
United States
January 28, 2008 3:52pm CST
is the world and the way it is, all due to random evolution, law of physics, or a gods plan? I beleive their is a god, I just dont know what religion to beleive in! Tell me what you think! Add me as a friend.
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14 responses
@sumitsonu (598)
• India
29 Jan 08
well i think there is no god , i just can't believe in someone i have never seen before . tell me do you believe in dragons , and thsnks i will definitely add you as my friend.
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• India
30 Jan 08
To believe in God or not does not have to depend on sight. Just ask questions like how did the universe come into existence? Are moral law absolute or relative? If they are absolute who gave them? Are mathematical laws absolute or are they relative, depending on whims and moods of a person? I think when we consider these questions, besides others, the answers point to the someone outside of us. And that I would as God. Dragons are tangible, but we can't see or touch or feel etc. There is no clue that they exists, and there is no way how we can even come up with clues to support beliefs about dragon. That is why intellectuals don't believe in dragons, but there are so many intellectuals who believe in God. In fact, more intellectuals believe in God than otherwise.
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• United States
29 Jan 08
sometimes I feel the same way, there is too many questions that cant be answered, unless you die and come back.
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• United States
30 Jan 08
Its not just sight its also other questions that cant be answered, like why didnt create the perferct world the first time,... thats a mistake, and they say god doesnt make mistakes. And another question is why did create an animal (humans) that is so wreckless Why did he give us free will when he knows that we will eventually destroy the world. we could be living in a perfect world right now!
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
28 Jan 08
I totally believe that the world and the way it is is all a part of God's plan. God created the Heavens and the Earth. Him, not anyone else. He created it perfectly and it was us who messed that up. God sees all and knows all before it even happens and he knew what would happen when He created the world. We have our choice on whether or not to accept Him as our Lord and Savior. He sent His son to die on the cross for each and everyone of us. That was His plan to save His children. God is the most wonderful, powerful, and loving person and only He can save you from this world we live in. God will never leave or forsake His children. You just have to believe and He will be there. thanks for posting and God bless
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• United States
28 Jan 08
Nice response, you really make alot of sense. Add me as a friend
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• United States
30 Jan 08
Could you explain to me how something imperfect (us) can come from something perfect? A perfect being can't create imperfect things, therefore if there was a god who created us, you would be forced to assume he/she/it isn't perfect. This "we screwed it all up" is all a scam, a con job. A guilt trip of the highest order, made up by religious leaders to scare people into doing what they want (and calling it "God's will"). "He sent His son to die on the cross for each and everyone of us. That was His plan to save His children." Well, now it's even more obvious that such a god isn't perfect. What a convoluted plan, after all. God's going to incarnate himself, so that he can sacrifice himself to himself, for humans? A perfect god wouldn't be so inefficient. "God is the most wonderful, powerful, and loving person" God is less loving than the average human parent. I'll prove it to you: If the average human parent had a child who was really bad, a liar, criminal, thief, murderer, whatever, and just in general a terrible person, BUT, the parent was omnipotent like God is supposed to be, and was given these two choices: 1) Perfectly rehabilitate the child so that they no longer do bad things 2) Sentence the child to unimaginably horrible pain and torture for ETERNITY with no chance of atonement What do you think a parent would choose? Any parent who loves his child would rather choose choice #1, and obviously an all-powerful God has that option for his "children" (as Christians like to call humans) as well. And yet, he chooses eternal punishment, even though most of us don't even live to 100 measly years. And even if we spent every single moment of 100 years constantly sinning, do you think ETERNAL punishment is fair for a measly 100 years of sin? Do you know how long ETERNITY is compared to a century? Any god who would do that is a monster, not loving. And even if I thought such a being existed, I wouldn't worship him.
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• United States
30 Jan 08
Okay I can explain all of the things you asked.....let's start with God creating the Heavens and the Earth and creating man. He made man perfect in his image and made woman to fulfill man. Satan, used to be the most beautiful angel in Heaven and had the highest power of the angels...so, instead of using it for good he took it upon himself to try and overthrow God. Stupid him, because God cannot be overthrown or killed or anything. God has been, is now, and will always be. So, Satan was cast out of Heaven. Shortly after this, Satan came in the form of a snake to Eve and she choose to sin because everything Satan told her sounded so good. Up until this point, Adam and Eve were perfect human beings. It was satan that tempted her and it was her that sinned. She realized that sin though and was later forgiven for this, but consequences came with it. Thus, sin was born into the world. God knew this would happen though which is why He sent His son to die for each and everyone of us. He knew that the only way to save His people was by showing them in the physical form that He loves us so much He would send His one and only son to die on the cross. As far as your parent scenerio....you have to understand that is not God that wants to send us to hell. People that choose not to believe in Him and love him choose that one on their own. He would love nothing more than to have every single person on this earth in Heaven with Him, but Heaven is a sinless place full of nothing but joy, happiness, singing, etc...why would He allow someone into that beautiful place that sinned their whole lives and never accepted Him. It's not His doing, it's the world's doing. You either choose to follow God or you choose to follow Satan. If you follow satan your entire life, where does God's Heaven fit into the picture...it doesn't. But those that choose Christ and live in His Word and His presence will have everlasting life with Him throughout eternity. And yes, eternity is a long time to be in hell, but if you choose to follow hell while living on earth, then you follow hell throughout eternity. It's your choice though. God gives you a chance to follow Him, but the decision is totally up to you. God bless
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
28 Jan 08
I agree with asgtswife04. You also said you believe there is a G♥d, but don't know what religion to believe in. What G♥d do you believe in?
• United States
28 Jan 08
I have added you as a friend. So you want to know, out of all the religions that follow the Bible, which one you should choose? Do you know what the problem with religion is? The root word of this word means bondage and Jesus did not come so that we will be in bondage. Look at it as a relationship with the creator, because that is why He created us anyways. Since you don't know what religion you should be, does that also mean you have no church or congregation that you meet with?
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• United States
28 Jan 08
I beleive in the god thats in the holy bible, but there is more than one religion that follows that book. add me as a friend.
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@bbsr13 (4196)
• India
30 Jan 08
Hello,chill!,my friend,you are right the God is the creator of the whole universe.the scientists have gone to the extent that it is created automatically by natural process and through billions of years with gradual evolution process life came in to this earth.but beyond this the scientists can not see and they also believe beyond this some unseen power is there which may be termed as God or supper natural power.i completely believe in God,being a Hindu.there are so many religions in this earth with their own doctrine,but the essence of all religions is the same.you follow any religion no matter,you will ultimately go to the God.thank you.
• United States
30 Jan 08
Making "god did it" the default answer for everything we don't know is foolish. If everyone thought like you, we'd never learn anything; we'd just sit around declaring everything around us was god, god, god, and we'd never actually figure out how anything works.
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
29 Jan 08
Well, according to the latest scientific theory, everything started from one superheated atom. This atom apparently exploded when it reached a certain temperature spliting into heliun and hydrogen the two elements necessary to produce all other elements in the universe. The latest version of the Big Bang Theory. Of course this still leaves the big question of Where in the hell did that Super Heated Atom come from? Oh, yeah, G'd Of course. So G'd created the Atom. Well thats close to Adam anyway. And then the Universe started its wonderful evolution. Bit by bit changes happened over billions of years until they reached a point where a creature had evolved that could think and stand on his own. He could store knowledge in his brain and pass it on from generation to generation. Evolution had finally reached the point where G'd could communicate with a species and he did and he made a covenant with this species and he named them mankind. Was our develpement random. Maybe. Were we G's first attempt. Who knows. We will not have any of these answers until we face Him at our personal final judgement. Personally I can't wait. I am looking forward to it. Shalom~Adoniah
• United States
30 Jan 08
The Big Bang was a rapid expansion of space AND time. It is distinctly possible that the universe always existed in some form or another--and compared to "God", an entity that's literally made up, it's infinitely more likely, because of Occam's Razor. "God" is just an unnecessary variable, therefore any explanation without God is more likely. Think of it this way. If you stumble while you're walking, what's more likely? That there was a rock or something in your path, or that a supernatural agent tripped you? The former is exponentially more likely. Why? Because the "agent" ("God" is an example of a supernatural agent) is an extra variable. Same thing. Any explanation for anything involving "God", therefore, will always necessarily be considered the least likely scenario, because of that.
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• United States
11 Feb 08
Ok... So God is a variable? Hmm.. Well explain to me then how this expansion of time and space created the perfect conditions for life? And of course out of nothing life began? Have you ever seen the research that says that if the earth tipped on its axis minutely in either direction the earth would be ice or fire? What about the scientific fact that the human body regenerates cells every 7 years, alluding that possibly if not for pollutants and disease we would indeed live forever? The bible says that creation itself testifies to the creator, the absolutes in this world tell me that there is an absolute truth about how it all began. That being said I hope you realize I respect the comments I am responding to and am not trying to sound hmm.. like a know it all or anything. These are honestly questions I have asked myself. It is hard for me to think that this is all an accident it defies rational thought in my opinion. But I think we are all still learning and we do not have all the answers no matter which belief you have.
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• United States
31 Jan 08
you should have responded because you have the best response
@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
30 Jan 08
Evolution isn't random--if a creature has a mutation that makes it faster, and that's the reason it avoids being eaten by a predator, and has the chance to reproduce, would you call it "random" that it survived? Of course not. Natural selection is the exact opposite of random. Before you can talk about "God's plan", first you have to prove there's any god to begin with. And since it's impossible to prove that a supernatural being exists, you are forced to assume. But why assume, when there are other options that don't require such huge assumptions?
1 person likes this
• United States
3 Feb 08
Well, it's called "natural selection" in the scientific community because it is "nature" (in other words, the environment) that "selects" which mutations survive and which do not. Your mention about how humans may have never existed reminds me of an article I read a little while back that proposed the idea that reality as we know it is nothing more than an advanced simulation created by either an alien race, or us, being actually much further along than this reality makes it seem. They estimed the odds of this are about 60%. It was an interesting article; too bad I've lost it. But I digress. Thanks for the positive response. :)
• United States
3 Feb 08
I wouldn't call it natural selection, I would call it Natural Development. I beleive that its a possible chance that humans could have never existed! I like the way you think, you think like a genius. Only a genius would look at a situation like this and consider other possibilities other than 'god'! Me and you think alike, I go against it in so many ways. I'm just scared to tell my family!
• Pakistan
29 Jan 08
i am Muhamamd atif from poakistna and i think and believe there is God who is controlling this world otherwise it cna nt live for a secoind. There is God
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
29 Jan 08
learn a bit about each and then go with your heart
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• Philippines
29 Jan 08
"Seek first the kingdom of God..." There is a kingdom of God here on earth, that is what we should be looking for and we can find the way to it in the Holy Bible. Let us study the Holy Bible very well because that will show us the way. The Christian religion is laid down in the Holy Bible, we should not add to nor subtract from it. May God bless you.
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@missjackie (1357)
• Ypsilanti, Michigan
11 Feb 08
I don't think a god created any of it. I don't believe in evolution either. I do believe that it had to be some sort of creation from a more knowledgeable creator (not god). The way things work as they are now, are too complicated for evolution to make sense.
• United States
29 Jan 08
It all depends on what You believe in and how much of instuction you want in your life. I can't tell you which religion to choose, but I can suggest to check All of them out. See what they believe in and how they practice and pick the one who matches your life. Pick the one that makes you feel like you have come home.
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• India
29 Jan 08
I believe God is in control. There is random in the world, from our perspectives but God is in control. It's God of the Bible I believe in.
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@iDivision (1412)
• Latvia
29 Jan 08
I am protestant, so I believe in christian GOD. I am for religion which is for love, justice and honesty! 25 years of my life i was a pagan, but then something changed in my life, wait - not in my life, but in ME! I started to visit church, then i baptized and got sanctified to get married in church.
@mcgill1 (49)
11 Feb 08
This is a very interesting discussion, and it's interesting because we are here, and nobody, not even religions have any of the answers, their's is all hear say. What makes this fascinating is that we are all perfect design, ears, eyes, nose and mouth, ect, so evolution must be by design. I used to think evolution was an accident, but it can't be an accident when we are all so perfect, so whom is the creator ? Is it us, are we the creator ?