Question About Chicken

United States
January 29, 2008 7:51pm CST
When I was growing up, we raised all our meat except the wild animals that we would kill for meat. We would butcher our chickens and can them so we would have chicken anytime we wanted them. Chicken had a great flavor back then. I say "back then" because i dont think chicken has much of a taste at all these days. I wonder if it is because they give them so much steroids so they will grow faster due to the large demand for them. What is that doing to our bodies? I often wonder if we are giving ourselves cancer by useing steroids and other things in our meat. What do you think? Do you think chicken has as strong a flavor as they used too?
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14 responses
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
30 Jan 08
You know,I have read that the steroids being injected into our meat (beef, chicken and pork) is causing a lot of our health problems. One particularly disturbing study was one that related that the steroids in the meat is the reason that young girls are beginning their mentrual cycles at younger and younger ages. Imagine what the years of those extra hormones are doing to women!
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
30 Jan 08
I hadn't heard that before, but I was just talking to my girlfriend last night, her daughter started when she was 9 yrs. old. She has never been normal with her cycle neither.
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• United States
30 Jan 08
I am beginning to think that if we dont raise our own animals for food, we had better just quit eating meat. I too have heard that about young girls.
@Modestah (11179)
• United States
30 Jan 08
if the NAIS (national animal identification system) goes into effect (it was supposed to last year, but was staived off due to protestation) we won't be able to raise our own food... all animals will be required to be radio chipped at the owners expense and all buying, selling, butchering will have to be recorded. The cost will be exorbitant fOR the private person and the government will have control over it... it is likely to go through eventually and it is a frightening thing. You will have to register with all the feed you buy and grain you grow. this is so apocalyptic
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
30 Jan 08
Well, there is a big difference between mass produced and home grown anything. We have chickens and there is no question at all the meat has more flavor, the eggs have more flavor, and there is no 'junk' added to either of them.
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• United States
30 Jan 08
My parents still raise all their meat. I need to call my brother and get a young beef off of him before he takes them all to the market.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
30 Jan 08
We're thinking about getting a calf in the spring but not sure yet - right now we've got plenty of chickens and a ton of eggs, never thought I'd say this but I'm actually getting tired of eggs :) they are sooooo good though.
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@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
30 Jan 08
You are right chicken does not have much flavour now because the way the chickens are raised and fed all kinds of junk like ground up chicken and are treated with antibiotics and steroids. If you buy free range organic chicken it tastes completely different only it is too expensive for me. My son and his wife buy it because they have a young daughter and have read the articles that claim that girls become mature at an earlier and earlier age because of all the additives in meat. I also think a lot of cancers come about because of all the additives in all the processed meats and other foods we eat.
• United States
30 Jan 08
i dont know the answer to that i am a vegetarian and i dont eat meat it saves on the grocery bill and keeps me healthier. i can just imagine whatevery one is consuming when they eat any kind of meat. i shudder at the thought but on the other hand u can not be sure with anything u eat what u are putting in your body. if u are going to die your number is up reguardless of what u eat. so since i have not had chicken in a very long time i guess i cant answer that
• Philippines
30 Jan 08
i don't know anything about the steroid thing... my grandmother have chickens and she raise them normally then we eat them if we want chicken for a meal... all i know is the native chickens taste good than the ones served on food courts... and you are right, we are at risk for cancer because of the artificial substances that they inject on chickens..
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• Australia
30 Jan 08
there is cases of young boys growing real boobs this has been linked but not proven to has something to do with the hormones ingested from eating chickens. That being said, we have those chickens that you are talking about, we only just recently started growing out chickens on the farm and my dad and with friends kill them and pluck them and they taste completly different. The smell of the chicken you are talking about and the taste it almost tastes like game and i cant eat it i gag when i smell it cooking. i think this is because i have only ever been used to the supermarket chickens, if that is what chicken is supposed to taste like then i dont like chicken!!
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
30 Jan 08
You make a good point. I have often wondered if we as a whole are making ourselves sick. There is so much more sickness out there then before. We are exposed to so much more, we have no idea what half the stuff that is listed on the labels of the food we eat. All the polution and exhaust from vehicles. All the chemicals that is put in our food, that is put in cleaning stuff, that is fed to animals that are part of our food chain. I often wonder are we slowly killing ourselves. We can't get away from it. We can't get away from it. Compare a tomato grown in your own yard, to a tomato from a grocery store. Chances are it taste like cardboard, doesn't it make you wonder...what happened to the tomato taste. Some of us can try to just eat "organic" but in reality we are still being exposed to toxins all around us.
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@GardenGerty (159885)
• United States
30 Jan 08
I do not think it is so much the additives, but rather the blandness of the feed. Everything about the life of food animals is controlled and measured. You give them so much of such and such a feed, at such and such time, and vitamins and minerals, and no sun, no fresh air. I imagine ( because hat is all I can do) that free range chickens will be much tastier.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
30 Jan 08
yes I agree chicken used to have flavour but not anymore, most stuff we eat know is so injested with foreign substances for flavour, size, colouring that nothing is natural anymore.
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@meljessxena (2315)
• Australia
30 Jan 08
yeah i think that as well at times, we dont really know what is being pumped into them. i love chicken and its one of the food that is mostly pumped steroids into so thats why it crosses my mind a fair bit, my mum cant eat eggs from the supermarket she breaks out in a rash, but she can eat eggs from her own chooks. im guessing before no steroids.
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@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
30 Jan 08
Well the damage has already been done. There are certain people who can take junk and it does not affect them, but for those whose ancestors came from Northern and Western Europe, we get all things wrong with us. I remember getting some chicken while in the country and it was much better. It was flavorable, but it was an old hen and we had soup. I never had it canned and I would not want to. Now we buy drumsticks and that has a funny taste. I do love white meat, but then I can really perk it up.
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
30 Jan 08
Hello dear village anne. I still remember that in and before the eithties, we could always get naturally-fed chickens from the farmers and the taste or flavor of the chicken was so good and original. But since after the eighties, with the advanced technology of rasing the chickens, we are having much worse flavor of the chicken as they are fed caged with some artificial food that decreases the original and good flavor of the chicken. To be honest, I do not like the unnaturally-fed chicken, but there is no way to get good-flavor chickens and even if it is available, the price is way too high. Technology is offering us benefit, but also making us have less healthy food, to be more objective. This is technology to my understanding. lol
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@Aingealicia (1905)
• United States
30 Jan 08
I grew up the same way. Boy they sure don't make them like they used to is very true. Aingealicia
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• United States
30 Jan 08
There is a great difference between home farm raised chickens and commercially raised chickens. There are differences in the feed and the conditions in which they grow in.The skin even has a different color. There is also a difference in taste when the chicken is fresh killed and then cooked than when the chicken is killed, processed, packaged, and shipped.
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