god cares for you
god is love
relationship with god
what kind of god do you believe in
What kind of God do you believe in?
@shekelshekinah (40)
January 23, 2008 10:42pm CST
Most of us make our own gods in our head? these gods are sometimes the out growth of our upbringing and family background. For example if we come from an ultraconservative religious family chances are the god you have is the kind of god that is always looking over your shoulder waiting for you to commit some mistakes so he could zap you to kingdom come. If you come from a family on the opposite side of the spectrum you will have a kind of god that you could trick into providing you with what you want and if that would not work, blackmail him with a little "I won't follow you if you won't give me what i ask you" thing.
What kind of God do you believe in?
It does not matter what we conceive him to be because he is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. God is love. He is the alpha and the omega, the author and the finisher of our faith. He is not dictated by what we think of him. He would still be the great I AM even if we don't know about him.
But we must know him if we want to know his will. The best thing we could do is to ask him to reveal himself to us. He will do that because he loves us so much to the point of sending his son into this world to reveal himself to us and to die for our sins to give us a chance to be with him through out eternity. That the kind of God that i believe in because that is how he reveals himself to me.
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13 responses
@marvin777 (2)
• Poland
24 Jan 08
The same, I think all religions is right if people belive in it, in they God, trust and love him
• United States
24 Jan 08
i believe in the ONLY GOD.The GOD LUCIFER!!!
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
24 Jan 08
I believe in a God that is just and fair, one that is more concerned about how you live your life than what religion you decided to join.
I am not sure how much of that has to do with my upbringing. My father and his side are not religious at all (he went to Catholic School all the way through College, but the were committed to the religion); my grand mother, mom and aunt on my mothers side were/are really into their Catholic faith. My aunt and uncle are Catholic, my godfather is Lutheran. None of the children in my family connect themselves to any religion, a few are atheist. On some level, I am sure it is connected to our up bringing; overall, I think we are all free thinkers and are willing to find the right fit for us.
@shekelshekinah (40)
• Philippines
24 Jan 08
we are free thinkers because we are made that way by the God who created us. So i think it would be better if we would let God take us to where we could fit best anyway he knows us better than we know ourselves.
@megumiart (3771)
• United States
24 Jan 08
I don' believe in the christian "God." I believe in spirits, like pagan spirits, I guess you could say.
@shekelshekinah (40)
• Philippines
24 Jan 08
Yups you may not believe in the christian God but you still believe in a kind of God? How did you know that your gods is true and not just a product of our ever creative mind?
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@moon317318 (692)
• Pakistan
23 May 08
say he is ALLAH the one and only, the absolute the eternal, he begetts not nor is he begotten, and there is none compareable or co-equal to him
@vonkristoffer (833)
• Philippines
23 May 08
yeh bro im with you.. try to read all this tracts its awesome.. http://www.chick.com/catalog/tractlist.asp
@karmendra (1123)
• India
24 Jan 08
very nice when i saw its hading i thought that, " what kind of question is this", but when i read it i find you are a kind person according to your says. yes God is love. i believe in just only God, i don't care about the religion. when i go in front of any holy place of any religion i had goes down with respect automatically without any force. i believe in faith, love and message of God. i believe God is one . my English is little bit week so i am unable to show my hole excitement. yes GOD IS LOVE.
@ajmccrary1986 (454)
• United States
24 Jan 08
My God is a God that loves us no matter what we do in this life. He will punish us for sins we commit no matter how extreme or not extreme they are. He is also a JEALOUS God because he tells us in one of the Ten Commandments that we should not have any other gods before him! He will convict us if we do something wrong and until we ask for forgiveness. THAT is the God I believe in!
@zimmyz (7)
• Ireland
24 Jan 08
Hi Guys, I would just like to add that i have to agree with Megumiart in some degree that i would believe in the more Pagan interpretation of God than that of a person. I do not believe that God is a person at all. I believe God is an energy, a life force that is in all of us and everything. I grew up as a catholic and of all the religions i find this the hardest one to swallow. Infact by it's very nature you are not allowed question it, faith means to believe without question and it goes against every fibre of a human being. If we did not question the world around us then how could we evolve? I think alot of the worlds problems are a bi-product of religion. Fundementalists of any religion say you must fight for your God but why would any of us believe in a God that encourages the persicussion of your fellow man? Would a one true God of the universe not want all of us to live in harmony? God to me exists when i see my little boy smile, when i go for a walk on a sunny day and smell the freshly cut grass, when my wife tells me that she loves me. I don't have to go to a church and chant hypocritial oaths to please my God, i just have to be the best person i can be and appreciate the simple things. Happiness is God.
There is a great discussion on Pantheism on this site by a wonderful woman who goes by the name of craftcatcher which is the perfect comprimise between science and religion. I have been trying to get a book on the subject but is proving difficult, have a read if you can find it.
@Jimmy3371 (142)
• United States
26 Jan 08
I believe in the God that the Bible shows us this question is a question that Philip ask Jesus Himself Phil said "Lord show us the Father and it is enough for us." You would summarize his question this way "Lord you've said Your going somewhere that we've never been and we've never seen. Then You tell us we don't need Directions- That we're to just follow you- But You've said Your going away. Look, Lord, could yo just give us something tangible to hang our faith onto? Just show us a vision of the Father and we'll all be satisfied. In a voice that, I believe, was gentle, yet firm: pointed, yet kind,Jesus responds to Philip and the others. Have I been so long with you, and yet you have not come to know Me, Philip He who has seen Me has seen the Father; how do you say, "show us the Father"? Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me? Jesus Do you want to see the Father? You are looking at Him do you want to see God? look into my face." Jesus says 'When you hear Me speak, it is the words of God.
@Jimmy3371 (142)
• United States
26 Jan 08
I believe in the God that the Bible shows us this question is a question that Philip ask Jesus Himself Phil said "Lord show us the Father and it is enough for us." You would summarize his queaiton this way "Lord you've said You'r going somewhear that we've neve been and we've never seen. Then You tell us we do't need Directions- That we're to just follow you- But You've said You't going away. Look, Lord, could yo just give us something tangible to hang our faith onto? Just show us a vision of the Father and we'll all be satified. In a voice that, I believe, was gentle, yet firm: pointed, yet kind,Jesus responds to Philip and the others. Have I been so long with you , and yet youi have not come to know Me, Philip He who has seen Me has seen the Father; how do you say, "show us the Father"? Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me? Jesus Do you want to see the Father? You are looking at Him do you want to see God ? look into my face." Jesus says 'When you hear Me speak, it is the words of God.