proof of life?
By solidspirit
@solidspirit (14)
United States
January 25, 2008 8:05am CST
ok,agnostics, if a vacuum has force and that force is inward, and space is a vacuum, it seems to me that all universal material should be moving inward toward the center of the vacuum. Instead, scientists say that the universe is expanding in a vacuum. Star material is affected by the law of gravitional attraction. Gravity is something which has not been explained. Now the Big Bang might explain outward motion in a vacuum, but there is no explanation why star material is attracted to itself to form stars. I submit the material is affected in the same way as atoms. Electrons,having a negative charge, are atrracted and held in place by the positive charge of the protons. Now star material being of an opposite charge of a core are attracted to and held in place and when enough mass is accumalated, spontaneous combustion occurs. The potential energy held by star material is the same as the DNA of life. We are only minute examples of activity occuring in the universe as are atoms. The farther we look inward(atom) and outward(space), the more we see and find and I think the more we are able to look the more we will find. This very fact of there being more is the proof of life. The generation of life all around us, of potential to kinetic, is the hallmark of metaphysics and science co-joined and held in place by the law of attraction of opposites. Your beliefs are part of the attraction. There are no wrongs here, only what is right and supposed to be. Be at peace, brother and sister, all is well.
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3 responses
@mrarkangel (72)
• Canada
4 Mar 08
The reason the universe continues to expand comes down to grade nine science though yes stars do create gravitational fields that pull the heavenly boddies into there cycles but also there are electromagnetic fields caused by the stars fussion reaction just like the electromagnetic fields caused by any power source. That is what keeps the bodies in motions
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@solidspirit (14)
• United States
5 Mar 08
Bodies not boddies, their not there, fusion not fussion. varible not varibly. Gravitational force is far more powerful than electromagnetic fields. The planets are held in place rather than thrown out by the fields. How can you use the term ambigous when describing science? I do thank you for your response. I do not deny that the universe is expanding. What I am saying is that it shouldn't be. All atomic, molecular, cellular, planetary and stellar units are held in place by a cohesive force be it the attraction of polar negatives or gravitational force. The fact that the universe is expanding goes against sequential thought. Think about it. Solidspirit.
@mrarkangel (72)
• Canada
5 Mar 08
Sequncial thought is possibly the wrong way to think about it. Though our knowledge of science and Astrophysics are phenomenal they are not yet totaly complete. There is still much to learn in the ways of the universe that we will not learn untill we get out there and begin to experience it first hand. Now don't get me wrong it could be devine inluence but I think as per most things like gravity we will find a universal constant for it. My answer was merely one of the plosible solutions to attempt to explain the gross expansion the universe continues to indure.
Plus there are lots of things as learned as a race that we know about science there are still many of things that are "ambigous" like the human soul.
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@urbandekay (18278)
22 Feb 08
It's hard to know exactly where to start with this, there is so much wrong with it!
A vacuum doesn't posses a force. I may appear that it does; after all a vacuum in a weak container may appear to cause the vessel to collapse but it is important to understand that this is not a force from the vacuum but a inward force from the air outside the vessel crushing it, that with no air inside the vessel is unresisted.
So, your second claim that the vacuum of space should cause the matter to move inward is false, since there is no external air pressure to cause an inward force.
Star material is attracted to form stars by gravity, as described by Einstein.
The rest of your post is to incoherent to comment on.
all the best urban
@urbandekay (18278)
24 Feb 08
Sorry Dickus... you have clearly misunderstood, this is about science not toilets, enjoy your day with the blunt scissors and colouring books
all the best urban
@urbandekay (18278)
25 Feb 08
You should not consider that comment arrogant, only that when we are discussing such matters a greater precision and accuracy of language use is necessary and yours was so clumsy and ambiguous that it was impossible to have any confidence in correctly interpreting it
all the best uraban
@solidspirit (14)
• United States
24 Feb 08
Thanks urban for your response especially in an opposing viewpoint. I let the arrogant incoherent comment bounce off like a .22 off a tank as I'm more interested in the discussion. I agree that vacuum in itself is not a force but gravity is but more importantly, is the most elemental force in the universe and as vacuum does not offer resistance, the flow of star material should be toward each other. The pattern we see should be all matter coagulating. If our own sun is an example, nuclear fusion should be the source of the big bang with black holes and quasars still moving out in expansion. The central galaxies should be running into the outer most galaxies for they should expanding at a slower rate then the inner and central ones because of running into one another and merging causing slowing expansion and creating a road block for the ones coming out from the center of the universe. Star matter attracted to each other should have caused huge galaxies swallowing up all around them in much the same way black holes do.One is caused by a great amount of mass and one is dense mass. The constellations should have expanded in ever increasing sizes in measurable amounts. Again, I submit that the inconsistency of the universe is proof of life. Science has to be exact for it has to be duplicatable and repeatable. Science can explain how a zygote is created but it doesn't change the fact that the zygote is living and this is my point about the universe. The universe is living from its most stellar size to the molecular and atomic level. Life exists from the smallest to the largest. What we see in the planetary orbits around the sun is no different than electrons orbiting the proton/neutron necleus of atoms. I am at your service. Thanks again and may you have the best day you've ever had. Solidspirit

@Megodz (14)
27 Jan 08
Well Solidspirit didn't you answer your own question? about the univers collapesing instead of expanding. Well also a vaccum can always be expanded as long as the force pulling it apart isn't stopped by the forces pulling it to the centre. Also isn't a gravitational pull caused by the star made possible by it's huge amount of atoms and overal weight/density of the matireals in the star? Gravity has been explained as an effect caused by a mass greater then that of the objects closest to it.
@solidspirit (14)
• United States
28 Jan 08
Thanks for your response. I go backwards on my answer. If gravity has been explained, why can't it be duplicated in a repeatable manner or negated? If gravitational pull is determined by the mass of atoms/weight/density, why isn't it observable with smaller masses on still smaller masses even in a vacuum? Also, for a vacuum to be expanded, it has to have an external force which is contrary to the Big Bang theory. The expansion of the universe, I submit, is proof of life. Thanks
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@Megodz (14)
28 Jan 08
Well this is only observable with the planets right now we can't go scale modle to see what will happen because one of the planets gravatational pull would get in the way making it inconclusive. This is because of a round oberit it would be pulled by other things making an akward oberit or the object would just be pulled away from the scale modle of a planet or star. They would also need to get far way from this scale modle because their own gravitational pul although not very strong would contribute to the objects floating away.
@RigelK (45)
25 Feb 08
I was going to comment re vacuum and gravity, but since Urban decay already handled that (and very well btw), I'll go at it from another angle.
You titled this discussion '"proof of life". But all this talk of gravity, collapsing universes and so on is unnessecary. Life, the fact that you and I and everybody else exist, is the only proof of life you need.
I think what you mean is proof of God. I think you're trying to say that the way the universe operates is proof of God's existence. Which is hardly a new viewpoint.
And I don't dismiss it out of hand. Instead what I would say is that the universe operates is proof, but the question is of what. Some say it's proof there's a God. Some say it's proof there isn't a God.
The problem is that right now the proof is open to many interpretations. We don't know enough to determine the correct one.