Should there be a draft?
By qbranchltd
@qbranchltd (129)
United States
January 28, 2008 11:17pm CST
If we are going to remain in this foolish war we need a military and not the poor men and women who are in the National Guard who need to doing the job that they signed up for - protecting the home front. To have a real military we need to increase the troops. Relying upon enlistments has not done this. The past rollbacks in the military have hurt this. What is left?
All I can think of is a military draft. And if so, it must be one that drafts both men and women for equal duty.
What do you think? Should there be a draft?
6 responses
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
29 Jan 08
There's no need for a draft. We have an army & national gaurd, It's their jobs that they signed up for to deal with this crap, repetative tours & all. Drafting a bunch of people who don't want to be in the service, giving them half a$$ed training & sending them over would be completely stupid.
I'd rather see the region walled up, then just let them kill themselves off. Problem solved.
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@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
29 Jan 08
I'm surprised they haven't implemented the draft already. However, I would like to address one statement you made, 'the poor men and women who are in the National Guard", that is the ARMY National Guard, they enlisted in it, and they go through much of the same training, and yes I have known some in the National Guard who have served in Iraq, I have known many more, including my son-in-law who are enlisted Army that have served, more than one tour of duty in Iraq. If there is a draft it will include drafting women, not just men. Which I'm not sure that is a good idea, there are a lot of women that would never make it in the armed services, that's why they aren't there now.
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@lightningd (1039)
• United States
29 Jan 08
Actually, if they reinstate the draft, no it won't include women. Women are not currently required to register for the draft like men are when they turn 18. So it would be rather difficult to enforce a draft for women when they are not registered.
You bring up a good point about the Army national guard. They do go through the same training. I remember when I was in basic training in the air force, there were some in my unit that were actualy in the Air National Guard.
These men and women who join the "Guard" do so knowing that should the need arise, they will be called to active duty. That is the purpose of it. This enables the military to keep higher numbers with a ready reserve of trained military personnell that while they aren't full time in the service, they prefer to keep their current occupation, but still serve their country.
People seem to be under the impression that only Guard units are being sent over to Iraq. Not true. There are hoards of people going through basic training every day that are full time enlistees. They will train in their selected field, and they will get sent where those skills are needed.
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@Wingedman (238)
• United States
29 Jan 08
You are sadly mistaken. Miltary recruitment is up for most services eventhough we're involved in a "foolish war". The Military has quotas as they stand and over the past 7 years the pentagon has been slowly increasing the standing military.
Unfortunately, the 8 years prior under Clinton were nothing but constant declines in military spending so we have too fewin the service. Currently we have an all volunteer military. These people want to be in the military. Answer this, would you rather have someone working for you who wants to do it or someone that has to because you force them to? Which one is going to do a better job? That gives you your answer.
@oscarbartoni (2581)
• United States
29 Jan 08
Number one is we should not be inn this war in Iraq so that would leave us with many more military people at home. Number two is if there is to be a draft then everyone of age including the children of politicians should be ready to be drafted. That would keep us out of wars because the people in charge would think twice about putting their children in dangers way. Plus if we had a draft then the illegal immigrants would not have to worry about getting drafted either. Maybe we could give them a choice to serve and then become citizens.
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@lightningd (1039)
• United States
29 Jan 08
NO they should not reinstate the draft. We need to pull our troops all back home, secure our borders and tell the countries where we have troops that they are officially on their own and to figure their own problems out. To think that my child could get drafted to be sent over to get blown up trying to solve another country's problems infuriates me. I served in the military. I joined voluntarily. I don't think anyone has the right to force a person to take up arms if they don't want to. I don't think they have the right to force someone to step into a fight that they have no desire to be in.
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