I Wonder If He Is Diabetic?

@maddysmommy (16230)
United States
January 23, 2008 3:54pm CST
My husband had to get tests done today for medical insurance for his work when he travels overseas and was told by a physician that he needs to get checked by his family doctor because he has "elevated cholesterol and blood sugar levels"?!? What does this mean? Over the last 6 months he has been very thirsty and drinking water like there is no tommorrow and urinating a lot too, he is overweight for his height but has lost a few kilos over the last 6 months and has been experiencing dizzy spells and headaches. Do you think these symptoms could mean he might be diabetic?. He is scheduled to see a doctor tommorrow so we shall see what comes out of it then.
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10 responses
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
23 Jan 08
Those two symptoms are definitely signs of diabetes. If he is in the early stages of diabetes, he may be able to fight it off if he changes his diet and loses some weight. The doctor will run sugar level tests. If I remember correctly, anything over 5 is too high. I am 4.0 and have been told I'm okay. I have consistently run at 4.0. Good luck with his tests tomorrow.
2 people like this
• United States
23 Jan 08
I agree both are definitely signs of diabetes. But, it could also be something else or nothing. Try not to stress too much. My doctor recently told me not to stress until they told me to. That is really hard to do. But, its also really unhealthy to stress. Weightless and a diet normally will help with diabetes as well. And something to know is that if it is diabetes, its not that bad. There are ways to change the way you live and be just fine. Take care and try not to worry too much!
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
23 Jan 08
That's what I kept telling him online when he told me about it, to not stress out about it until he sees the doctor tommorrow. It could be in its early stages and no doubt will be able to combat it quickly i.e changing his diet and losing more weight and sorts. He is never one to see a doctor when he gets sick and sorts so I was glad that he was checked out by a physician this morning. Thanks for caring :)
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
24 Jan 08
Well that was a wake up call appointment - he has Type 2 Diabetes so we have a long road ahead of us but I am so glad that we finally know what is going on with him and I'm sure its woken him up bigtime! I wasn't expecting it to be so bad but now that they have started him on medication, we will be seeing a dietician soon and I'll be getting his butt out the door exercising and losing the excess weight he is carrying. This will be with him for life but I'll be there with him every step of the way :)
• United States
23 Jan 08
Your description is that of type 2 diabetes - especially if his blood work indicates elevated sugar levels (actually glucose). Excessive thirst, not being able to go through the night without getting up to urinate. Those dizzy spells and headaches could be related too - there are times that diabetic's have their glucose level drop and this feels like being dizzy. Usually eating something with carbs helps stop that right away. If he is diabetic it is not the end of the world and as long as he takes his doctor's advice and does what he needs to do he will be ok. A weight reducing diet sometimes controls diabetes without the need for medication - but it may be necessary to take a pill to control his symptoms. Ignoring this though can be very dangerous. It is better that he has found out and is seeking treatment.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
24 Jan 08
Thanks gbranchltd for your comment. It so happens that he is Type 2 diabetes and we both are in shock a little as his blood works were very high. I was expecting something along the lines of early stages of diabetes but its worse than that. They have prescribed a pill for him to take for his sugar levels for now and see how his body reacts to it, and then they will look at prescribing another pill for his cholesterol. He has to do a glucose test daily until his next appointment next week and we also have to schedule him into seeing a dietician asap. He has to lose weight (at least 30 pounds) and start to monitor his food intake and such. After we see the dietician we should be able to get into a routine and hopefully able to control it throughout the rest of his life. I'll be there with him every step of the way and will also join in on the dietician plan they will set out for him soon. It's a little scarey to have heard everything we did today but at least we know now and can do something about it. Thanks again.
• United States
23 Jan 08
That does sound like diabetes. My husband's cholesterol is messed up too. The doctor put him on medicine for it 3 months ago and he goes the end of this month to be tested again to see if the medicine has helped. Let us know what the doctor says when your husband goes tomorrow.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
23 Jan 08
Will do and thanks for your concern sweetgirl :)
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@mummymo (23706)
24 Jan 08
Well I'm not a doctor sweety but I know that excessive thirst, tiredness, dizziness and weight fluctuations can all be signs of diabetes although it soesn't mean it definitely is; elevated blood sugar makes it more probable but there are many reasons for that as well! The only reason I know this is because type 2 diabetes is prevelant in our family (through 3 of my 4 grandparents) and as my generation are getting older more of us are developing it - it has been drummed into me since I was a teenager to use diasticks to check that my blood sugars are normal and my doctor also does a blood test once a year to make sure it has not developed yet! As for the high cholestorol that too runs in our family - mine was extremely high a few years back but once you start on the medication you are on it for life so I chose to try and control it through my diet and it has worked out quite well - my sister who is diabetic says she feels her food restrictions have been heightened enough so she chooses to take the medication, can't say I blame her! Good luck to you and your family and please try not too worry too much - depending on the level of diabetes (if that is what it is) it can be controlled by diet or medication and does not necessarily mean he will have to use insulin injections. Please let us know how your hubby gets on sweety - thinking of you! xxx
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
24 Jan 08
Thank you mummymo hugs! Well it turns out that he has Type 2 Diabetes and has been put on medication today. We have a long road ahead of us but together we can get through this. He has another follow up appointment next week, has to check his glucose daily and then have to see a dietician to get him onto eating a proper diet and foods as well as getting him exercising and losing the excess weight. Thanks for sharing and Im just glad that we went to see a doctor today :)
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
25 Jan 08
Awwww thanks so much mummymo, I needed those hugs :):) His first meeting with the dietician is not until 4Feb so I'll have to do a bit of research myself. Its his smoking that is going to be the hardest to give up as he has been smoking for 20 years now but he knows he has to!!! Thanks for your support mummymo, i appreciate it HUGS!
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@mummymo (23706)
24 Jan 08
Not what you want to hear sweety I know but at least now you know and can work on keeping it under control, it could have been very, very serious if left untreated. I hope you get the appt with the dietician quite quickly as some foods you would think were good are actually very unhealthy.. My sister has adapted really well and even ensures she gets regular 'treats'. If you ever need to talk just give me a shout - I may not know the answers but I am a good listener! Hugs and love xxxxx
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@squaretile (3778)
• Singapore
24 Jan 08
my dad is mildly diabetic and I don't think he is always thirsty though. but he gets hungry easily and thus takes small meals often instead of three big meals a day only. don't worry too much. if it's a mild case that does not require the injection of insulin, then it is not so bad. there will not be much disruption to life as you know it. all the best and keep us updated!
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
25 Jan 08
It was a "wake up call" appointment and has been told he has Type 2 diabetes. Lots of changes ahead of us and he is going to need a lot of support from me. I had not realised it was going to be this serious but apparently it is. Thanks for your support squaretile :)
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
24 Jan 08
Hi dear wish u and ur hubby best of luck as the symptoms u r telling are showing that some sort of Diabetic is there but i hope it will be at initial stage and controlled easily with medicine take care
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
24 Jan 08
Thanks Cupid. He does have Type 2 Diabetes and is on medication today. There are a few other things we have to do but with lots of work and perseverance we shall get through this. Thanks for caring!
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
25 Jan 08
Thanks we will. I think i really hasn't sunken in yet and there will be a lot of changes in his life especially trying to quit smoking, that is going to be hard because hes been smoking for almost 20 years :( It's going to be a lot of hard work but i;ll be there with him all the way :) thanks for caring!
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
25 Jan 08
Hi dear its sad that he has this disease but dont worry it is dangerous but u can control it easily with medicine, walk, exercise and proper diet plan. and smoking is not good , weight control and take care of feet and proper check of blood sugar thats it its most common disease in face of earth Take care
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@subha12 (18441)
• India
24 Jan 08
look I think only medical tests and doctor can ensure that.I think he should go for the test to ensure. may be as the symptoms goes, he is having Diabetis. But again we are not doctors to say so.
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• China
24 Jan 08
People with diabete have four symptoms,concluded as "three increase and one decrease".The patients would eat and drink more,with increased urination,while the weight decreases.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
24 Jan 08
Your absolutely right. Thats exactly what his doctor said :)
@kylanie (1205)
• United States
24 Jan 08
He does sound like a diabetic to me my fiance is one and he also has high cholestrol among other things when you said he drinks water like it's going out of style made me think diabetic.
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• India
24 Jan 08
You are always right .