By codabear656
@codabear656 (25)
United States
January 28, 2008 2:40pm CST
I have a 21 month old daughter and she's still not walking. she can crawl up on the coffee table, walk around the couch and she walks when she's holding on to my hands. The doctor says I can put her in therpy but not to worry until she's 2. I'm starting to get a little worried now. I cant afford to put her in therpy. I have tried everything I can think of. She has a bunch of toys to help her walk and she can walk with them. It seems like she gets scared when she lets go of things or my hands. She freezes up and falls down. Any advice?
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20 responses
@isaacs_mommy_2006 (99)
• United States
28 Jan 08
Do NOT get worried. I had the exact same problem with my son, he just turned 2 and he started walking only a few months before that, so give it time. If you pick her up alot..STOP! She is probably playing you like my son played me. I was always picking him up to carry him because it was easier for me to pick him up and go, than to let him do it. Just when she wants to be picked up to go, just act like you don't see her, she finally get tired of not getting somewhere fast enough she will want to start walking. Atleast that is what my son did. I also know every child is different. Also everytime she wants to try walking by herself and she falls don't do the panic voice of "Are you okay?" Instead encourage her to want to try again. Stand her back up and say "You can do it!" But like you doctor said when she reaches 2 then maybe you might want to start checking into a therapist. There are ways you can get help for your child.

@isaacs_mommy_2006 (99)
• United States
31 Jan 08
Your child is more than likely normal. alot of these people responding to this site to me are being really negative. all children are different apparently they do not understand that. i am not trying to start problems. i just don't think you should worry until she hits the 2 years mark. then maybe go have your child checked by a specialist, but let them determine whether your child is just a late bloomer or needs some therapy.
@codabear656 (25)
• United States
28 Jan 08
Yes you are right. I do pick her up a lot. She has me wraped around all of her little fingers. When I stand her up she stand on her own for about 5 seconds then falls. But when she falls she starts to laugh. Like it's a game.
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@crazylife (855)
• United States
28 Jan 08
Well, don't worry she will be walking soon,all kids don't walk at the same age, just give it time everything will be alright.
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@codabear656 (25)
• United States
28 Jan 08
That's what everyone is telling me. I'm just ready for her to walk.
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@crazylife (855)
• United States
28 Jan 08
See, she might be a little afraid, most babies are afraid of falling, but what you should do daily is stand her up and hold her hands and try to help her with walking.
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@codabear656 (25)
• United States
28 Jan 08
We walk all over our house. When I let go of her hands she gasped really loud like she's scared then when she falls on her but she starts laughing.
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
29 Jan 08
My oldest son didn't start walking until he was 17 or 18 months old. My youngest son didn't start walking until he was almost 3 years old. I carried around both my kids a lot when they where little so they didn't get a chance to try and walk! LOL It didn't help that my youngest was very sick as an infant so I held him more than I probably should have. Even though they learned later than normal, they still learned. And it sounds like your daughter will too! Just keep doing what you are doing and she should be walking on her own in no time! :)
Good luck! :)
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
28 Jan 08
Did you hold her a lot or get things for her all the time? Sometimes that henders a child from walking until a little later on in life. I did that with my first son and he didn't walk until he was almost two. Everyone got him everything he wanted and carried him everywhere, so he never had to walk and really didn't want to. It might be a little scary to her. I would just give her time. Children are funny...they do things in their own time and when they feel they are ready to. I wouldn't do the therapy thing just yet, but wait a little longer. If she's not walking by two, then maybe you should consider it, but i wouldn't worry to much until then. keep us posted and God bless
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@codabear656 (25)
• United States
28 Jan 08
Thanks for the response. I did hold her a lot. She's my first born and spoiled. I'm not holding her that much anymore. I will be so happy when she starts walking. I'll be sure to keep everyone posted.
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
29 Jan 08
more than likely that is the problem then...that's the way it was with my first. just give her time, like i said. she will be walking before you know it. God bless
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@MAHESH2008 (844)
• India
29 Jan 08
HI Michelle, Get your baby a good baby wlker you will find her active soon. Even you like her cute activities on walker very much. You will find that she starts walking on walker soon with good balance and within in short period she will start walking alone. Just need to be around and see. No other therapy is needed.

@codabear656 (25)
• United States
29 Jan 08
She has a really good walker. I actually took it away from her cause I thought it was holding her back. She has a johnny jummper to. Which she loves. I'm just going to keep walking her every were she wants to go until she can do it on her own. I'm also able to do the one handed walk now. Everyone says when she starts doing that she's almost ready.
@autismmom2 (155)
• United States
29 Jan 08
I know plenty of us survived with walkers, but...Walkers actually hinder the proper develoment of certain muscles. A jumper, like the doorway jumpers may help strengthen some of the lacking muscles.
I wouldn't agree that other therapies aren't necessary because there are a range of things that could be going on. Being delayed in one area alone is not too common, and like I said in my post, delays create delays. It's better to be safe than sorry.

@cutie12024 (17)
• Philippines
29 Jan 08
when my baby was nearly 11mos. i was worried coz she's still not walking. coz from what i knew,baby should learn walking by 1 yr coz that's what i saw from the other kids in my family..my baby crawls but not much. she walks only with the help of walker.so i decided that i must teach her slowly how to walk...every morning, i hold her hands and guide her to walk...after 5 days, we walk by holdng just 1 hand only..at first, she's hesitant but the following days, she's not afraid anymore..also, when she's playing i see to it that she has something to hold on in case she falls..i let her stand beside our soft sala set..that way, she can practice walking back en forth while her hands on the sofa..nxt thing i knew she was walking already, on her own! try to play games while ur praticing walking...if she falls, dnt react too much so that she too, will ignore the fall and continue with the game youre playing..
@AngelNicki (412)
• United States
29 Jan 08
Actually, I believe the school district in your area may be responsible for evaluating your child and providing therapy services for free, through Early Intervention programs. Its called ChildFind. If I were you I'd call the local school district and see what they can do for you.
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@vvijay999 (31)
• India
29 Jan 08
follow the doctor terpy because your baby is too late to walk i had no children but i know my manager's daughter is walking she has only 16 months and she is also saying words also
@korn501 (135)
• United States
28 Jan 08
Don't worry about it. My son started walking after 12 months and we thought he was going to start walking eariler since he start crawling around 6 months. And he would have fear at first but we would clap and make noise to encourage him. Before you know it she will be running around and wish she was still crawling. hehe
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@Dinolist (55)
• United States
29 Jan 08
Hi, Codabear!
I have two sons, ages 3 and 6. My advice to you is give her time! Every child develops at their own pace. If the doctors have said she's healthy, then I wouldn't worry. She'll walk when she's ready. Enjoy the time now, because when she's running all over the house, you're going to be REALLY busy!
@codabear656 (25)
• United States
29 Jan 08
That's what I keep hearing. Once she starts walking I'm going to wish she had never learned. I'm really busy now. I sware she's the fastest crawler I've ever seen,lol.
@autismmom2 (155)
• United States
29 Jan 08
If you have medical insurance, chances are, physical therapy will be covered to an extent. Your other choice is to have her evaluated by your school district. She would most likely qualify for physical therapy services.
She could be a late walker, but you also said she will stand on her own for about 5 seconds, and that is what would worry me, 5 seconds is not long at all. My second child is my little boy. I spoiled the crap out of him. I barely ever put him down, yet he was walking by 13 months. He was also delayed and didn't roll over/sit up/crawl until about 9-10 months. He is still delayed with language, and will be starting physical and occupational therapies soon. He already has speech/feeding therapy.
She could have low tone, tight muscles, sensory processing problems, vision problems, ear problems...And she could also be fine. Physical therapy will NOT hurt her if there are no issues. But not getting needed therapies can delay other milestones, and impact her development.
All your doctor has to do for insurance is write a prescription for "PT eval and treatment as necessary." You call your insurance company and get a list of pediatric physical therapists, and make her an appointment.
To go through the school district you call preschool special education and ask them for an evaluation.
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@jashley1 (746)
• United States
23 Jun 08
You know every child is different. The fact that she's walking around things and with the help of toys is great. I would just say keep encouraging her - give her lots of praise, hugs, kisses, and claps when she takes steps on her own - just help build her self confidence. Make her feel comfortable in her surroundings and know that "mommy" is right there to help her if she falls down. Try to lovingly encourage her to walk as much as she can and to decrease the amount of crawling she does. Some children just get used to getting around how they do - so she may just be used to crawling around. Just give her lots of love and remain patient! She'll get it!
@sturner03 (326)
• United States
24 Jun 08
My daughter started cruising the furniture at 7 months it wasnt until her first birthday that she actually started walking on her own. I know it's oversaid and clique but every baby really is differant. My daughter was scared to and it took her 5 months to get over it.
@mother_earth (195)
• Philippines
25 Jun 08
Try to massage her legs every morning it helps or maybe she is just scared. Try her for just 3 steps until she can do it alone.
@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
29 Jan 08
As everyone else has said, don't worry. Children develop at different rates than other children, so that could be one problem. The other problem could be as someone else said, you picking her up a lot. Instead of picking her up, encourage her to come to you. Let her feel safe and protected, provide clear spaces for her to walk through and pick her up less. Try to use toys or other items that you know she'll want and go on the other side of the room. If she wants it, or you can grab her attention to play with it and she acts like she wants you to come to her, tell her to come get it. Place the toy in front of you or what not and sit there and do something different until she gets the hint that if she wants it, she has to come get it.
@Gemmygirl1 (2867)
• Australia
5 Feb 08
You have 3 months left before you really need to worry too much. My cousin was 2 before she walked or talked so some can take a little longer than others.
I wouldn't worry about the therapy thing unless they tell you that you really need to.
Try & entice her with treats, stand a few feet from the end of something she has to hold on to - if she really wants what you have, she'll walk! You might just need to be a little more persistant - start moving a few things so she has less to hold on to - try walking with her but stand behind her, just touching her shoulder or just under her arms so she knows you're there & see if it works.
I cant be too much more help i'm afraid but definitely try enticing - my 20 month old is a nut for Ice Blocks so i could get her to do just about anything for one of those, if your little girl has a favourite snack, then it might be the way to help her get her confidence!
Good Luck!
@cutie12024 (17)
• Philippines
29 Jan 08
another thing, we had this little game to teach my baby how to walk even just 2 or 3 steps..i let her stand beside our bed...her hands on to the bed...i will sit near her, 2-3 steps btween us...i will call her and tell her to come to me...of course all smiles=)to encourage her...and then when she already reach me, i will clap and declare her a winner..! so baby will be encouraged to do it over and over again...hope this will help you, in case you havent tried..goodluck! dnt worry babies have their own schedule of learning things...we just have to wait patiently =)
@traci7may (18)
• Australia
22 Jun 08
Both my kids didn't walk until about that age.
If the doctor says there's no physical reason for this there's nothing to worry about.
I did find my son was a bit lazy walking behind those push along toys so I took them off him & he walked soon after.
Encourage he to stand on something soft so she's not scared of hurting herself when she falls down.
All in good time. Then you'll say how she keeps running away from you!
@Babymycah (166)
• Philippines
23 Jun 08
Theres probably nothing wrong with her limbs. Maybe she's just scared. Don't force her to walk by herself. just hold her hand or give her something to push to give her support and if she should fall down don't shout or make a fuss at her she might think that you were angry and that she is doing something wrong. Just give her encouragement.
@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
21 Jun 08
If she likes to walk holding your hand, don't worry about her. Kids do things differently. She is probably only scared and just won't let go. One day she'll just turn loose and then you'll not be able to keep up. Our daughter was this way with her talking. She would point a lot and say only a few words. Then, when she was about 2, she shocked us with a very long sentence, constructed correctly!