Your Religion is False!
By danzer
@danzer (2723)
15 responses
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
28 Jan 08
You don't....There is no such thing as a "false" religion..all religions are valid and true, just becuase not everyone agrees with all paths or ways doesnt make any particular path or way fake..
make sense?
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@basicblack001 (43)
• Philippines
31 Jan 08
What you had stated is true .. we are all entitled to our own beliefs. The most important thing is that there is this certain thing that we believe in -- that there is FAITH -- coz without this, I don't think life would be endurable. I think this "belief" is what keeps us going ... therefore ...false religion is baloney.
Forgive me for saying this, but who made these "different" religions and who coined the word "false" religion? Yup... Us people.
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
28 Jan 08
You can't only God can make that decision. No one can judge their religion or another religion because there is no proof that any one is correct.
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@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
30 Jan 08
There are so many religions and it is not easy to figure out which religion is right or which not. I just don't believe that all religions are equally right. When one religion says that God exists and another says that God does not exist, both the religions cannot be right.
I think religion should be able to address basis questions of life like origin of life, ethics, reasons for living, destiny etc. And having taken these questions into consideration ask whether the answers are logical or not, whether they are livable when applied or not or give answers on historical questions when they are related to historical questions etc. For example the sacred book talks about historical issues and if the history it mentions are not true then it becomes difficult to intellectually defend such religions.
I think religion has to do with truth. If there is nothing to do with truth then I just don't see how we can follow religion which is falsehood.
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@marketing07 (6266)
• South Korea
29 Jan 08
hi danzer, for me their no false religion,if they are doing right,,but if its wrong then it is false..honestly i seldom go to chruch but i do respect each religion..
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@adnanezzi (243)
• India
30 Jan 08
my personal believe that god has created only one religion only it is the man devided over it and there are many sects in a perticuler religion that they claim is true so how can u define that.
every religion teaches us humanity so what i believe is the religion which tells us to sacrifice ourself for the betterment for others is a true religion
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
5 Nov 15
I don't. I simply keep studying my own faith. If there's holes in it, i want to know.. It's been since 1979.. I've found some big/huge mis-translations that are big insults to God.. but that's due to human translators, not the faith. "He is love" and "God is the savior of all" 1 Jn 4:8 and 1 Tim 4:10 :)
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
31 Jan 08
I am not into religion anymore. I was a puritan but along the way have learned that other religions are not completely false. Short story I decided to stay away from religion and look into nurturing my curiosity about supernatural world. I don't give a damn what people said about my new curiosity, since I won't waste my time lecturing them either.
@braided (698)
• Canada
29 Jan 08
You DONT .... religion is man made ...spirituality is from spirit ... and its all about ones faith ... what they believe is what they believe ... and you have no right to judge ... it or not ... thats what makes wars ... "when someone judges anothers religion and says it's false and that person thinks you need to believe what they believe" - thats the beginning of war and dissention ... we are all one .. we need to allow each their beliefs ... the truth will be revealed to each at their own time .. whatever that may be ... if you think you have the perfect religion then live it ... and show everyone that it is right by how you live .. not what you say or preach about .... show acceptance ... peace ... love .... harmony ... love for god and each other ... most religion teach that anyway ... what does it matter which one you go with ..they are all the same just spoken a bit different with different rituals .... if you look deep enought the core of all religions are God (Give it any name you want) and then how you treat others ......
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@washmusician34 (108)
• Brazil
30 Jan 08
Each one goes where this his/her Faith, I don't believe in false religions, I believe yes in bad shepherds or leaders of any religion.The religion of the world one day will call himself LOVE.
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@dvschic (1795)
• United States
28 Jan 08
there are no false religions, one's beliefs are personal and cannot be 'false'
if you believe a certain faith, it should be allowed that others believe their certain faiths.. thats mybiggest problem with religion, that they all claim to be the 'one'..
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@mustafabadri (178)
• India
28 Jan 08
This debate is useless for those who doesnt know the religon properly, let's leave this debate for the scholors.everyone believes his\her religion is true -- so who will be the judge.
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@signorpetho (379)
• Indonesia
30 Jan 08
Hmmm... I have determined many. But, I won't offend other people by my belief. I respect the existance of variation of celief. And I have to respect people.
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@kundalini444 (194)
• Italy
28 Jan 08
I evaluate a religion based upon the evidence it can provide to support its claims.
So, up to now, ALL religions appear false!
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
30 Jan 08
Um... look around. The world around us is evidence that god exists. The bible is evidence that god has taken part in the path of life on this world. The fact that three bombs were dropped on The Rotunda of St Marija Assunta in Malta and not a single person inside was injured despite the fact that one landed on the floor in the center of the building with 300 people present is a fair bit of evidence that God was protecting the people in that church.
Perhaps you meant you need a religion that can PROVE its claims. If you need PROOF, rather than evidence then you can never have faith. If you never have faith, you can never have religion. Good luck with that.
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@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
30 Jan 08
It's easy, but I want to give a full explanation. Check out this foolproof method. :)
First, realize that we, humans, are natural creatures. Sounds obvious, but this is important. I mean "natural" as in "not supernatural". We are inextricably tied to the natural world, and we cannot directly experience anything supernatural (a "miracle" would be a natural event (which is what we experience) with a supernatural cause, but I'll get to that later).
As a result, it becomes immediately obvious that it is impossible to positively identify supernatural entities or causes. Here's an analogy of what I mean. If there were four 'lamps' that all gave off four different 'colors' of light that were all outside of the visible spectrum (like, let's say the four were, gamma rays, infrared, ultraviolet, and x-rays), there would be no possible way for someone to just look at the lamps and identify which is which. Those wavelengths of light are outside of our visible spectrum, and the supernatural (if it even exists) is outside of our 'sense spectrum' in the same way. At best, we could only perceive natural effects of supernatural causes, and even then, we'd never be able to know with any certainty what the cause is.
Now, because of this, here comes the most obvious way to know a religion is false:
If a religion claims to be able to define or describe a supernatural entity (a god, for example), it is false.
Since I've already shown that natural creatures (like humans) can't possibly do this, you'll know that anyone who claims to be able to is misguided at best and a liar at worst. Same logic applies to a guy who claims he can distinguish x-rays from gamma rays just by looking at them. Defining anything supernatural is impossible for humans; therefore, it becomes obvious that all such existing definitions are fabricated/made up. Of course, it's not impossible that through pure chance, something made up can be correct, but of course that's such a tiny probability that it's not even worth considering.
As you can probably tell by now, that one method up there clearly shows that all three of the biggest religions are false, as well as any that make any assertions about the supernatural in any way. Basically, the methodology boils down to this:
If someone claims to know something that is impossible to know, it's a pretty safe bet they're lying.
That's pretty much it, but I'll finish with a short description of miracles, which so many people try to use as "proof" that the supernatural agent of their choice exists (also notice how you never hear someone say that something is a miracle that proves that a god they DON'T believe in exists--everything always seems to prove that person's particular object of worship, no one else's--this is clearly a sign of bias).
A "miracle" is something that can never be positively identified (sound familiar?). Why is that? Because a miracle is made up of two things:
1. A natural event
2. A supernatural cause of #1
In order for something to be positively identified as a miracle, you need to identify both things. #1 is easy, anyone can identify a natural event. However, #2 is impossible, for reasons I've already described above. At best, an event can be unexplained, but there is absolutely no basis for ever ASSUMING a supernatural cause. Something may very well HAVE a supernatural cause, but it's impossible for us to ever be able to identify it, in exactly the same way my example guy above cannot identify one infrared lamp in a group of ten lamps, the other nine giving off ultraviolet. At best, the guy could say "I don't know what 'color' this lamp's light is." In the same way, the best we can say about an unexplained event is just that: "I don't know what the cause is."
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@thanks2jesus4ever (76)
• United States
1 Feb 08
The same way you determine whether one's Christianity is false or not. By the way they live and walk every minute of every day not just on Sunday morning. I was raised Pentecostal and am a Minister - I believe ALL religions are false. To KNOW the Lord and walk for Him- you must have SALVATION- not religion. Religion is a man made way of adopting a set of rules to allow people to do thing that they should not. Salvation is in the heart and remember this: When CHRIST RETURNS He is coming for ONE church - that means all of His followers - so each one of us individually that KNOW that we KNOW HIM - are waiting for Him and it doesn't matter what religion you are - it matters whether or not you have repented and live for Him every day and in every way. How do you know you are accomplishing this? The peace and contentment is like none other. Follow GOD - NOT MAN or religion- what abides in your heart is the key to wisdom. This wisdom will guide you- with God's help.