After graduation , do you find you life direction?

@sprout (135)
January 23, 2008 9:09pm CST
It has been almost two years since I graduated from college. My work changed between technology and market. About technology I thought it is too bored without any color and I doom if a women still do some technical job after 35 years old, it would be very pathetic especially endless overtime. I thought market is very interesting and we need conmunication with others not only at work but also in life.I do think the experience and the background are very precious. But after two year later, I find the market job can not give me too much experience ,I haven't get what I want.I just do some boring investigation day by day. I am so worried about my future. What about you .Please give me some advice or share your experience with me.
1 response
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
24 Jan 08
I had a perfect guide who could direct us by giving us choices as far as leading a life is concerned. During college days, myself and myfriends were allowed to earn money and through campus interviews, before exams we were recruited for job and hence there was a no gap. Once you start earning money, you get a direction in life and you can drive towards it.
@sprout (135)
• China
24 Jan 08
At the moment of graduating,I can earn money on myself.But which field ? How to do? Is it your interest? A lot of question,not only the money.
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
24 Jan 08
Contact your professors, contact your parents, contact your friends. You assess your pros and cons regarding lines to go. If you are good at accountancy, then take up the computer packages including SAP you can try.If you are good at engineering, then you can to go technical side. IF you ahve entrepreneurial abilities you can go for business. Know your strength
@sprout (135)
• China
25 Jan 08
Thanks a million. Your words give me much strength.