Kids Saying They Are Bored? That Is A Real Mind Blower For Me. What Do You Think
By sunshinelady
@sunshinelady (7609)
United States
January 26, 2008 3:30am CST
I had a real mind blown statement given to me by a little girl. We were standing in front of her house and talking. She is nine years old. Now I know she has a computer in her room along with a television and a radio. She also has a telephone. In the conversation she was complaining that she has nothing to do. Give me a break when I was growing up we made up games to play. Kids were outside playing tag, hang man's bluff, hide and seek, ring around the rosy and lot's more. We didn't need anyone to hold our hands and entertain us to have something to do. What is the world coming to when the kids say they are bored with all the things they have given to them.
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52 responses
@CinderInMySoul (4717)
• United States
26 Jan 08
amazing isnt it? lol! they have everything we as kids could possibly have imagined and then some..and yet tragically there is nothing to do! wtf?!
i always have the perfect answer to that statement though...a nice list of things around the house that need to be done!
like taking out trash, cleaning room, vacuuming..the list can go on and on!
that usually kills the whole "im bored" complaints right quick!
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
27 Jan 08
Amen to that. Alot of them act like wild animals, not children. They think they should have full attention all of the time and they will not let their parents get 5 seconds peace. they always have to be entertained by someone or something.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
26 Jan 08
It bogs my mind also. I have a 15 year old daughter and she used to tell me how bored she was all of the time. she has more things around here to do than I ever had. She has games, a swimming pool, playstation, bike, basketball goal, tv in her room, dvd player, movies, stereo, cell phone and more. She has a small part time job now and she doesn't have time to be bored. She will be 16 in February and she is trying to save up for her own car that she will pay cash for.
I told her all of the time that I wish I had a quarter of the things she has. She never would go get in the swimming pool unless I got in it also even if I just sat on the deck outside with her. She was always into mine and my husbands conversations all of the time too even if she had a friend over, they were still bored wanting us parents to entertain them.
I remember going outside and playing in leaves and such to entertain myself and I never was up my mom and dads butt. I was glad to go play with my friends when I was allowed to even do that.
I think they say they are bored because they want to be treated like they are 21 when they are 8 or 9 years old. The more they get, the more they want and they do not respect any of it.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
27 Jan 08
Same here. We found things to entertain ourselves. I remember sitting in the floor playing with jax. To me that was fun. At least I got a break from all the chores I had to do and be happy while I was doing them.
I never backtalked my mom and dad either. I knew better. Kids these days don't care. they will tell you straight up what you can do and they have no remorse for it.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
27 Jan 08
I am 36 now. My dad passed away when I was 13 and my mom remarried soon after. I still had chores to do and then some since I was growing older and my mom and step-dad worked. I still had homework to do and daily chores. I didn't get to go hardly anywhere but I still respected what my mom said.
I made good grades in school and didn't get to study until about 10 or 11 at night after getting the chores done that I had to do daily. Keep in mind. I couldn't go places like most kids so I would just go lay down on my bed and draw. We had a swimming pool but we weren't allowed to get in it unless my mom and step-dad was outside to watch us and I was 16. Mom couldn't even swim but I could.
We have a swimming pool here and I cannot force my now almost 16 year old daughter out the door to go enjoy it. she always has to have me and her dad get in it with her or friends over to get in. My mom couldn't have got me out the door fast enough if we were allowed to get in whever we wanted to. She has all kinds of things to do here. Games, television, computer, bike, swimming pool, dart board, pool table, movies and more, but she is bored. Whatever!!!!!!!!!!! She has a part time job now and has school so she has no time to be bored. Now she has no time to get bored, she goes to bed and goes to sleep. wore out because now she is getting and learning some responsibility.
I didn't get to do any of what she has got to do until I was 19 years old. I had to beg just to get to go to the library to study for a test or do a book report.
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@sunshinelady (7609)
• United States
27 Jan 08
That is what I have seen is the things they do have they don't respect. My Mom and Dad never entertained us and I never entertained my son. I have noticed that kids only want to be treated as they are older if it suits their purpose. Other wise they want to be treated as a child. You can't have it both ways.
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@gandatwo (602)
• Australia
27 Jan 08
oh dear Sunshinelady.I feel you said it all.When you were young you "all" played together.The Children of to-day are a new generation,we did not have most of the technolgy the Children have to-day.They therefore have only the company of computers etc.Perhaps we as adults can encourage them to experience some of our simple fun?Boy we did have some didn't we?More then once I can remember losing bark of my being,always seemed I was nominated as the test piolot for my Brother and his Friends newest billy cart invention! always had fun climbing a tree or three.I tried this only a few weeks ago,and still got it girl!...just somewhat slower.
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@sunshinelady (7609)
• United States
27 Jan 08
You go girl. Age doesn't have anything to do with limiting what we can still do. I went to your profile page and you are a year younger than I am. I do things with my three grandkids and have a ball. I am right there in the middle of them playing at what they are playing at. Let's put it this way--they call me crazy granny and I am proud of it. The television isn't allowed on when they are over. Which doesn't bother them because at home they don't watch that much television. They create their own fun. I do agree with you that this generation is a generation of sitting in front of the computer, television, or playstation. There is no real need for others to join in. Which to me is sad. When I was growing up we were outside playing at slaying the dragon. We used tree branches for our swords. So I have to say bored just wasn't in our vocabulary.
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@mummymo (23706)
27 Jan 08
I think the thing is that nowadays we are too afraid to let our kids disappear for hours on end without knowing where they are or what they are doing - we used to have that freedom but I for one am afraid to let my kids out of my sight unless I know they are with a responsible adult. This seems to curtail their imagination an awful lot! Also a lot more parents have to both work full time which leaves less time to spend with their children as well as doing all the household chores so again the childs freedom is often curtailed. I often wish y kids could have the same kind of childhood I did but I feel it is a different world now and that type of childhood is very rare nowadays. xxxx
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@sunshinelady (7609)
• United States
27 Jan 08
You have brought up some very good points. It is a world where kids have to be safe guarded because of all the crazy things that happen and especially to kids.
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@gantwick (849)
• United States
27 Jan 08
Send her outside and tell her to write down ten things that she sees. Then when she comes back in, tell her to draw a picture of each of those things, or to make up a story that includes those ten things (hopefully, her story won't be "I went outside and saw..."
Another suggestion I have is to have her clean her bedroom. I've used this on my kids and they seem to have "nothing to do" less often.
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@sunshinelady (7609)
• United States
27 Jan 08
I like your idea of sending her outside and having her pick ten things and come back in and either draw a picture or make up a story about the things. Good Idea. Thanks.
@green4success (80)
• United States
28 Jan 08
Hi sunshine, I believe the kids, nowadays, have too much or too many things. When I was growing up, we didn't have that much so we appreciated what we did have. If we got bored, we made up our own play house out of sticks, pine straw, and marked out the rooms in the dirt. We played hop scotch, card games when it rained, and sat around telling stories (ghost) when it got dark.
Television and computers are making our kids lazy and fat because they spend so much time in front of them, they don't get out and exercise enough. That is what's wrong with our kids today, especially in America.
@sunshinelady (7609)
• United States
30 Jan 08
I agree with you whole heartedly. I can remember some of the ghost stories that me and my friends would tell in my younger years. We always had something to do and the words were words that I never heard. Our kids today do have to much and to many things. Heck me and my sisters and brothers would pretend boxes were trains running down the track. We would sit in the boxes lined up and run down the tracks and holler out all the wonderful things we saw. Even to the fact of pretending we were going up a mountain in a train. It is a shame that there are kids that don't have the imagination to be able to go and do anything right from their own backyard. It's really a shame.
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
29 Jan 08
It is amazing isn't it. Although I find that when my son claims that he is bored, he is more lonely than bored. He is tired of entertaining himself. I do think with all the technology, that kids are more alone today than they used to be.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
26 Jan 08
"Now I know she has a computer in her room along with a television and a radio. She also has a telephone"
thats the problem right there....Kids are too quickly given these things for entertainment rather than having quality family time....My kids have their own entertainment room which isnt a big deal and actually more convinient BUT there are times when they come to me and say they are bored which actually means "mom can we hang out together and do something" so we do..Sometimes we just watch a movie together, sometimes we'll just sit and chat or draw together or go for a bike ride (in the warm months) down to the fishing hole and so on...and its ALWAYS been that way....(btw my kids are now 14 1/2 and almost 13)..
My kids have their own computer, tv, 2 video game systems, vcr, dvd player a stack of movies and games, board games, books, art supplies, iPods, handheld video game systems, 50 acres of woods to play in, basketball hoop, skateboards, a pool, trampoline, bikes etc etc etc....Its not that they have "nothing to do"...its that they want to spend time with me...Parents are too quick to assume that all these gadgets are the answer but they arent, they're an excuse ;-) I think families need to get back to having quality time with one another..something society seems to have pushed aside over the past few yrs...
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@sunshinelady (7609)
• United States
27 Jan 08
Family quality time I think most kids today don't know what that is. They are not taught to use their imaginations so therefore they don't know how to play with nothing but their minds and something simple like a tree branch which when I was growing up was used as a sword by us. The play acting that me and my brothers and sisters did was really neat. We used our imaginations for all kind of things to pretend we were. There is no family time even to the small thing of sitting down and eating a meal together. I feel sorry for the kids today. They have all the advantages of the modern world and are lacking in the ability to go off and be pirates but still be in their own back yard. I am bored to me simply says that the imagination is lost in these kids.
@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
27 Jan 08
I say I'm bored all the time. It's just hard to find things to keep our minds stimulated all the time anymore. I mean, we have all those computer games and what not anymore to keep us occupied, and we get so used to that rather simple things just do not stimulate our minds anymore. And, I don't think kids are creative anymore and just do not want to, or don't think about creating their own games anymore because they rely on other things to keep them occupied.
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@sunshinelady (7609)
• United States
27 Jan 08
But I think that if you came away from the technical stuff every once in a while and did something that involves using your mind without the help of computers or computer games or all the other things that make it easy to have your mind lay dormit in the realm of finding something to do with yourself. I agree with you as far as kids don't seem to be creative. When I say kids I don't mean every kid. I have never made a statement that I think all are in that group. But I have to say I meet a lot that make the statement that they are bored.
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
27 Jan 08
The sad story of today is that we have replaced people imagination with materialistic things.
When we get bored... we buy a new toy to play with... and believes me... adults are worse than kids in that department.
We have computers and programs capable to create anything that our imagination can come up with...
But what do we do with our computer? We go and buy a new game...
One would thing that it would be far more creative and give you far more satisfaction to use your computer to create your very own game... than to go and buy a ready made one.
People are bored because people are lazy.
There is more to life than working 9 to 5 to earn a living. Start using your brain... that's what's life is all about.
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@sunshinelady (7609)
• United States
27 Jan 08
You have my total agreement there. The computers in and of themself do not stop the imagination. If used right you could even be more creative. But that is not the way it is generally used. As you say a person goes out and buys a game instead of using there mind and coming up with one on their own. That to me would be more fun and more mind challenging. There is so much a computer could do to challenge your mind if it is used in a challenging way instead of the easy let's go buy a game and play it.
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@mosvph (97)
• Philippines
27 Jan 08
When I was a kid I even played with stones and made them "talk". I gathered beautiful stones of different sizes and a couple of bigger stones became the "parents" and the smaller ones were the children! Well, there were actually many stones because there were many characters. I could play the whole day with them. I even made a floor plan of a house(my ideal house surely) and that was their house. Hahaha. Anyway, the stones gave way to paper dolls which I made and you can just imagine how wonderful it was to design clothes for them.
Well, I think the character of many children of this generation is a product of busy parents, affluence, and the new technology. Maybe the children haven't been given the chance to develop their creativity. But there are some alternative schools for children like the Waldorf school. We just have to choose which schools to put our children in for pre-school, amd/or beyond. I observed that the Waldorf school can produce very creative children. I think it is because they have a different experience in the school.
One more thing: television is not really bad for children to watch but I think they need to limit their viewing time and they meed to be supervised so that the learning can be reinforced. Likewise, they can play computer games but this should be balanced with art appreciation and sports.
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@ericajoyce (1746)
• Philippines
27 Jan 08
Hello there sunshinelady. Interesting topic. My kid brother who is 12 years old always complains that he is bored most especially when he is just here at home. Whenever we told him to stay at home and help with the chores, he always says "Im bored"! I asked him what does he want to do. He replied "I want to play with the computer". You know he can even used the computer the whole day. I even asked him doesn't he feel bored using the computer the whole day. He replied by saying "Of course not"! When I was a kid Im always satisfied with the outdoor games that our playmates used to play. Or even just playing with my toys. That makes me happy as well. I dont know with kids nowadays.
@mychattime (1013)
27 Jan 08
Yeah you are right, my 4 year old says he's bored and got nothing to do, he now goes on the computer now and then, he has a dvd and video player in his room. He likes to help with the chores round the house although he is more of a hinderence at times bless him! I often tell him when I was young I never had a tv, video, computer to play with etc and he looks at me as if I'm from another planet and says well what did you do, when I say played outside, played with toys etc he looks as if I was really hard done by and then finds something to do, if that fails I suggest going out on his bike or taking the dog out that always works especially on a cold or rainy day!
@feole1970 (22)
• United States
27 Jan 08
I am in total agreement with you it is very frustrating to hear especialy after you have taken them on an expensive vacation and after all that they are still saying I'm bored Man that rips me up!!
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@Ohara_1983 (4117)
• Kuwait
27 Jan 08
you know why they have already everything that is the reason why they feel bored, they dint feel what we feel when we just play with our neighborhood, those kids dont know what means bored, just they taking from movies, also in that young age their parent support will be ther not only just to have evrything in there room.
@arwenrey (315)
• Philippines
27 Jan 08
I think what kid's want when they say that they are bored even though they have everything around the house is to go out with parents or their friends. Try to plan a vacation to have some family time.
I knew a person who has everything and yet sometimes he feels lonely ( I think this also applies to some bored kids) and the thing that makes him happy is to go outside the house together with some friends and have some strenuous activity like airsoft or skydiving (in your kids it would be swimming or baseball games). And he also travels.
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@expectantheart (12)
• Philippines
27 Jan 08
My nephew also said that a few months back. yes, he has a computer, a dvd player, a playstation and lots of books. I guess what kids really mean when they say that is that they need to go out and be with people their age. Because when my uncle brought my nephew to the mall, his face lit up and he totally forgot how he felt a few hours ago. Maybe this is also the reason why our generation sans the technology of today, dont get bored is because we play with other kids. Kids now who get bored feel that because they're stuck inside their rooms most of the time. just my two cents worth.
@derek_a (10873)
27 Jan 08
I often wonder when kids say they are bored, if they are really saying, that they want to be entertained and amused by their parents. What worked with my kids and with me as a kid, was just to respond something like.. "well we all get bored. Just be bored. In fact see how bored you can be." It often works. :-)
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
27 Jan 08
Yeah your absolutely right about that, kids now a days are very adventurous they are bored when they not doing new things. I remember in my childhood days I don't have any siblings and my playmates are only at school my only playmate that time is my dog and yet gadgets are not introduced. My 10 yrs old daughter has this gadgets and her cousins as her playmates but sometimes she was complaining of getting bored. I don't really know what they want to do.
@bhappy2 (327)
• Australia
27 Jan 08
when I was growing up we were very poor and my brother and I would play with sticks as pretend horses and woodchips as cars. We were never bored. As I got older I discovered books and I would spend hours at the library or with my nose in a book. We climbed trees built cubby houses and made up all sorts of games and storied. The trouble with kids now is they are entertained from the minute they open their eyes in the morning till they close them at night. They have TV computers nintendo playstations remote controlled cars push bikes and some have motor bikes. Remove them from these for even the shortest time and they have no idea how to entertain themselves and so the "I'm bored" raises its ugly head. They have never had to entertain themselves and just don't know how.
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