What does crying do for us? Anything?
By ctrymuziklvr
@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
United States
January 29, 2008 12:39pm CST
I've done so much crying lately that I've started to wonder why I do it! I know I'm extrememly sad that I've lost my Mom but every little thing that reminds me of her starts me crying all over again and I'm not just talking sobbing here I'm talking about streams of tears and sounds coming out of me that I can't help but wonder where the heck they came from! I don't know if I feel better once I can finally stop or not and it takes a lot for me to stop in the first place. It's really a mental drain on me from beginning to end. So, I'm asking....what good does crying do us? Is it just a way to get through grief? Is it either a good or bad thing? What good does crying do anyway...if any?
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27 responses
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
29 Jan 08
I am not sure scientifically why we cry, but i cry when i'm sad, mad, and/or frutrated, and although it doesn't seem to help much while crying, it makes me feel better in the end. I guess maybe its a way to relieve stress ? Does that sound right to you ? maybe different people cry for different reasons.. that is very plausable ;)
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@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
29 Jan 08
It does sound right to me and no it doesnt' do anything while it's happening but when it's over there's a small feeling of relief isn't there?
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@onesiobhan (1327)
• Canada
29 Jan 08
I've read that there are a lot of toxins in tears. So if your body is creating toxins as a response to stress, crying seems like a good method of getting rid of some of them.
@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
29 Jan 08
Wow....that's one I never heard of but just for something to do...lol...I'm going to check that out. Thanks for the idea.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
30 Jan 08
Oh dear - I honestly don't know the answer to your question but I think tears do help us if only to let our emotions out...
My father passed away over 10 years ago, we weren't close but he was my father. When I was younger my father always made fun of anyone who went to church, he never went. On the few occassions that I would tough up and go against Daddy he would always say, "Well, sing the old rugged cross for me".
To this day, every single time I hear that song I start crying. It doesn't matter where I am or what I'm doing the tears just start pouring and I can't stop until the song has finished. That may not seem to help you but I think I'm shedding those tears for my father - he needed them and I still shed them.
@girlgonefishing (2174)
• United States
29 Jan 08
I used to never cry in front of anyone and rarely cried when I was alone. I can tell you from experience that it's not good to hold it in. My family always thought that I had a heart of steal and that nothing hurt my feelings so, they would say stuff that hurt my feelings all the time. Also, my health was awful because stress causes you to be unhealthy. Now that I cry in front of them, they treat me better and I feel better.
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@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
29 Jan 08
I was never one to cry about anything and now I'm finding it's very hard to stop! If it weren't for my medication I would be totally useless....
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@143manas (15)
• India
10 Feb 08
well miss .....im soory for ur mother... if u dn mind thn i wan to say somethig.... there many ways to see this... one way im also telling u...u cry as much as u can..... just cry ... cry cry cry cry .. just don try to find out some techinical things.. is it for god or bad... just cry... then after sometime u will be having 2 options 1st is positive n 2nd is negative... then again u ll be having 2 thngs either cry lik this n make ur mother to cry in heaven n feel sad for u or u hav to choose wat kind of daughter ur that ur makking ur mother to feel sorrow for up there & being a sweet & responsible daughter how can u make ur mother to cry.....nw u have to choose from all this...if u can ack th... & if u like something wat i told thn decide n message me back wat u decided ..........then ill tell u the rest of things .... till then take care bye....
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
10 Oct 10
Well crying is best way to come out of depression and its never shameful. Tears are best doctors for releaving the pressure on mind and heart.
@MGjhaud (23240)
• Philippines
4 Feb 08
Hey, I’m also like that. I’m looking somewhere thinking of what happen that caused my sadness, suddenly the tears would fall down from my eyes. Sometimes it’s not just a sob but a real cry. Condolences to you by the way, I hope you’ll be okay soon. It’s okay to cry, even me if she’s my mother I don’t know if I could stop crying.
@dixie1 (1330)
• United States
31 Jan 08
I think more than we realize that crying really helps us release stress. It' is good to cry when you feel emotions that trigger the crying.
@joeyumc (6)
• Philippines
4 Feb 08
but everybody cries. for its capacity to signal emotional and physical distress, crying has left an indelible mark in human history. where would art and poetry be without tears? where would we be? Crying plays an essential role in the biological aspect of our being human.
@princessa200145 (616)
• United States
30 Jan 08
i cry all of the time anyways i am a bipolar sufferer and if not regulated and medicated i can run the water continiously a movie a book a song even a innocent comment can start the waterworks if it is slightly offkey or taken in the wrong perspective it is annoying sometimes when people see me crying and ask whats the matter and i tell them i dont know they have stopped asking me cause i always say i dont know cause thats the true answer it is a good thing it relieves stress but it sure is draining and makes me sleepy between the meds the waterworks and everyday life i am drained and i could sleep for days. crying is endless for me the worst thing that sets it off is animal abuse so as i say crying relieves stress and makes u feel better and it makes u sure that u are human and not a zombie
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
31 Jan 08
I believe that crying is a release of stress and emotions. We all need to cry at times so go for it when you feel like it. Sob your heart out. Don't try to even stop it. It really does make us feel better even if you don't realize it at the time. It is a way to get the stress out of our system. It would be worse for you to keep your emotions bottled up.
@littleowl (7157)
30 Jan 08
greving for a lost one specially your mum isn't easy--crying is a way of healing ourselves-though your mum may not be here physically she is now in spirit and any ailments she had which i feel was her back and breathing she is now free from and is happy as she is in a better place and her physical form is no longer enduring any pain she is now free to be who she was without any problems and is able to do what she wants she is now with her spirit family and relatives but she also knows of your grief and comes to you-she will never leave you and will always be watching over you-talk to her and tell her how much you miss her just as when she was on the physical plain-she hears you and will in her own way answer you-from litteowl
@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
3 Feb 08
I am sorry to hear about your mum, you are going through an awful time right now. I could not even begin to comprehend what you are going through. I think crying is good for us to some extent, depends on how often though we cry. In your situation it is only natural that you would cy alot, you have suffered an enormous loss. However if you continue to cry for another few months everday you might need to seek help as it could lead to depression. I think crying is good for people to let out what they feel, as it it better to let it out rather then supress it inside ourselves. That is not healthy. So to answer your question crying is good for us in a way, depending on situation, as it helps us deal with situations and it lets out all the stress and emotions we are feeling. Which is much healthier for us. Take care. xo
@LSweet51 (16)
• United States
31 Jan 08
Crying is good and bad! Losing a loved one takes alot of time to come to terms with. When I lost my Mother, I did the same thing you are describing, my tears had sounds that I never could have imagined. Sometimes it was a good release and I felt calmer after I was done crying. Then other times I just could not stop and had to go to the Drs. for help. Participating in grief groups can be helpful, but the major factor in grief is time.
@angelface23 (2494)
• United States
30 Jan 08
Hey girl- again, I am sorry to hear about your mom. Crying helps the body relieve stress. Sometimes you can just start crying for no reason. That's your body getting rid of stress. Now in your case it's probably sad crying and getting rid of the stress crying.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
30 Jan 08
it is an emotional release but if you are so depressed please go see your doctor
@jezzmay (1845)
• United States
30 Jan 08
It is a way to get over a lost.It helps us release our
grief and lost.Did you just go through this lost?If you
did it may take a while to recover,if you were really
close.Do not try to hold it in and can cause you more
harm that letting it out.One day it will lesson.The
more you release the better you will feel.
@Sillychick (3275)
• United States
30 Jan 08
Crying is a good way to release pent up emotions and energy. It's not just for grieving, it can also be a way to express positive emotions. I think it is perfectly normal and healthy for you to be crying after losing your mother. If you weren't crying, you would need to find some other way to let it out, since holding it in is bad- both emotionally and physically.
I am very sorry for your loss. Give it some time and allow yourself this period of grieving. If you feel it is not effective at releasing your emotions, try to find something else to do, even along with crying, like writing, or talking, either to someone who understands, or someone who is objective. Most important thing is to Do Something and not keep it bottled up.
@joyceshookery (2057)
• United States
30 Jan 08
You're crying partly because you lost your mom, right? It's good to let those tears out, hon. It's part of the process you're going through.
God didn't give us tear ducts for nothing. I used to be ashamed of my crying, thought it was a sign of weakness or that I was just feeling sorry for myself. I've reached a different point in my life now and the crying I do ist just the way I respond to emotions that are difficult to cope with and be composed.
If there's a grief counseling group near you, it might help to go.
@athenagoddess (12)
30 Jan 08
I am sorry to hear about your mum, it is terrible when you lose someone you love. But she hasn't gone far. I believe when we die we move to the other side. We meet up with people we have lost. It is a very happy place to be for her. However we all greave differently and a good cry can do us good. If you feel so sad get out her best photo and put some flowers next to it and talk to her, she will hear you. Tell her what you are up to in your life etc. I wish you well. Be good to yourself, treat yourself and take care
Love to you. Lynn