Is there a way to tell the age of a cat without going to a vet?

How old am I? - another bigguy photo
United States
January 25, 2008 10:34am CST
Anyone who is reading my discussions knows I recently got a cat (and that's all I'm talking I got him from someone who took him in over 6 months ago because he was a stray in her neighborhood and knew nothing about him. All we know is that he has been neutered. He's very large...over 23 inches long and weighs probably over 12 pounds. Does anyone know of a way to find out a cats age before going to a vet? How can a vet figure out their age....any ideas?
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4 responses
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
25 Jan 08
I really have no idea of how to tell the age - their either kittens or old :) Over the years we've had several cats that we didn't have any idea how old they were but didn't matter we just made the day we got or found them their birthday. My cat Indy (Independace) was born on the 4th of July 2006 so know how old she is.
1 person likes this
• United States
25 Jan 08
I had a cockatiel years ago named Indy but he was named after Indiana Jones. At the time my son was a Raiders of the Lost Ark fan.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
26 Jan 08
That's cute - my Mom actually named my Indy, the mother cat was dropped off at my Mom's and mom kept her until her babies were born then found homes for all of them. Her cat Luna was having nothing at all to do with more cats in the house or yard. Around here there are a lot of race fans so I have to explain she was not named for the Indainapolis 500 race :)
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
25 Jan 08
thats ok i know that you like your new cat and i am happy to talk with you about him..How is he doing? has he gotten more friendly? I don't know how to tell the age of the cat..i think how they tell is by looking at the teeth, because i took my animal (also a stray) but this was a long time ago ,and i took it to get shots,and i asked the vet about its age and he started looking in the mouth and at the teeth,but i have no idea what he was looking for or at, but he told me in about what age he was...I also want to tell you this ,because i have 2 cats that you will need to vaccinate him from feline leukemia, because that is a real cat problem, and i also get mine a rabies shot each year..Some people do not think it is b necessary because they are in the house a lot but my vet swears by that...If you look on the internet you can find where they do those vacinations for free at certain times of the year....Cats live a long time i do know that, even longer than dogs i was told...
• United States
25 Jan 08
I've been reading and have learned that telling age has something to do with their teeth but of course they can't know for sure. I'm going to make sure he gets all of the shots he needs even if he is an indoor cat. I want him to live a long happy life. He's doing a little better but of course still not trusting me 100%. That will take time I know.
@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
26 Jan 08
Cats age differently from humans. They do not live as long, but can be as old as some of our older folks. The formula to calculate a cat's age is as follows: 1. Allow 15 human years for the first year of your cat's life. 2. For the 2nd year, add nine years to its age. So if your cat is two years old, it will approximate 24 human years. 3. Add four human years each for successive years of its life. Following this computation method, the equivalent age in human years for a cat is: Cat Years (equivalent Human Years): 1 (15) 2 (24) 3 (28) 4 (32) 5 (36) 6 (40) 7 (44) 8 (48) 9 (52) 10 (56) 11 (60) 12 (64) 13 (68) 14 (72) 15 (76) 16 (80)
@raychill (6525)
• United States
25 Jan 08
Don't know if he'll let you look in his mouth but his Teeth are about the only way to tell age. I know that if he has his "fangs" as I call them... then he's over 5 months old (but by his height and weight i'd say he's an adult anyhow)....unless you're an expert at teeth, you'll just have to take him to the vets.
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• United States
25 Jan 08
lol....definately no way is he going to let me get into his mouth yet that's for sure! He's definitely over 5 months unless he's a giant! lolol...