Life on other planets; Seeking Religious perspectives.
By II2aTee
@II2aTee (2559)
United States
January 29, 2008 10:46am CST
This may be a difficult task since the Bible makes no mention of any planets except earth.. but please try to humor me and lets pretend Earth is not actually the center of the universe.
Let us assume that the Biblical theory of creation is true. Is it not impossible to image that God created OTHER planets, and OTHER life, somewhere out there in the great expanse of the Universe?
All points of view are welcome in this discussion.
It is my point of view that modern science proves that a single star in the sky could in fact be a solar system millions of lightyears away. Solar systems with suns, moons, planets, all kinds of different atmospheres and environments.
Some of these stars may in fact be dead and burned out, but thier light is still seen here on earth because it is still traveling toward us.
Is it not then possible that life other planets exist?
And what makes our environment here on earth the only one suitable for "life". What if there are organisms out there in the universe that survive on gasses that would kill humans in seconds? Or life forms that would be killed by a drop of water from Earth?
Alright before I loose too many people Ill open this up for debate.
Do you think its possible that God created life all across the Universe? Or is Earth the center of all creation?
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14 responses
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
30 Jan 08
Well I just HAD to answer this...hehhee. I happen to be a science fact when I was younger I aspired to be an to say I'm just a tad interested in astronomy? Mmmm.
First of all, nope I don't think the Earth is the center of all creation. I know there are certain sects of Christianity that take the Bible and the creation story as literal truth...I don't. They also of course don't believe in evolution and that the Earth is only about a few thousand years old...uh, I don't believe that much of the science person in me.
I think it would be downright smug and arrogant of us to think that Earth is the only planet that supports life. How could that be possible? There are billions if not trillions of stars, and so many galaxies. We're known as the Milky Way galaxy...our planetary system is only one possible system in our own galaxy, and the position of our system is on the "outskirts" of the spiraling arms of the galaxy itself. The closet galaxy to us is the Andromeda Galaxy, some 2 million light years away...and you're right there. When one looks into space, we are looking back into time....we see the Andromeda Galaxy as it WAS 2 million years it still there? Did it blow itself up in a supernova? Only time would tell in about another 2 million years from now
It would also be smug of us to think and expect that other life on other planetary systems would be identical to us...that is that there would be another species like we humans....for all we know, on another system, with intelligent life they may have formed from a more aquatic species...some species might be as "adorable" and loving as "E.T." or on the other extreme as horrifying as the "Alien" creature
I actually sometimes wonder why the writers of the bible however when they did write out the creation story, only mentioned the Earth...the ancient astronomers of Babylonia, Egypt, Greece, etc. were actually well knowledgeable of the existence of the other planets in our system...considering the fact that they didn't have any of the sophisticated telescopes as well do now, they were able to map out the constellations with amazing accuracy and predict their return and when and what part of the year they could be viewed...unless of creation of the earth...maybe it's a collective term??? Could it be the word "earth" actually represents the universe as a whole, of all the star systems, and therefore other planets...other "earths"???
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@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
19 Mar 08
Well, you see in ancient times the Greeks as well as the other old cultures (I know more about Greek so I will stick with that in my responce here)
The Greeks always made up stories to explain things that they could not explain. For lack of equipment, means, knowledge or science. These stories were created using their top logic of the day. Of course readin the stories now a days seems a bit silly.... but I digress.
The ancient Greeks do indeed mention life on other planets (In their own way). Those places were only visited by gods and such as no human had the ability or permission to go there. They personified everything down to emotions. These personifications embodied gods and titans and the likes used to portray and created by scholars to explain these complicated things to the ordinary people. They made up stories to explain the different constellations and how they got there. They saw patterns in the stars. They fancied that many of the stars had once been people.... So indeed these primitive scholars were aware of space. Even for their time, they were quite adept at making things in which to view space.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
31 Jan 08
Hehe....well we could get into the possibility of earlier civilizations here on Earth too...I don't know about you but I've always been fascinated by the idea that Atlantis existed....or as you hint here, that maybe the early astronomers of earth had help in understanding the cosmos..????
@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
30 Jan 08
Pye you are taking us further and further down the rabbit hole. I am glad that I am not the only one who is facinated by the very possibility of life spread out across the vast universe.
Perhaps the ancient societies that were able to map the movement of the heavens had a little help from the inside, so to speak.
It all really does make my head spin at the possibilities. Perhaps in the infinitly expanding possibilities of time and space, simply thinking that something exists makes it so, some trillions of light eons away?
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
29 Jan 08
Hi II2aTee, I feel certain that there must be life on other planets. It would not make sense any other way. We are a mere spect of dust in the universe, Why should earth alone be chosen for life? Saying that the earth is the centre of all creation, is like the people of Columbus"s day saying that the world was flat. The Bible doesn't talk about life on other planets, but it doesn't say that there isn't either. Blessings.
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@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
19 Mar 08
Well with what scientists believe was the mixture of gases and such that created Earth to be liveable, what is to say that another planet out there did not undergo the same experience? OR a similar experience that created a whole different life?
With so many things that have happened to many other planets that scientists think they can explain.... it is highly likely that there are many different sets of events that could create life on other planets.
@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
29 Jan 08
I was actually going to use the flat earth argument in the original post.
Maybe some day humanity will look at earth from millions of light years away, and laugh about how their ancestors thought they were the center of all creation, just like we laugh about how fiercly the flat earth theory was defended just a few generations ago.

@emarie (5441)
• United States
29 Jan 08
People STILL even think that the Earth is the center of the Universe. From what I've been told there have been a few hidden references to 'aliens' and 'ufos' in the Bible and biblical artifacts. Remember, the bible was written by MAN who is no where NEAR perfect.
Of course if we go by biblical standards, YES it is possible for God to create OTHER living forms on OTHER planets.
Generally speaking, I think its pretty egotistical of us as a human race to even Deny the existence or other, more intelligent creatures. To think in the whole galaxy, universe (and whatever else lies out there) that we are the ONLY living beings seems more unrealistic then talking green aliens.
My mom is somewhat religious and has once believed (from a book she read) that when Armageddon comes, the bible states that a large light will come from the heavens and take us away. That large light being a UFO (space ship) taking us away to another planet for us to use a destroy. Okay...little over the top there, but you get what I'm saying.
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@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
29 Jan 08
Are you suggestion Jesus could have been an alien life form?
Hmm. How interesting.
And I dont think your over the top at all. If I let loose and said what I really belive no one would respond to this discussion... and I really am interested in what people think about this.
I personally think the prospect of a UFO visiting earth is more realistic than the second coming of Jesus.
Maybe they are one in the same....?
@emarie (5441)
• United States
30 Jan 08
I never said Jesus was an alien. My opinion on that is a WHOLE other topic.
yeah, a UFO appearing is more possible then the 2nd coming...and it COULD be the same since the bible is meant to be interpreted and A LOT of people have got it wrong.
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@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
29 Jan 08
How sad it would be, if Earth was indeed all alone in the great expanse of the universe, as the only planet capable of sustaining life.
And how mad the universe must be at us, for messing up its crown jewel planet, so very much.
That is assuming of course we ARE the crown jewel... which I dont believe...
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
30 Jan 08
What if earth was the practice planet? What if we are the screw~ups and there are really cool planets and creatures out there that turned out far superior to us because they listened and got it right?
What if, when we die and we face our maker and we still get to go to OUR form of heaven, but we get a glimpse of THEIR heaven? What if their's is totally different from ours, once again because they listened and got it right, while we have been spinning our wheels so to speak and slowly destroying everything that G'd gave us including ourselves?
You know that G'd's going to let us get a peek just to put us in our place. Just to let us know that we are the screw~ups.
Yes, I do think that there are other inhabited planets out there. I am sure that they are far enough away that we the probable screw~ups will never be able to visit them, but I think that they may be visiting and checking on us.
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@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
30 Jan 08
I am with you that they have visited us - probably many many times throughout history. Feeding us little tidbits here and there to help our evolutionary process.
As far as us being the screw ups, I do KIND OF agree with you, however, I also think its not our fault. If you think about the short few centuries that human kind has been in existance, then you may think... we are just CHILDREN. Babies. He haven't even learned to walk yet let alone crawl. So hopefully God... if he is out there.. would cut us some slack.
If there is life on other planets however, I am sure that they will not welcome humanity as a race untill we have matured and shed these childish notions of war, murder, hate, pollution, exc. If I was an alien life form looking down at Earth, I would probably want humanity to stay exactly where it is so it doesnt come out and start messing up the rest of the Universe.
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
30 Jan 08
Sorry babe- you know me I'm not a religion person but there are other planets and that is scientifically proven. As far as life goes, who knows? It isn't out of the question but all we can relate to is living on Earth until we can go elsewhere and live a life or find someone or something who does- which would make it scientifically proven, I'm going to say that earth may be the only liveable planet. I'm not into Ufo's so I'm not to versed or convinced that they exist either.
@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
30 Jan 08
You are deffinatly not alone in that thinking, and thank you for not calling me a space cadet (even though I am one). In my defense, even though I do belive in aliens, I do not believe in Big Foot or the Loch Nes Monster.
Ok fine, I do believe in the Loch Nes Monster.
But anyways, there are a great many people out there who only believe what they can see. What I mean by that, is those people are usually very open minded and open to new things and different perspectives, they just need to see the proof before they buy into anything.
The true core of science is proof... it cant all be theory and speculation.
We are two sides of the same coin my dear!
All my best
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
31 Jan 08
Awesome response Tee. There are some things in life that I just need some proof for and it doesn't even have to be all that much proof- just a little. Hope your having a great week.
@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
19 Mar 08
I am not a Christian so I can not state how they would explain the other planets.
Though, I look at the bible as a story book of that time. And knowing of that time, people did indeed believe the Sun revolved around the Earth and that the Earth was the center of all. They had no real technical knowledge of science to explain to them that there are vast amounts of such spinning rocks out there beyond their capacity to see. Even with their inventions and all that they had not the ability to understand.
Though we still do not have the ability to completely comprehend the vast size of what is out there, we have the idea now that it could very well be infinate or uncountable amounts of fellow spinning rocks out there. We now know for sure, that we do not know and can admit it.
So that said, of course the bible would not be so clear as to the other planets because the bible was written by man of that era.
As for other life, I think I agree with those that say that it is arrogant to think that we are the only life forms out there. Why wouldn't there be other various forms of life? I mean, the universe is a huge place. We may never know.
That to me is rather sad as I am curious person who really wants to know....
Anyway, anything is really possible and even us being alone in this vast space is possible, I do not feel it is probable.
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
29 Jan 08
I believe that God has created life on other planets out there. Other wise why create all that universe and leave it empty? The book of Job 1:4 mentions the sons of God and it is believed that these sons were from another world
Hebrews 1:2 speaks of other worlds Revelation 12:12 speaks of “ye that dwell in the heavens,” You can read more about this here at this website
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
30 Jan 08
I'm not sure where Christians get the idea that this is the only planet God put life on. Sure, the Bible doesn't say that He did... but then again, it doesn't say He didn't either.

@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
30 Jan 08
God created Man in his own image, but that doesn't mean every life out there is "Man".
@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
30 Jan 08
The bible also says that God created man in his image. If mankind is only one of Gods many creations, would that mean that all life created on other planets would have to look like us?
It would be interested to see what other life forms may look like.
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@bunmi2501 (465)
• Nigeria
29 Jan 08
There will definately be life out there, there are different kind of life, we have the human life, the animal life, the plant life, there are many living things apart from those will see with our optical eyes, so I believe strongly that there are life outside there.
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@Galena (9110)
30 Jan 08
I am religious. I'll assume you don't mean religious to mean only Christian, as that would be narrow minded and highly innacurate.
I think it's pure arrogance to look at all those stars and assume that no planet orbiting no star can have life on it. what makes us so special?
to me, deity is the driving force of nature. it acts on this planet, and I'm sure it acts on others too.
The Universe is so much bigger than we can ever grasp. how can we ever claim to be the only life.
@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
30 Jan 08
Of course I dont mean just Christians. I said all view points are welcome. I want to hear from Christians, Muslims, Pagans, Athiests... everyone as far as this subject is concerned.
The Christian veiw point is however of particular interest to me because they stand very firmly on the idea that God created man in his own image, and created the Earth in seven days; implying that Earth is the center of all creation.
It would interest me very much to see how that beliefe can be tied in with the bold faced truth that the Univers is emense of a level beyond comprehension, and life on other planets is a very real possibility.
But again, I want to hear all veiws, and thank you for yours.
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
1 Feb 08
Reading this discussion reminds me of a book I read called communion. It was about a guy who claims he was abducted repeatedly. The take on it as that even though they were superior in technology they were spiritually . Goes along with the idea of if there are aliens why havent they contacted us, maybe because they are so far advanced they are too superior to talk to us. Or could it be they are looking for spiritual minded people to relate with and not technology advanced society, after all what good would it do to learn the secrets of the universe if your too immature to handle it.
I am christian and I found no conflict at being open minded to the idea that angels could in fact be aliens. Maybe we have been created to evolve into spiritual beings before we will recieve supreme knowledge.
If you look at what the bible said with an open mind you can see that is the purpose of the bible to teach us to be spiritually minded.
It could be that other life is closer than we think, maybe they arent aliens from another planet but another dimmension or universe. look into quantum physics 'm' theory, they no believe that our universe as created by 2 other universes comming into contact, and there are unlimited number of universes.
Maybe aliens are so spiritually evolved they feel gods will and are compelled to do it constantly, except for the fallen ones. the book of enoch almost sounds like it could be about aliens and talks about we were intended to be spiritual creatures but chose differently (adam and eve). while we have to struggle with our own will to get back to being spiritual beings. There are multiple other references in the bible that could be taken to be about aliens.
What if they might even be amongst us every day and we dont even know it. As far as did god create other life, the bible already says there is angels and they are greater in might and power who came before us.

@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
19 Mar 08
Yes Cthulu lives under Antarctica and has been sleeping for eons. This once was his planet and humans were actually brought here as his slaves but he went into hibernation making so many generations pass and evolution to change us and make us forget about him. Yet there he is under Antarctica with his tentacles, hairy legs and stinky breath....
Hehe Sorry I had to say that.
(HP Lovecraft for those that don't know. "In The Mountains Of Madness"
@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
4 Feb 08
You touch on all kinds of theories that I love to contemplate in quiet moments.
One of my favorite subjects, is there aliens among us now? No one can prove it if they do, but I believe it could be so.
Another thought is perhaps there are aliens right under our noses... literally. Humanity hasent even come close to exploring the far depths of this planet. We could be an alien base all unknowing. I watch a documentary on Discovery channel, and even though of course you have to take everything you see on TV with a grain of salt, it was fascinating to think that there are aliens living on the bottom of our oceans.

@lancingboy (1385)
• United States
1 Feb 08
There are some religious people in my family who says science and UFO's are witchcraft and satanism. A little extreme I know, but what do you expect coming from baptists? I know not all baptists are like that, but a lot of them are.
@adnanezzi (243)
• India
30 Jan 08
hi there
i am a muslim and my faith teaches me that everything in this universe is alive or has life.
like now we know that stars have life and everything would die or expire at one time or another. so it all depends on your defination of life
and my view on the centre of the universe is let the man navigate the whole of universe and then decide the center for himself
@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
30 Jan 08
Very interesting view - and I am so glad I got to hear a Muslims perspective on this.
However, do you really think it is up to man to decide what is the center of all creation? If the center of creation exists, it does so without our knowledge so far. Thus it exists in spite of us.
If there is a center to creation, it will exist tomorrow if humanity is destroyed today. So who are we to say what it is?
Thank you so much for your input.