What is your religion?

United States
October 30, 2006 12:55am CST
Mine is Wicca.
25 responses
@Karinne (1220)
• Australia
1 Nov 06
Hi there batmanscat4! I am church of england but don't go to church.
• United States
1 Nov 06
Hi ya!! Thanks for responding!
1 Nov 06
I'm meant to be church or England too, went to a church of England school and all that but I think that was just how things worked out not because of beliefs.
@hirals (1736)
• India
1 Nov 06
Mine is Hindu!
• United States
1 Nov 06
@MrsFrizzle (1963)
• United States
1 Nov 06
don't have one
• United States
1 Nov 06
• India
1 Nov 06
Humanity is my religion,
• United States
1 Nov 06
• India
1 Nov 06
• United States
1 Nov 06
@Flaine (404)
• France
1 Nov 06
No religion ;-)
• United States
1 Nov 06
@maddog108 (3435)
• Australia
31 Oct 06
i dont have one
• United States
1 Nov 06
@Edge1984 (131)
• China
1 Nov 06
Mine is Buddhism.
• United States
1 Nov 06
@hariharan23 (1075)
• India
31 Oct 06
im a human being thats all. please leave these religion atleast in mylot. dont mylot split members. atleast we are united here.
• United States
1 Nov 06
I never meant to offend anyone, i'm just curious how many religions there are.
@senna9 (1666)
• Netherlands
1 Nov 06
• United States
1 Nov 06
• India
31 Oct 06
• United States
1 Nov 06
@gz1282 (571)
• United States
31 Oct 06
I am a Catholic.
• United States
1 Nov 06
1 Nov 06
I don't have a religion. I believe in something but I don't know what precisely.
• United States
1 Nov 06
i know sometimes it's hard to find something that fits into our lifestyles. Thanks for the answer!
1 Nov 06
I don't have one. I think there must be something out there other than what we see but I don't follow any religion or believe anything in particular.
• United States
1 Nov 06
@t33na01 (136)
• United States
30 Oct 06
• United States
30 Oct 06
@jaitley (841)
• United States
30 Oct 06
good discussion topic
• United States
30 Oct 06
@owlwings (43914)
• Cambridge, England
9 Dec 06
I don't really follow any specific religion though my background is Christian (Church of England, Baptist and Quaker). I know there is a God, though, and that different people see Him/Her in many different ways (including as more than one person or a person with more than one aspect). If one is humble and honest in the search for the Truth, then what you find is your own way to oneness.
• United States
31 Oct 06
Wicca...Merry meet, friend!
• United States
1 Nov 06
• Japan
8 Dec 06
well, i am indu by religion... I never knew abt the Wicca religion.. I searched in web after seeing ur discussion.. thanks :)
• India
9 Dec 06
mine is HINDU