Weird Random Facts and Pointless Trivia You Just have to Share

What ? - pointless weird random facts.
United States
January 26, 2008 10:21am CST
So yesterday we were discussing certain sayings or phrases that do not translate from our English well into other languages. That's been quite fun ya'll, Thank you. Today I am wondering what weird random facts, however pointless, useless and interesting they are you might want to share with us. Could be about anything at all. Do you know a fact that you just think is to cool to keep to yourself? I have to think about this some myself, but I thought I would at least get the discussion started.
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13 responses
26 Jan 08
honey is the only food that will never spoil. we used to eat lashings of the stuff during the war. damn nice spread on a rose petal.
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• United States
26 Jan 08
Hi jeffery, welcome to mylot :))) Yes I think I have heard that about honey. However I have had honey crystallize to sugar if not used in a proper amount of time. Is a rose petal a cookie or biscuit? Or are you saying a real rose petal?
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26 Jan 08
during the war rations were sparse. rose petals if we could find them had a jolly decent flavour. better than the dockin leaves. large green leaves that were tastless but excelllent for making your bowels regular.
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• United States
26 Jan 08
That in and of it's self Jeffery is an interesting fact. Thank you.
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
26 Jan 08
Oh I love pointless, useless trivia. I find it fascinating. One piece of pointless trivia that always comes to mind for me is that a 'jiffy' is really a unit of measure. My grandmother always said, "I'll do it in a jiffy." A 'jiffy' is the name for 1/100th of a second! And a REALLY useless fact is that the swan is the only bird that has a peni$ !!!
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• United States
26 Jan 08
ROFLMAO! I am at work, sitting in front of a group of students who are taking a test similar to the ACT. I am supposed to be quiet of course...but am having a very hard time! What a great discussion!
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• United States
26 Jan 08
shhhh,,,Crazy Nurse. Shhh!
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• United States
26 Jan 08
Deep breaths Roz Deep breaths... too funny. It is always funny sometimes where this discussions go. You start at point A but end up anywhere in the alphabet. rotflmo
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@kamran12 (5526)
• Pakistan
28 Jan 08
Hello Angelwhispers, It has been interesting to read all that is shared here. I may not have that much interesting but anyway, here they are: Females outlive males in almost all biological species that have been studied. Ratio of female human centenarians to male is about 9 to 1. Female sperm whales outlive its counterpart by 30 years. The only purpose of some male species in Animal Kingdom is to reproduce, they die after mating. Testosterones determine how much male is a male, yet, it is indirectly responsible for short male life spans. 15% more boys are conceived than girls, 4% more boys are born than girls, the ratio equalizes between 25-30 years of age beyond which there are more girls than boys. Females are so precious species! :-) Baby boys are more interested in objects and baby girls are keen in faces. It is reasoned that this early difference makes women more expert in judging a facial expression than men, men make up better engineers than women, in general. By and large, Women are way better in multi-tasking than men, Women are tougher than men as far as survival is concerned! :-) Though literacy levels have increased but World average IQ is continuously dropping, though slowly. It has dropped by more than 1 point from 90.?? To 88.?? Since 1950, and by 2027 it is predicted to drop by another 1 point! :-) Females have lower IQ than males, but males cover both the upper and the lower limit i.e. the smartest and the dumbest are males, females being in between! Haha, shoot me!:-) But, seriously, I don’t put my faith in IQ. Well, there are many, many other trivial facts but I should stop!:-)
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• United States
29 Jan 08
"Baby boys are more interested in objects and baby girls are keen in faces." This indeed is fascinating Kamran. It is a fact that women can size up a person, 80% better then men can. Thats why your wife may nag you, into telling her what is on your mind when you had no idea really that there was anything on your mind. We see it. We watch your body, your eyes, we are perceptive to the changes of muscles in face and posture. I agree my friend, I do not put much faith in IQ numbers.
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@kamran12 (5526)
• Pakistan
29 Jan 08
You are so true about women's capabilities, Angel, that's why I never lie to my wife. I don't ever lie to others either, but I can still hide things from others which is not possible with my wife. Heck, she can even tell about me on phone if I have taken a day off from university or if I haven't eaten or haven't slept for some time. I don't know how she comes to know about these things without even seeing my face. She has no friend in France from whom she can inquire about me i.e. she only has my voice to judge everything. Yet, she has almost 100% success rate!:-)
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@kamran12 (5526)
• Pakistan
31 Jan 08
Hello urbandekay I completely agree when you say “everyone performs worse when multitasking!”. And, I never said that men can’t do multitasking, I only said that women are better at multitasking. I read some studies a while ago about it including that of Helen Fisher, Raquel and Ruben Gur and Marcel etc. While it is said that men are faster in multitasking, it is shown that women are more accurate. Some try to explain it from evolutionary stand point. Do you have some authentic work to cite so that I may look into that!? Thanks!
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@gantwick (849)
• United States
27 Jan 08
Oklahoma City has two airports named after people killed in a plane crash.
• United States
27 Jan 08
Good Morning Gantwick, Thats kinda morbid I would think :)) welcome to mylot ;))
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@gantwick (849)
• United States
27 Jan 08
Actually, Will Rogers and Wiley Post probably would have seen the irony in that. Wiley Post was one of the pioneers of aviation, and Will Rogers loved to fly, and took every opportunity to do so, envisioning a day when most people would travel that way (trains were the mass transportation choice back then).
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• United States
27 Jan 08
when i was in japan and read some of the translations from japanese to english it sometimes came out sounding i live in Monroe, Michigan and they made a recliner chair called a "Lazy Boy" and the Japanese don't like the term "LAZY" as to their culture this is very bad to be lazy...and the translation was weird.. just like i seen a sign in the hotel.."slot machines on fifth floor at 8 p.m._) i thought this was a casino and at 8 p.m. took all my spare yen and went to the fifth floor and all there was vending machines that were there when the cafeteria or diner was closed..duh? but i guess it was a "slot machine"
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• United States
27 Jan 08
Interesting.. so anything you put coins in translate into a slot machine :)) How neet is that!
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• Philippines
27 Jan 08
err I know some, though it's mostly facts about animals. we studied these during our biodiversity classes 1. frogs still has its reflexes and can still move even if its head is severed. 2. a jellyfish is composed of 92% water 3. owls can see color blue - other birds can't 4. goldfishes have a memory span of three seconds (so be insulted if someone calls you a goldfish hehe) 5. pigs can get sunburned (aside from humans) 6. rants can't vomit (that's why rat poisons work!) 7. Lobsters have blue blood; moths ave white blood 8. dolphins sleep with one eye open 9. Mosquitoes have 47 teeth (scary hahaha) 10. snails can sleep for 21 years animals are just so cool 8.
• United States
27 Jan 08
I wonder what mosquitoes do with all of those teeth?
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• United States
1 Feb 08
Mythbusters proved that goldfish have longer memory spans than 3 seconds. Jamie taught his goldfish over a period of days to go through 'doorways' in the tank in order to reach food at the other end of the tank, thereby proving that fish can actually learn and have attention spans longer than the aforethought 3 seconds.
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@GardenGerty (162496)
• United States
26 Jan 08
Did you know that bees commnicate with each other by dancing? That is how the bees that find great fields of flowers go back and do their air ballet to let the other bees know where to go. Weird and random enough for you?
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• United States
26 Jan 08
I just recently saw this on TV Gert. It was fascinating and all this time I thought it was thier buzz buzz buzz that they used to communicate with. Much obliged my friend!
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@urbandekay (18278)
30 Jan 08
1. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone taught his dog to speak. 2. Immanuel Kant, philosopher of transcendental idealism, had holes in his pockets so he could attach suspenders to his belt to keep his socks up all the best urban
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• United States
31 Jan 08
Hi there Urban :))) "had holes in his pockets so he could attach suspenders to his belt to keep his socks up" LMAO what is it they say? That necessity is the mother of invention ?:)))
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@urbandekay (18278)
31 Jan 08
5. A ton (UK) is 2240lbs a short ton (US) is 2000lb 6. A piece of dry paper cannot be folded in half more than 7 times. 7. Below a certain temperature tin is no longer metallic, when Napoleon invaded Russia the tin buttons on his army's coats crumbled. The tin protecting the fuel cans on Scot's fated antartic expedition likewise failed letting the cans rust and the petrol leak onto the food supplies. all the best urban
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• United States
27 Jan 08
Sue Angel, be glad to; here are some that I know. Your body is creating and killing 15 million red blood cells per second. There are no clocks in las vegas gambling casinos. The most popular first name in the world is Muhammad Tablecloths were originally meant to be used as towels for people to wipe their hands and faces on after eating. In Iceland, tipping in a restaurant is considerd an insult. It takes glass 1 million years to decompose. A group of geese on the ground is a gaggle, a group of geese in the air is a skein. Over 2500 left handed people are killed each year from using products made for right handed people. And, finally, a popular fact going around is that a ducks quack does not echo; but that was proven wrong on a British TV show called Brainiac; which is like our show Mythbusters.
• United States
27 Jan 08
Hi there Toneman :)) Welcome to mylot :)) Ouch on the left handed folks. My 13 year old is left-handed. He is always trying to use things meant for right handed people. It never occurred to me that this might put him in harms way. Yet one more thing for a mother to worry about... ARRGGGG LMAO He is a big fan of that Brainiac show and we did indeed see the show that discounted the duck echo thing.
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@AD11RGUY (1265)
• United States
1 Feb 08
Great discussion, Angel! It took me some time to think of something to write here, seeing to how so much of what I know is useless and pointless anyway. Here's what finally surfaced... 1. A bathtub full of ice cubes has more heat than a thim- ble of boiling water (see entropy). 2. Falling water ionizes the air around it (yes, this in- cludes your shower). 3. The fastest way to boil something is in a vacuum (not the cleaner!) 4. Lightening also strikes up from the cloud. 5. Lightening bolts start at the ground where there is a high content of negatively charged ions. 6. Diesel locomotives are the most popular hybrid vehicles (the diesel engine powers an electric generator for lo- comotion by electric motors). 7. H2O2, hydrogen peroxide, has been used to propel torpe- dos and rockets. 8. A troy pound, used for measuring the weight of gold, is four ounces less than a standard pound, which is 16 oz. 9. Gold does not oxidize or rust. 10. When frozen, water expands. Useless indeed, but fun!
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• United States
2 Feb 08
Boy lets not buy Troy gold! "A troy pound, used for measuring the weight of gold, is four ounces less than a standard pound, which is 16 oz."
• Philippines
26 Jan 08
did you know that the original cinderella story has wool shoes instead of glass ones? =)
• United States
27 Jan 08
Cheapscake, Welcome to mylot... And NO I did not know that. Wow thanks for your insight. My grand daughter might enjoy that bit of trivia.
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
26 Jan 08
Thanks for this post Angel! It give this Walking Ecyclopedia of Trivia a chance to share! Heres and addition to Ljeger's roach theme: Adult roaches can live without water for a month while babys can live only a week. A roach can flatten itself down to the thickness of a sheet of paper and slip under anything! Down South we have catfich that can walk. Yup they scoot along on their fins from one watering hole to another. I think they were accidentally imported from someplace else. If you cut off the head of a snake the body will try to burrow into the ground. the heart will continue to pump until sundown or you cut it up, whichever comes first. (I love snakes) More on snakes...A snake has a breathing tube that extends out so that the snake can continue to breathe when it swallows something that is very large and will take a long time to go down. We would not want the little darling to suffocate while eating now would we! Heres some stuff I learned while living on boats. It is true because I did it myself! Mayonaise will not spoil outside of the fridge for several months if you DO NOT DOUBLE DIP. This means that you use a clean utensil and do not touch that utensil to anything except the mayo. If you do then use another utensil to go back into the jar. I have never had mayo go bad since I started doing this!!! Eggs that have never been refrigerated can last for a month at room temperature if they are not fertilized. You don't want the little critters hatching on If you want to keep them longer, then you dip them in paraffin and they will last about 6 months. Welcome to sailing 101. OK I'm done for now. That was fun! Shalom~Adoniah
• United States
27 Jan 08
Adoniah, I have seen that happen with the snakes. Their bodies and heads not dying until after sun down. I also watched my mother once kill a big snapping turtle, You know that dang thing would still snap if you poked it with a stick. I have no doubt that it could still have removed your finger if it had the chance.
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• United States
26 Jan 08
Thanks for posting this delightful topic. When I got it in the email I was wracking my brain and thought I'd come back to it later. However, I did manage to come up with this little tidbit. Those raised lane markers on the road (called Bots dots by the way after the person who invented them) -- when you see a blue one it means there's a fire hydrant nearby. Good for firefighters to know where to plug in the hose.
• United States
26 Jan 08
No there in another one I had no idea about. I am just learning some of the most extraordinary things today . Joyce Thank you so much for that one!
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@AD11RGUY (1265)
• United States
1 Feb 08
And if you look in your mirror, in just the right light, you will see red reflectors on the reverse side of those bot dots. It is to let you know that you are going the wrong way if you should see them in front of you when you drive.
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