. If i were you i would sell a couple of them.
2 people like this
• United States
23 Jan 08
I wouldn't say I have a lot of money. None of the PCs/Laptops have been bought in the last 3 years(except those from work) and my server was a throw away freebee (a pentium II). Also, my son's PC was a gift from his grandparents as was the Wii. As to selling them, they are worth more to us than I could sell them for.
@chunter (1759)
• Singapore
23 Jan 08
Whoa! That's a lot of PCs you have there... I only have a wireless LAN at home with two notebook PCs...
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
24 Jan 08
We just finished assembling our new computer, we now have two. One in her room and one that I use, here in our living room. We also have two play station game consoles, we are waiting for a new Nintendo Wii this year. I already feel like starting up my own business, like that of computer rentals.
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
25 Jan 08
Our electricity here is 220v, so that also consumes too much of our bills..
• United States
25 Jan 08
Add to all those wireless 1s and 0s flying through the air, what about the power being consumed?
@swirlz (3136)
• Philippines
23 Jan 08
Wow, you have too many. We have a PC for everybody's use, and for guests. I have my own laptop, my brother has 2, both my sisters have their own laptops, and my mother's cellphone can connect wifi to our router. I use it sometimes to upload pictures from her cellphone to my site. Maybe it's just too many. But we use the computer all the time. And before we had laptops, we always fight for PC time, 'cause my sisters and brother really hog the computer all the time.
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• United States
23 Jan 08
Sounds like your network is buzzy as much as mine. All of my computers have a purpose. The kids computer is for the kids to play games, if they screw it up, I'll reload the OS. This is powered down when not in use. My computer is used primarily as a daw (digital audio workstation) and I usually have that powered down. My son's laptop is used and was given to him by his grandparents. That is use by him to help with homework and research and is usually powered down. My wifes' laptop is jointly work and personal(same thing) and she uses it all the time. The server is on all the time as it's an html server and a mail server. My work laptops are rarely on in the house. The printer is nearly always on. The reason that so many of my devices are powered off is that I read an article/report stating that when a PC goes in hibernation, it may stop spinning the hard drive etc, but, it still draws the same amount of power as it would if it was on and active, so, by powering them off, hopefully I saw some money. I should have also added that our 3 cellphones all have internet access, but, that is not through my home network. I do wonder somethings what all that stuff flying through the air is doing to me or those around me, if anything?
@swirlz (3136)
• Philippines
24 Jan 08
hehe. I'm wondering the same thing. We also turn off all our computers when we don't use them. I've also read it, that it still consumes electricity even in sleep mode, so turning them off saves us some money, and can help save the environment.
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• United States
24 Jan 08
The only down side to turning off computers is that is potentially shorters the life of it. I can attest to this, as a few years back some bright spark at my previous company came up with the idea of saving electricity by turning off all the computers and monitors at night(those of us in IT tried to warn them). The idea lasted about 3 days, as it was costing the company so much more to dispatch techs and replace equipment that would not boot up the next day.
24 Jan 08
I have to admit, I have a computer in my bedroom, my son has a laptop and my step daughter has a laptop. In the beginning, If I wanted the computer, I would have to tell my son that I needed it, now I don't have to do that. He can play on his while I play on mine. My stepdaughter needed hers for college so we don't even touch that, well maybe sometimes, but not often. Of course she has her own printer and I have my own printer plus a router to connect all the laptops.
25 Jan 08
I know what you mean about printing in the trash. What a waste of ink. Many times I would find just random stuff printed off, laying by the computer, I wondered why they printed it off in the first place.
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• United States
24 Jan 08
I understand having issues getting on the PC. That has changed a lot now, as in the worse situations we can usually get everyone on a computer. My son will only use his laptop now, so, that frees up the other computer for the kids. We only have one printer, which is a blessing as the kids are always printing off stuff, which quite often ends up in the trash.
• United States
25 Jan 08
My younger kids figured out printing a while back, but, if it didn't come off on the printer, they printed it again. It took a while for me to explain that sometimes the printer is turned off or it's out of paper. They are better now.
• United States
23 Jan 08
I have two -- one for work and one for play. I don't think we have too many, I think kids rely on them too much. IMO, they spend almost all of their free time either in front of a PlayStation or in front of a computer, talking to their friends they just saw 10 minutes ago. I don't have any network devices in my house. I only use my computers in one room of our house. We may occasionally bring the laptop into the living room and just type on it or just do work or something on it, but we don't use any network devices or anything else like that. My husband does good to turn one on.
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• United States
23 Jan 08
Sounds sensible. If you don't have any network devices in your house how do you get to the Internet? From work? Internet cafe?
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• United States
25 Jan 08
Living in backwood anywhere may not be such a bad thing?
• United States
24 Jan 08
Through our satellite modem. HughesNet to be exact. By network devices I thought you meant a wireless network or a port that allows more than one computer to access. I live in backwoods Texas. We don't have internet cafes. Our library just now got a computer with internet access not too long ago.
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@funfreak2k2 (1734)
• India
25 Jan 08
i am happy with my only desktop PC. thats is enough for my time i spend for browsing. :-)
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• United States
26 Jan 08
Do you ever have to share it?
• United States
24 Jan 08
Well I have around 3 computers at this house and a router and some oother hardware but I know what you mean lol.We have 4 tv's and each one has a dvd and vcr at them lol and myn has a ps2 and my uncles has a N64 lol.He plays 007 Goldeneye EVERYday :P
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• United States
24 Jan 08
I do play the Wii at least once a week, I usually end up playing against one of the kids, so games are for all ages.
@dta_kitty (191)
• India
24 Jan 08
I feel it is too many.We have 2 PCs ,dad's laptop,sis's laptop,bro's pc,office laptop.Though it is many, it helps us work simultaneously.
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@bikespot (483)
• Canada
25 Jan 08
What are the details of your sever? Thats a lot of computers you have. I only have 1, hopefully i will get another better one soon. How do the ninetendo DS's connect to the network , same with the Wii. How does that work.
@bikespot (483)
• Canada
30 Jan 08
Nice I'm checking out those Dell optiplex desktops. Are they any good? do you have any problems with network speed? I didn't know you could do that with those devices.
• United States
25 Jan 08
My server is just a P2 Pentuim Dell Optiplex(?) running Linux, Fedora Core to be precise. I run apache for my web pages and I also have it set up as a mail server. The DS's and the Wii have built in wireless connections and you have to go into them and configure the network part of the devices to talk to your wireless network. There are some games, where you can play against others "online", but, not every game. The Wii gives you weather, news and an online shop(which is very limited at this time). You can buy from the online shop some games. There is also a browser for sale, which then allows you to surf the internet from the Wii and projected on your TV.
@youless (112672)
• Guangzhou, China
24 Jan 08
I have one desktop and two laptops at home. Besides, I have two smartphones and one cellphone. I have a PDA, wireless router, bluetooth adapter, bluetooth earphone, microphone, Skype phone, printer, fax and digital camera. I think it's enough:)
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• United States
24 Jan 08
I read that one of he latest inventions that will hit the market soon are bluetooth TV's, whereby you'll be able to place you TV screen wherever you want to.
@Estina54 (385)
• United States
24 Jan 08
I have only 2 computers and I think I'll need a third one because I downloaded a lot of sofware and it is running out of memory. I hope this computer would last, though it is rather old, because it will be very hard to reinstall the sofware in it.
• United States
25 Jan 08
I presume your computer is low on memory when you are running programs that you are downloaded. IMO it's better to have a slower older PC with a lot of memory than a newer PC with less memory. You may just want to condsider adding more memory. I have over 512 in all my PC's and I rarely see memory issues.
• Morocco
23 Jan 08
hi justabloke,in our house xe have 2 computers and i think its too many one is enough cause we don't have to use them all the time,for work yes to look for some informations as we do in MyLot yes but to play or to tchatch is too much now a days computer take our places even they remplace our blain so computers kill our children(mentally)
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• United States
23 Jan 08
Interestingly, since my kids have got the Wii, they spend less time on the computer and TV. Sounds weird, but, they now spend more time playing away from these electronic devices than before. I think the Wii satisfies their gaming desire quicker than the PC did and I think it is a good thing. Long live the Wii.
• China
24 Jan 08
I have in my home,I don't think its too many.It's still not so convenient to get online.
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