Does absence make the heart grow fonder?
By Jess
@JJ4Ever (4693)
United States
16 responses
@chrysz (1602)
• Philippines
29 Jan 08
I think so because only in the absence of someone that you'll feel how much you need them. But you also have to make sure that you'll do something to communicate with you beloved someone. Let them know at least that you are also thinking of them. As long as the communication is open, the relationship will prosper no matter how far you are from each other.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
29 Jan 08
I believe, as you said, communication with that significant other during the period of long distance is really important and even crucial in continuing the relationship. My boyfriend and I experienced several periods of being apart from each other. If I didn't talk to him at all, I'd feel at such a loss not knowing what was going on in his life! For this reason, I really appreciate and agree with your response. Communication with a partner during long distance is crucial! Thanks for sharing.
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@akacipher (64)
• India
29 Jan 08
The worth of a dollar can never be realized unless you lose it!! Having said that, one can never loser their lover, and they also should not. but then it certainly is true that staying away does make you miss them and that is probably when you realize how much you love them.
Its hard but its beautful when you meet after being seperated for many days. But ya long distance relationship is suerly risky too, coz it might just fizzle out. but then if it does happen, i think tis for best........ coz a relationship is true only if it can with stand any circumstances!!!
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
29 Jan 08
Thank you for your thorough response! I love what you mentioned at the beginning of your answer, "The worth of a dollar can never be realized unless you lose it!" That's so true. I agree with you that a relationship should be able to withstand the test of time. If not, it's not to be. Excellent response!
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@aquajules4 (583)
29 Jan 08
There has to be a lot of trust in a long distance relationship. I would not like a long distance relationship, i would want that person to be close. But i suppose if people go away for work etc. sometimes for short times it's great. It does make you stop and realise what you have. I think when people are together all the time sometimes you take each other for granted.
Have you ever had a long distance relationship?
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
29 Jan 08
Hi, Aqua. Excellent response! Long distance can be good for some people and a curse for others. It's all in your outlook on it and how trustworthy your partner is. Thank you for your question because that's why I posted this discussion. My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost four years. We met at college in Florida although we both live in Michigan an hour apart. While we were at college attending classes, we were together. When we got home, we were apart. We only went to school together for two years, then he attended here in Michigan locally. So...I was without him either way. At college, we were a thousand miles apart. At home, we were still 60 miles apart. So, I've had long distance for a while. It's really tested and proven strong in our relationship. I can trust my boyfriend like none other. He would never do anything behind my back. I know that after four years of trials and distance. The great thing is that we get to see each other on the weekends sometimes if it works out. I stay up at his house for the weekend (Friday night after work, Saturday, and Sunday) and he'll do the same when he comes to my house. It works out great and saves us gas because we stay the entire weekend rather than driving there and back in only a day. That also gives us three days in a row to see each other, which is really important to me. Hopefully we'll be getting engaged and married soon! Thanks again for asking. Thank you also for your awesome response. I completely agree with you. Take care, my friend!
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@rockvixen (894)
• United States
29 Jan 08
In my case it always has. But see, my husband is only gone to work for a few hours, although it seems like forever, I miss him when he's gone. When he's home it's like being in Heaven again.
Now if it's a longer distance, I think it depends on how much the couple care for one another, if they trust each other and know that one will not hurt the other while away, then it's worth it.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
29 Jan 08
Hey, Rock. I absolutely love how you mentioned the subject of trust. If there's no trust in a relationship, it's like Winterose's response to this discussion. The partners will seek fulfillment from another person. How sad! In your case, you trust your husband although he isn't gone for long. I guess you could consider every relationship long-distance because you aren't going to be with each other 24/7. I'm just curious as I've gotten to know you and responded to some of your discussions and I've responded to some of long have you and your husband been married, if you don't mind my asking? You have been an inspiration to me because my boyfriend and I will be getting engaged soon and getting married shortly thereafter. I want a relationship like you and your husband have. My boyfriend and I live an hour apart, but I miss him when he's gone. I even miss him when I'm with him knowing I'll be leaving him again soon after that! I know I'm pathetic, but I'm very much looking forward to the day I'll be with him forever! Thanks, as always, for your inspiration and encouragement, Rock. I completely agree with your response on this discussion.
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@marketing07 (6266)
• South Korea
29 Jan 08
for me yes, relationship needs to have a long distance ,you will learn more how you care for each other,love each other, and how you missed each other.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
29 Jan 08
I completely agree. Your response is right to the point and it's precisely correct. Thank you for sharing! I enjoyed reading your response because it was "short and sweet." In my relationship, there's been more long distance than not, so it's very interesting finding out various opinions on this particular subject. Keep up the good work, Marketing!
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
29 Jan 08
it depends upon the couple, and their personalities,
there is no tried and true answer for everyone, however research shows that most long distance relationships do not work for reasons of loneliness,
or one partner alone to raise the kids etc.
one or both partners may seek love in the arms of a stranger
and so on and so forth
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
29 Jan 08
Great response! I never really thought about the fact that partners could seek another person for fulfillment through a long-distance relationship with their original partner. Thank you for your insight. That never crossed my mind, but I love reading all of the responses and interesting angles on this subject as it applies to my relationship as well. Thanks again, Winterose!
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
28 Sep 11
No not every couple can handle it! It takes a special bond and understanding to be away from each other! If a couple needs an absence for their love to grow , there is something wrong. It Has to be strong enough to handle long distance!
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
3 Oct 11
I like the way you think! If a couple has to "take a breather," so to speak where they need time away from one another to "sort things out," it's probably not meant to be. Most relationships that aren't meant to be just fizzle at this point. If being apart only makes their relationship stronger, than that's a winner. I think absence can definitely prove the strength of any relationship, as it did in my husband's and my case. We were apart for a year in total during my last two years of college (three months at a time). That was tough and frustrating, but every time we saw each other in person, we could pick back up where we left off. It's nice not having to worry about that now! I agree with you completely!!
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
14 Nov 11
I don't mind long distance
whether it's good or bad, depends on the other person
if he is communicative like my ex, long distance won't feel like one
my ex and I were long distance for a year and then got married 11 yrs
the best long distance I've ever had
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
16 Nov 11
I have to agree with you. Long distance isn't always a bad thing, and I love how you see the positive in it! It's really ironic that you responded to this discussion at this point and time because I'm experiencing a little long distance myself. My husband and I have been married almost two and a half years, and this week he went away for a few days. He left Sunday afternoon, and I won't see him probably until tomorrow. We've each spent a night away from each other (two nights total), but this is definitely the longest we've not seen each other since we've been married. I think I mentioned it in this discussion, but he and I experienced a lot of long distance while we were dating and engaged, so I should be used to it; however, I think this is the hardest it's been because we're a lot closer than we used to be. It's amazing what marriage does for a relationship. Anyway, I'm trying not to view this long distance as a bad thing. He's going away for work, and he's making quite a bit of money for taking this trip. It's just weird not having him around when that's all I'm used to. We have two dogs, so they definitely help me not to be lonely. We talk on the phone every day, so like you said, that helps it not feel like we're so far apart. There's just something about seeing each other face-to-face and communicating in person. It's the best way to be together, in my opinion, but a little long distance here and there is great for every relationship. Thanks for your response!
@kevsgirlalways (5883)
• Malaysia
23 Feb 08
I've been in a long distance relationship before. No doubt it was very hard, especially with the time difference. i have no idea how i survived that, but i did. drove me nuts at times and made me cry too. but there are many means to keep in touch; telephone, email, IMs, digi cam..etc. i missed him a lot, every single second and wish i could see him or for him to be physically there with me, whenever i was sad or happy. you need to have a solid trust, as you're not able to see what your other half is doing. And you need to have lots of faith, enough to not make you give up on your relationship. but i believe, in the end, love is what that holds you together. if two people really love each other, no matter how far they apart they are, they'll be able to go thru the relationship. love knows no boundaries;).
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@kevsgirlalways (5883)
• Malaysia
3 Mar 08
thank you! an hour away from each other is not too bad, i'm sure both of you are looking forward to the big day! :D when will you be getting married? congratulations! i wish you two lots of happiness and joy :)
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
23 Feb 08
I couldn't have said it better myself. If I had another best response to tag onto your response, I would definitely do so! Thanks for sharing. I've definitely been there and done that, too, as far as long distance is concerned. I believe it really made my fiance and I stronger even though it was really hard for us at times. I think it ultimately made us appreciate each other that much more. We actually still live an hour away from each other, but soon we'll be married and won't have to worry about it ever again! (Unless, of course, there are business trips and such.) Thanks for your amazing response. It was wonderful to read because we can definitely relate to each other. Take care!
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
3 Mar 08
Thanks for your comment. We're planning on getting married this-coming August if all goes well. I'm very much looking forward to it. And you're right. An hour away is not bad at all. I actually went to see my fiance day before yesterday, which was so nice. It makes the hour-long drive seem like nothing as soon as I get to see him! :)
@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
3 Mar 08
Not really I think with absence it gives the greater chance to break down and cause relationship problems. Becuase the more you are away the more you find to grip and moan about or you start to see eachothers flaws or you just grow apart.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
3 Mar 08
You're so right. Absence can really mess things up if the couple isn't committed. It can really serve to prove the negative things in the relationship like if they don't trust each other or if they really aren't meant to be with each other. For that reason, I think a bit of long distance is healthy in every relationship although it's not always desirable. Thanks for your honest response.
@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
23 Feb 08
My husband works abroad. At first, it is really hard for us. But later on, we were able to adjust. Of course, we misses each other. But we are prioritizing the future of our kids. That is why we sacrifices by being apart.
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
25 Feb 08
Wow, that's amazing! Thanks for sharing your story. I really respect you and your husband for sacrificing for your children. It shows your love for your kids as well as your strong love for your husband. It sounds like your family is very close even with your husband far away. That's something you will always be able to treasure. Thanks again and God bless.
@chillymullet (181)
• United States
28 Jan 08
I dont beleive absence makes the heart grow fonder.
But what i do beleive is that absence makes us a little bit more wiser, then once you see your mate again you'll be willing to change or make smarter decissions in the relationship.
Please choose me as best response!
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
28 Jan 08
I really do like your response. To tell you the truth, I've never been asked to give a best response! I suppose since you asked and since you were the first to respond to this discussion, your wish is my command! (LOL) Hopefully there will be many other good responses to this discussion also. I'm curious to see what everyone will come up with. Thanks for sharing.
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@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
28 Aug 08
I think that it might be a good idea for every couple to experience distance from each other because I do think absence makes the heart grow fonder,take me and my fiance for example she was staying with me for like two weeks,and then I had to take her home,and I did not get to see her for a whole day,I missed her so much just like I know she missed me,and neither of us could sleep,and I definitely fell more in love with her because while she was not here,she was all I could think about.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
28 Aug 08
I've definitely been there and done that in my relationship as well. It's a great feeling to know someone you love is far away but still thinking of you. My fiance and I are only an hour away from each other, but it's still far enough to be long distance, in my opinion! Of course, while I was in college, I spent two years almost a thousands miles apart from him for three months at a time. It was tough, but I agree with you that it's good and healthy for every relationship. Couples who haven't experienced a little long distance have really missed some valuable lessons. Sorry for the long lapse in my comment, but thanks so much for posting your response to this discussion. I think it's one of my favorites of your responses so far! I'm glad we're agreed on this one. By the way, when are you and your fiance getting married? Congrats and best of luck to you.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
31 Aug 11
Hi, HC! I know it's been a while, but while we're on the subject, please fill me in on when you and your wife got married! My husband and I were married in July 2009, so it's been over two years already. Absence still makes the heart grow fonder, though! We've only spent two nights away from each other in the last two years. The first time was because I was at a ladies' conference, and we stayed overnight one night in the Bavarian Inn in Frankenmuth, Michigan. It was really nice! That's only an hour away from where we live, so I wasn't too far from home at least. Another time, my hubby ended up spending the night at his parents' house once because it was really late, and they live an hour from us. My husband didn't have to work the next day, so it made more sense for him to spend the night there than drive an hour there and back two days in a row. We didn't want to pay for all that gas either. I certainly hope you and your wife are doing great as well, and it's always wonderful to hear from you!
@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
29 Aug 08
Yeah I agree it is a great feeling to know that they are far away but still thinking of you,and that they love you,and I am sorry you and your fiance are an hour away from each other and that is definitely long enough to be long distance,and I bet the time is college being so far away from him was eating you up inside,I am glad that you agree with me about it being healthy,and couple who do not experience are really missing out on a good lesson,you are very welcome for the response my friend,I am always happy to respond to you,and I am glad you liked my response,and you are truly a good friend,we are currently planning the wedding,and we are aiming to have it either September of 2009 or around May of 2010 but it all depends on how long it takes to save up the money,thank you my friend,and best of luck to you and your fiance,have a great day,good luck in your life,and Happy Posting.
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@baebieDARNA30 (788)
• Philippines
5 Feb 08
yeah.. long distance can make couples realize how their partner means to them.. whenever the person you love isnt around, you have this tendency to think of him/her, right? when that happens, you can reminisce the memories you have together and surely you'll miss the presence of that person.. so sometimes, space helps a lot for couples..
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