If you will be given a chance to go back in time, When would that be and why?
By drrt_801
@drrt_801 (116)
January 28, 2008 3:00am CST
There are a lot of "time travelling" movies that we have already watched. Have you sometimes wished that you have that ability even just for once? Was there something that you have done that you wished that you did differently? Or something that could have happened if you made it happened the way you wanted it. Was it something about your school, studies, the work you have right now, the life that you have chosen years before, something you could have said that might have changed somethings, you love one, your family, your boss, etc. If you will be given that ONE chance only ONCE, when will that be and why? what happened and what do you wish had happened. are you willing to take the risks of changing what you have right now just to be able to change the past?
Let me share you mine first...
If I will be given that chance... I will choose the time before mom died, that was July 8, 2007. I have so many things to tell her, tell her how much I love her, I want her to know that this is the son she had always wanted for me. And I will make sure that she isn't on that situation when she was ran over by a vehicle. I wish I could have saved her. Yes, I am willing to risk all the changes, because I am sure, my mom will always be there whenever something goes wrong...I wish I have that chance so that I may see her again.:'(
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20 responses
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
28 Jan 08
The type of time travel you talk about, I wouldn't go. Even though I have been through 3 marriages, I wouldn't change a thing, if I went back and changed one thing, it would have a domino effect and change everything from that point forward. If I hadn't divorced the first time, I wouldn't have remarried and have my oldest daughter, if that hadn't ended in divorce and remarried for the 3rd time I wouldn't have my youngest daughter. If I hadn't married that 3rd time I would not have joined a volunteer fire department and gone back to school. And if I hadn't divorced for the 3rd time, I wouldn't be where I am today, working my dream job, an amazing man in my life and two wonderful daughters. So, going back and changing one thing would change everything, and I wouldn't change where I am now for the world.
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@drrt_801 (116)
• Philippines
28 Jan 08
Thanks for sharing that. I always say this and I will say it again. it's hard to find a person who is contented with what they have right now. not only that, they cherish what they have right now. I am glad you did. Good luck to you and your family. Reading your response makes me understand the contentment of having a wonderful family. :)
@Normal1 (2)
• United States
28 Jan 08
I am in a similar situation with my mom. That was 28 years ago. She never got to see that I would have had 2 children. It doesn't seem fair that we endure loss so great. I would not wish she lived past her time because who knows the outcome to maybe my kids. I do wish that we could have a special way to be with those we've lost. I don't think I will be on that time machine. But if it were really here? I can't say for sure!
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@drrt_801 (116)
• Philippines
28 Jan 08
Some people who have already moved on, really knows for sure that it will best left like that. not really to dwell too much about it. Good for you. At least, you see that your mom was someone very special to your life and you treasure all the time you had with her. :) I am happy for people like you.
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
28 Jan 08
I'm not really sure what to say here, but I do understand the feeling of losing someone dear to them. Personally, I still have my family and friends that still I value so much here with me.
But to answer your time-travelling question, I'd definitely go back during the time where Philippines is a young and powerful nation here in Asia. I am always fascinated by the stories my parents would always share with me, the simple and complex means of living and the value of our peso over the dollars fair from one another. Just imagine, you can buy fresh fish in the market for only 1 peso and 50 cents. But I guess those days are so gone, it's really hard to bring back something that is way out of our control..
@drrt_801 (116)
• Philippines
28 Jan 08
I still believe in the saying "history repeats itself", don't you think? I mean, look at what is happening to our(Philippines) economy right now. Politicians now aim to remove tax from gasolines, peso-dollar rate exchange is now changing it's course. I do believe that most Filipinos now are slowly and industriously working to gain success. We do see that. We just have to be more patient because this is a long process and we should never give up on believing possible things to happen. :)
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
28 Jan 08
That's been happening every now and then, we move one step forward and move ten steps backward. I have relatives who work abroad, they don't really much about our economy since they are just being realistic. I guess that's the big difference there, I prefer to base my opinion from facts and figures..
@ayubayu (17)
• Indonesia
30 Jan 08
if it possible, i want to go back to the beginning of my senior high school period to repair my score and my attitude during that 3 years so then i have nice memories bout that whole time. Then i choose the right university to study with the major i want, not just let it flow. and so i can get the better work with my better qualification, make my family proud of me and so do i.
All that better time will make me happier and more enjoy my lifetime, without any regret
hmmm.....how hard is life huh?
@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
2 Feb 08
I want it to be on the time of Jesus. Because I want to see Him alive.I want to ask questions about Him. And I want to cultivate my faith in Him by communicating with Him in person.
@drrt_801 (116)
• Philippines
3 Feb 08
Hi izathewzia, it's always nice to be there with Him. There is no better time than to be with Him..ever wonder if you were there during that time, will you have the same faith as the others? what if the roman soldiers also asked you if you knew Jesus and they will condemned you and crucify you as well if you knew him, will you deny Him? or will you rather chose to be in place of the criminals that were crucified beside Him? Just a thought
@tisyakawasaki728 (93)
• Philippines
30 Jan 08
it is ironic that when we have all the time to decide what is best suits us we dont see them but after seeing the results of our actions we regret it and wish we did the right thing.if i had the chance to go back in time...that would be in year 2004,i should have stayed rather than accepted the offer to work abroad.maybe life has become more ok than today ....

@drrt_801 (116)
• Philippines
3 Feb 08
There's a saying...
If you ask God for fogiveness for something bad you did. God doesn't just forgive that sin, He accepts you wholey.
If you ask God for food, He doesn't just give you bread, He shows you where you can get it.
God is good always, He never gives us tests that he knows that we cannot survive from them. He doesn't just guide us, He teaches us. :)
@drrt_801 (116)
• Philippines
2 Feb 08
Hi tisyakawasaki728, I sure hope that you were still able to cope up with the changes in your life. I pray that you do because it is really hard living your life with regrets. God Bless. I am sure that you have friends to lean on whenever you need them.
@tisyakawasaki728 (93)
• Philippines
2 Feb 08
god is really good,im coping every changes in my life by god's grace.god loves us all unconditionally.thanks for your concern.may god bless you more.

@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
29 Jan 08
I would like to go back in time so I could change my parenting skills. I spoiled my daughter and am now living the regret it. Now she is an adult with children of her own. She still thinks the world owes her a life of luxury at no cost to her.
@roshnichaudhary (1160)
• United States
28 Jan 08
Touch wood!
My parents are alive although far but I am in contact with them. I would like to return to my school days and spend recess time with my friends. Sharing food, making gossips, playing, teasing, laughing everything.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
30 Jan 08
Ah, regrets, drrt! We all have them to some extent. I am sorry for the loss of your mother, but I do believe that each and every one of us has an appointed time to go to our reward. I lost 2 people whom I dearly loved over the past 16 months, and not a day goes by that I don't miss them. Having said that, I have to say that they are in a better place than I feel I am in. They no longer have a worry or care over this life as we do. Were it possible for me to go back and change one thing in my life, I would never have gotten pregnant and married at such an early age. I think it severely altered the course of my life and caused me to miss out on all the good things that life held in store for me.
@drrt_801 (116)
• Philippines
30 Jan 08
Thanks worldwise1, please accept my friend request.
I heard this...or maybe read it and somehow find some sense in it.
"we get old because we choose to be one, we stay young because we are always young until we die"
I don't remember where.. maybe someone said it to me.
all I am saying is, I believe that you are still young and for all the things you missed out.. there may be some extentions for you to be able to do it. :) Good Luck.
@Estina54 (385)
• United States
29 Jan 08
I donh't have feelings of guilt for not telling somebody how much I love them and I told them all the time. There something to show, like love for instance, not only saying it. Only saying "I love you" makes me wonder, no matter whom she or he is! If I could get back in time, like in the movies I enjoy watching too, there will be things I can change, if they are only up to me. I won't be able to change things that other people, that I have differences with, won't agree to change and won't be willing to change.
@lorelai (1558)
• Italy
28 Jan 08
I would go some 2 and a half years back in time because then I've made some wrong decisions and now I am paying consequences and I would say to myself from then why all that was wrong. But unfortunately this trip is not possible yet and maybe will never be so we have to cop with what we've done. It was about my studies and going to study abroad.
@drrt_801 (116)
• Philippines
29 Jan 08
my mom started her masteral studies when we were already working. She wasn't able to use it though due to the accident. I wish that you may be able to study abroad. I mean, if you are still on the edge of wanting to learn new things. I believe that you can still achieve them, so I say to you, The Best of Luck! :)
@kundalini444 (194)
• Italy
29 Jan 08
I would like to travel to the spot in time just before the opportunity to travel is given to me. So, I could travel again and choose more destinations!
@Angela34 (102)
• United States
30 Jan 08
If I had the chance to go back in time it would be about 14 years ago, before I started having anxiety and panic attacks. I would try and pin point what went wrong and why I was having anxiety/panic attacks and fix it. Life back then was good for me. But as I went back I would want to take me kids along for the ride as well so they could see how I was before my illness.
@katisaurus (1038)
• Canada
28 Jan 08
I think I'd go back to... mid 2006. The guy I was dating and I were going through some relationship issues. We weren't communicating. I think I'd go back and fix that problem so we could have a future together..We broke up in September 2007 and even though I'm dating someone now.. I still miss the way things were with him. We're friends now, but it's just not the same. So I'd go back to then so we could make things right, 'cause losing him was the most painful thing I've experienced so far.. and I just want to fix it.
@bunmi2501 (465)
• Nigeria
28 Jan 08
If i was given that opportunity, I would go back to correct some silly mistake I made 5 to 10 years ago, I lost my career to gansterism, now I'm struggling to meet up with my life by working extra hours and studying professional course I should have finished years back.
@wisedragon (2325)
• Philippines
28 Jan 08
I'm sorry about your mom. I hope the reckless driver was arrested and punished, so that at least we taught one driver a good lesson and maybe prevented another innocent person from getting killed that way.
As for me, I think it would be awesome if I could go back to the time when the dinosaurs were killed by the asteroid hitting the earth. It must be a spectacular sight. And since it is something that could possibly happen to us humans too, the lessons learned from that event would be quite valuable.
@HummerH2K2 (36)
• United States
28 Jan 08
Hmm, well if I were given this opportunity, I would go back to the time I was living at my old home, and I would somehow persuade my parents to not move to where I am now. Ever since we moved, here, there have been countless problems. This was perhaps the worst choice...even though we have so much more money it just isn't worth it to me because everything has gone wrong from family problems, to even mental!! I would definetly use this opportunity.
@angemac23 (2003)
• Canada
28 Jan 08
I would either like to go back to the sixties because it just seemed like like such a happy, peaceful time or back the 1800's or early 1900's because life seemed so much simpler back than....
@luanakent (794)
• Brazil
5 Feb 08
I return in time ..when my daughter was 2 years old.
Many bad things happened this season and If i knew it
would have avoided.