When writing do you prefer

United States
January 29, 2008 8:18am CST
typing on your computer or writing on paper first? I used to always type it. It seems to save work because you can rearrange easily. But lately writing on paper seems to help the writing process for me. I sometimes stare blankly at my computer screen, not coming up with anything usable after an hour of typing and deleting. But when I have pen in hand I seem to come up with ideas more easily. Sometimes it's frustrating because I can't write fast enough to keep up with my thoughts. I also like editing that way because I can draw lines and arrows to move things, and make notes in the margin. It's messy by the time I'm done, but worth it instead of trying to type and coming up with nothing. Which method works best for you?
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30 responses
• Philippines
29 Jan 08
I usually write using a pen and paper firs before I type them on my computer. When I am using my own hand in writing anything, it would seem at it moves by itself and ideas continue to flow because I take complete control of what I write. I don't care about my grammatical errors or even my spelling for as long as I can write freely and communicate my ideas to my reader. After writing on paper, I edit my spelling and grammatical errors on the computer. But when editing I make it a point that I do not make a big difference on what I really mean on the edited manuscript. I try not to deviate from the original thought of a certain sentence. There are even times when I'm at school or at a coffee shop when ideas come in flowing. I usually grab a pen that I usually carry around and whatever material I can write on. There was even one instance when I wrote my thought on a tissue paper.
• United States
30 Jan 08
That's what I do- just get it down on paper, fix errors later. I often do make changes, though, when editing if I feel it needs change.
@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
30 Jan 08
Before, I use to write non-stop with a pen(cil) and a notebook. But now, I often do it with a computer since its more easier and quicker. When it comes to editing, I'd prefer checking out printed manuscripts than checking them out on screen. I could do the usual remarks and circle out details that I can't really do in screen of computers.
@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
30 Jan 08
What do you do when you type with a reference or re-typing a manuscript that's already printed? I mean, after editing works, I tend to get my head looking back and forth on the screen of the computer and the manuscript that I edited. It really gets tiring for me. How do you re-type your edited works if your revisions are just printed manuscripts?
• United States
30 Jan 08
Editing is easier for me with a printed manuscript, too. I also like to make notations of changes on paper, then go to the computer and correct it.
• United States
30 Jan 08
I go back and forth between the printed and the computer screen. It is not a big deal for me, I just insert changes, delete stuff, then usually I can do the final proofread without printing it again.
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
30 Jan 08
I much prefer the speed and ease of the computer keyboard. I think that typing has spoiled my penmenship, it seems to take so long to write by hand and also it hurts my hands. I guess different muscles than typing uses. but I do agree with you that it is easier to read and analyze your written work when it is done on paper.
• United States
30 Jan 08
I guess the easier method is different for everyone. What's important is to find the one that works best for you. My penmanship can be great or terrible, depending on how hard I try or how fast I'm going.
@jezzmay (1845)
• United States
30 Jan 08
I write on paper first,it is much easier to edit that way. It is not a way to save time,but I get a better result this way and to me that is what counts.When writing I like to cross out and change things and this is easier to do on paper than the computer.Plus I am not a good typer.
• United States
30 Jan 08
I'm the same way. I'd rather take more time and make it the best I can than be fast but not as good.
@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
30 Jan 08
Having worked in an IT environment for more than 20 years, I have stopped writing on paper long ago. Most things I need to write, whether it is a bits and pieces of data, paragraph(s) of information, a letter or an article, are usually typed in on notepads or word processors. Yes, I do agree with you that sometimes when putting ideas to paper and trying to put together your thoughts in a coherent manner, you need to do a lot of changing and chopping, and it may be better to scribble on paper first. For me, if I have to write something quite lengthy and various thoughts come to my mind as I go along, I open my notepad or word processor, and type the thoughts in separate lines further down the page away from my main text, and use that as my resource pool of ideas. If I decide that I can fit an idea or phrase into a part of a main paragraph I am writing, I will just do a copy and paste from the resource pool and then expand from there. When I am done with my article and there are still things I have typed into my resource pool area, I just delete the remnants away. So far, this has worked quite well for me. The advantage I get doing this is that I can save the document anytime and come back to it, and my original ideas in the resource pool are still there for me to improve on.
@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
31 Jan 08
It is prudent for you to stick to what works effectively for you. There is also advantage in doing this, because you get to practise your handwriting. Many people only stick to typing on a keyboard, and as a result their handwriting decline over the years.
• United States
30 Jan 08
I have done that before, and it's very effective. Somehow though, it stopped working for me. Lately I do so much better on paper.
@Aingealicia (1905)
• United States
30 Jan 08
I use both. My novel is hand written for copywrite reasons but when I am working on a story I like my computer. Aingealicia
• United States
30 Jan 08
Because I am not signing the book so if someone says they wrote it I have hand writing analysis to protect the book. If you look on my blog with in the next few weeks I will be sharing more on it. It is a fantastic book to say the least. Aingealicia You should try to finish your work. The MySpace police will not publish my blog. I guess it is too controversial.
• United States
29 Jan 08
Lately I've found that I enjoy writing with paper and a pen. It's slower, like you mentioned, but I've noticed that the slower process gives me more time to think and I choose my words more carefully. I like to edit as I'm typing it into the computer.
• United States
30 Jan 08
That's what I do. I write, arrange, scribble, draw arrows. Then when I type it comes out as a finished product. Maybe some day I'll be good enough that writing will flow and I can skip that first step, but for now it works for me.
• United States
29 Jan 08
I definitely prefer typing it unless I do not have any access whatsoever to a computer. When I type, my writing just flows so much easier than it would if I were writing it down. I write strangely I guess, I kind of tense up when writing so I guess I make writing a lot more difficult for me than it needs to be, so that's why I like writing, because I can just continue to go for as long as I can and not have to worry about my hands cramping up or what not.
• United States
30 Jan 08
I understand that, though I am the opposite. My ideas flow more easily with a pen than my keyboard. Probably at least in part due to my poor typing skills.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
29 Jan 08
I would like to write with my pen more, but I have bad wrists so I prefer to type on the computer. I do my practice writing in a journal, and get ideas from there, but in reality it does not matter where I am, the ideas just come out of my head and especially when I am going for a walk. It is frustrated when you get this idea and then Wham! you have to remember it, because you certainly do not want to talk into a micro-recorder, "ooo- , the Earl of - wants xxx to be his heir because xxx is related to the King of -%%%, I think I will have him marry his older daughter who lost her husband. What is going to happen is that in fifteen years, she will get an infection and die, and xxx will marry the Earl's youngest daughter, but one of the Earls-- "
• United States
30 Jan 08
I do that, I get ideas at the worst times, then I can't remember it when I need it. I have been known to jump out of bed at midnight and scribble a few lines of an idea that came to me. If I don't do that, it's lost forever.
• United States
29 Jan 08
I usually start off on paper. Depending on how I feel, I may write all of it on paper first, or switch over to the computer before I have the entire draft written. Many times, I will start on paper, type and revise on the computer, and then reamin with the computer, but if I get stuck, or if I don't think it reads well, I will go back to paper for that portion and type and revise on the computer. I guess the short answer is I go back and forth between paper and computer. For me, I think paper is better for organization of thoughts, but typing on the computer gives me a better free-flow of thoughts. Unfortunately, when I write "newsy" items for Associated Content, which has a short window, I type directly on the computer, and a day or two later when i read it, I find a word I omitted, or a sentence I could have written much better. As for Mylot, this is more of a discussion site, so my thoughts are much more free-flow than formally organized, and I just type directly without committing anything on paper beforehand.
• United States
30 Jan 08
I do the same thing. For some reason I can organize better and the ideas flow more easily on paper. But the time comes when I have to type it because it is not readable due to corrections and scribbles. At that point I type it, print it, and start making more changes and add on to it.
29 Jan 08
Excellent question. I find the very act of typing just relaxing, actually. Sometimes I'll just type out songs I know the words too *freak* I seem to prefer writing if I have people to talk to and distractions; the internet. I can work for hours and hours on the laptop connected to the internet, but I often draw a blank when I'm on the one that isn't. So I'll go with laptop/computer.
• United States
30 Jan 08
Typing sometimes relaxes me too. But when I need to really be productive and write, being too relaxed is not good for me.
• United States
29 Jan 08
writing it out by hand, i do an outline first then i write whatever i am working on, after i am done i wait a couple days then i read what i have wrote and this is when i do my re-writes. i let it sit a couple more days and then i edit it. this method works for me.
• United States
30 Jan 08
I leave it sometimes too- for a few hours or a day or even more sometimes. It does help.
@miller1978 (1101)
• United States
29 Jan 08
When writing I prefer to write it out on paper first. For some reason if I am near the computer while I am trying t write I find myself surfing the net more often than writing. I also tend to open up my online poker program and get no writing done whatsoever. Writing it out on paper seems to work better in the long run because I can write future ideas in the back of the notebook at the same time I am working on another project as well.
• United States
30 Jan 08
I get distracted too, by the internet and other stuff on my computer. It makes me give up too easily if I get stumped. I think 'I'll just take a break for a few minutes and get back to it after I check my email...' I end up forgetting what I was working on.
• United States
30 Jan 08
Writing things on paper helps me remember things more, but sometimes my handwriting is so sloppy, that I can't make out what I have written. So I guess it depends, if I need to remember what I am writing, then I am better off to use pen and paper.
• United States
30 Jan 08
Just the act of writing it helps me remember it, even if I don't read what I wrote. Like when I go grocery shopping. I make a list, then forget it at home. I can usually remember most of what was on it, more than if I hadn't written it.
@MGjhaud (23239)
• Philippines
4 Feb 08
I prefer typing it directly to a computer because it’s more convenient. But sometimes if the availability of computers like when I’m out and I have to make some papers right away, I take the ball pen and the paper of course. I actually like using ball pen and paper before but I get tired of it.
• Pakistan
2 Feb 08
The time has gone, when the people used to write on the papers. Computer changed the trend. Computer works so many times better than a white paper. If we write some thing in Microsoft word it help us to check and correct the spellings, grammar, order of sentence and much more. Lining spaces, style of writing and lot of fonts are there available in computer software which helps to beautify the paragraphs of the text. You can delete and edit your writing in the computer. So I prefer to type instead of writing on plane paper.
• Philippines
31 Jan 08
good thing about computers is, it is equipped with a very good word editor such as ms-word. you can type away any thoughts u have and later check for possible errors. i used to write, as in draft on paper when computers are not yet around. and typewriters are the leading computing machines. but now, i just write away. i write my heart out and use the spelling/grammar checker built in the worp processor
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
31 Jan 08
Even after acquiring a laptop or a computer, I used to have the tendency to write thing in the paper rather than have them type directly on the computer. At that time I found it more comfortable and there is a different feeling when you write it rather than type it. However due to the passage of time, I have started to type directly on my laptop instead of having it written in a paper as a draft. It saves you time. However, I could feel that I have a better output with respect to thoughts if I write it first rather than go directly and type it in the computer. Maybe its just me. But I could feel that if I write it, I am more effective since I am interacting with my very thoughts, myself and my ideas. But with the computer, I am interacting with a machine and sometimes I lose some concentration since I will have to find the keys, controls and all the stuff. Well, for me, if I wanted to create something with more feelings and emotions, I will write it first to a paper and do my corrections like what you do.... rearrange, draw some lines and after I'm done, I type it out on the computer. Hope I make sense!
@xavi221 (38)
• China
31 Jan 08
i have the same hobby as you.mostly i prefer to type on the computer.it is so easy and efficient. whatever you want to type and revise.you can do it well with computer.you can also edit it with lines and arrows. but typing on the computer is so boring.i cannot enjoy the traditional writing process.so i can not come up with ideas and then began staring at screen blankly for a moment.and if you write it in the margin,it is messsy by the time you have done.i do not like messy.neither do my teacher.last one,typing in computer is not safe.when the power is broken and you forget to preserve file, the work you have will be losen.
• India
31 Jan 08
I find typing as the best way instead of writing. I am so used to typing on the computers that I find it very difficult to write. It can be done in a faster way by typing rather than writing. Even my handwriting seems to be bad nowadays. Because you are so much used to Computers for everything.