Do you use antibacterial soap?

United States
January 29, 2008 10:56am CST
If you use antibacterial soap, it is time to throw it out! Research has shown that these soaps (that have tricolcarban and triclosan as their ingredients) are no better than regular soap and warm water at preventing infections. They can also interfere with the effectiveness of some antibiotics! The alcohol-based hand sanitizers are great for when one isn't near water and plain soap. What are your thoughts on this matter? Do you use antibacterial soaps?
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20 responses
@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
29 Jan 08
No, I don't use antibacterial soaps, unless there is a good reason I need extra decontamination or something. I believe that the more our body gets used to these antibacterials, the less they work in the future. Plus, they kill the good germs too and throw the body's defenses off kilter. I believe the constant use of these products make the very germs we are trying to kill more antibiotic resistant in the long run. There's another reason I don't have them out and in use at home, a reason many people with septic tanks don't think of. Out here in the country, where we all have septic tanks (as opposed to city sewage). One time I had tank failure, and it caused a whole lot of problems. The technician who helped me asked if I had been on antibiotics, or used antibacterial soap on a regular basis. I replied 'yes' to both. He said that antibiotics, as well as antibacterial soaps, kill the good germs that are needed in a septic system to keep it working properly. I haven't used it since, and if I have to use that kind of soap, or am on antibiotics, I put RidX in the tank to keep the septic system working with the germs that are necessary for it to work. I do keep the hand sanitizers for personal use, in my purse, for those times when there's no soap handy, but otherwise I don't use those routinely either...regular soap and water, and proper hand cleansing is all that's needed.
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• United States
29 Jan 08
Oh my goodness, I had never thought about that! You are so right, the septic systems need bacteria to break down the waste. I had never thought about that asepct of using the antibacterial products! Many in my rural area have septic systems, and I have to wonder if anyone has advised them about this.
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@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
29 Jan 08
It usually seems that nobody finds out about this until you have a system failure. I know I've never read it anywhere, nor did anybody ever tell me about it otherwise. I sure am glad I decided to stay and chat with the dippy dumper guy lol. Now I do RidX, or a similar product, every week when I'm on antibiotics, and every two weeks to a month otherwise. Also, dumping bleach, while cleaning the sink, or using toilet cleaner, etc, also kills that bacteria...because if it kills bacteria elsewhere as part of it's disinfecting factor, then it's going to affect the system negatively too. Eh...I guess I had to learn the hard way hahaha.
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• United States
29 Jan 08
I sometimes use it. I always thought that it might do more harm than good, although I think we get less colds when we use the antibacterial soap. I'm not a "chemical" person, I also don't like that antibacterial gel and only use it on my kids if we're at a very germy place.
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@balasri (26537)
• India
29 Jan 08
I don't use them because it dries up the skin.I go to the doctor for antibacterial for my skin or whatever.
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@rx4life (1930)
• United States
29 Jan 08
I use a hand sanitizer only when I have no access to soap and water..I do use tea tree oil based soap to wash my hands is supposed to be a natural antibacterial ...I should check into it further...but I agree...nothing beats a good hand washing with soap and warm water. When we are out and about my husband and I will use an antibacterial wipe if we feel we have been exposed to something as he has no immune system and is easily infected...but we try to just get to the sink and wash!!! Good subject...lots of people think it's better to use those soaps and sanitizers all the time...I try to discourage it...I've had a friend in the hospital with MRSA and then I did use the sanitizer until I could get to the restroom to wash...
@dvschic (1795)
• United States
29 Jan 08
my doctor recommended that i use them. i get acne at age 28.. using a dove bar or a similar facial bar just wasn't cutting it (cause of the moisturizers they put in) since i've switched to an antibacterial i've noticed a big difference in my face and even my arms and back... lil things definately help.
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@pinay81 (1535)
• Philippines
29 Jan 08
yeah i use lifebouy green anti-bacterial soap sometimes dettol soap but its only for my body and hand except from my face i used c&c anti-blackheads and i used also dove after i used the anti-bacterial soap because its make my skin dry if i only use anti-bacterial soap so after that i used dove soap:-)
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
30 Jan 08
Another reason not to use it is because if you have thyroid problems the antibacterial soap can make it worse because it interferes with the throids hormone function. I use the hand sanitizers alot you have to in a world like we have today with all the germs and other things. Here is a link to read up further on the antibacterial soaps interfereing with the thyroid function.;_ylu=X3oDMTFibTE5ODc2BHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA01BUDAxM18xMDQEbANXUzE-/SIG=123rd91ig/EXP=1201761005/**http%3a//
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@balasri (26537)
• India
10 Feb 08
I never use them and I don't like their smell at first hand.As I have said in one of my response to you Sandal wood soap is my favorite always.Moreover I find the antibacterial soaps have a very drying effect on your skin.I tried once and decided not to use it ever.
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• Indonesia
30 Jan 08
hello crazynurse, hikz yes I do, I'm also using a antibacterial soap, a whole family using it, since soap for my family is the same for all the family member, my mother that bought it usually, and the other family member only using it what it placed on the bathroom, hmmm maybe I should tell him not to buy antibacterial soap again, any way thanx crazynurse.
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@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
17 Feb 08
You're absolutely right, we have become obsessed with all this antibacterial stuff. You get the same results washing your hand with soap and water. I do use the gels if there is no soap and water available.
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@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
17 Feb 08
I do not use antibacterial soap as it is a type of medicated soap which might weaken our body resistance against bacteria. I believe the soap contains medical substances which are not good for skin if used too often. I prefer the ordinary soap all the time.
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
30 Jan 08
No, I do not use antibacterial soaps. I did for a short time a few years ago, but my hands would dry up so much worse than when I would use regular soap that I gave up antibacterial soaps. I do however use the hand sanitizers every now and then when I am not able to wash my hands with plain old soap and water.
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@youless (112922)
• Guangzhou, China
30 Jan 08
I think all soaps can be antibacterial. I just use simple soap to wash my hands. It is no need to have a strong antibacterial function.
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@aruncrj (63)
• India
30 Jan 08
ya. regularly. but I dont have any other option,because i am working in a hospital. But i am using a brand which produces antiseptic lotion. for medical purpose. They claims that their soap have same effect as their lotion. But I got some advice about the side effects of using such an antibiotic soap regularly. So I think its safe to use such a soap to wash your hands and legs.
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@Trace86 (5030)
• United States
30 Jan 08
Since I work in a nursing home, the State mandates that we use antibacterial soap that meets certain requirements. I have no idea what they are though. I have Dial antibacterial at home. I also use the hand sanitizer every time I walk past the dispenser in the halls at work. I also use hand lotion about a million times a day!
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
22 Feb 08
I wish we could get the anti-microbial soaps -- they kill bacteria and viruses. It seems when it comes down to getting sick, viruses are the real culprit -- a cold, the flu. I use anti-bacterial at work, at home I have both. Before cooking i use anti-bacterial. The rest of the time I use regular soap. My understanding is the real cleaning is from the scrubbing action more than the cleaners.
• United States
22 Feb 08
The only time I use antibacterial soap if I am away from the house. I like to use that when I use the restrooms in restaurants or in public restrooms like along the highway when we are traveling down the highway on a trip. Other than that I use the regular soap.
@RenaeT (681)
• United States
30 Jan 08
I don't use the antibac soap, but I do use the sanitizer at work a lot. Mostly when someone has used my phone or if I shake hands with somone or handle things and can't get to a sink to wash. With my husband's chronic lung disease, we both try to stay clear of any kind of viruses or illness!! I use the antibacterial wipes that grocery stores offer, and am so glad they do!
• United States
29 Jan 08
I do not use antibacterial soap in the house except in the bathroom sink. I do not believe in using in on the whole body some bacteria is good for the body. I also know we are making super bugs by using all thies antibacterial and antibiotics.
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@Aingealicia (1905)
• United States
30 Jan 08
Nope, I use plain soap and water. Always have, I worried about the antibacterial soaps. The reason why is we need certain bacteria to keep us healthy. Regular soap and water. Thanks for getting out the word as well you put it very well. Aingealicia
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