What Does The Bible Say About Church??
By TruthNow
@TruthNow (4)
United States
January 29, 2008 11:24pm CST
I have studied the Bible in depth on the subject of Church. Mainly because I have tried to understand the real meaning of church for several reasons. My biggest reason being that I am raising three boys, and want them to be all that God created them to be. I used to believe bringing them to church every Sunday was the best thing I could possibly do for them. Now that I have been in church for several years, I have experienced a lot of what goes on in the world. There is much competition, jealousy, backbiting, and people wanting position, more than they want to obey the Word of God. Now in my Bible it says that we are to love one another, to treat each other as if they were more important than ourselves. The Word of God clearly states that we are to GO and preach the Gospel (which is love), and make diciples of Jesus Christ. What I have found in churches is pot lucks, Women groups, softball teams, study a certain book (not the Bible) groups, scrap booking groups, single groups, divorce survivors groups, etc. There is not much said about Church in the Bible. We were never told to come together and sit under one Pastor and lift them up above the rest of the church. A Pastor is to feed the sheep and watch over them, not live off of them. I pray that people start to read their Bibles more and see that the Prophets, Apostles, Evangelists, and Teachers, were mentioned more than the Pastors. We have made the Pastor, congregation model into the norm, and created a place where one person becomes the focus of many, and all work hard to get that one person's approval. It's all wrong. The love of God must be preached, not how to be accepted and fit into a church.
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12 responses
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
30 Jan 08
I believe that God has ordained Pastors, not all, but some in the ministry to preach in a church. God says that you should come together and fellowship with other Christians and that if any come in His name He will be there. I think you need church to come together as a whole and talk about God. I don't think you should exalt the Pastor, but listen to what God has told him to preach. Not all pastors are here to take from their congregation or to exalt themselves as better than anyone else or that his congregation his beneath him. There are some and God will call them out on it one day, but you need to be around fellow Christians and it's good to get your kids around them to. Church is important, it's just finding the right one for you that is more important. Go where you feel God wants you. God bless
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
30 Jan 08
Excellent wording! I couldn't have said it better myself!
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
30 Jan 08
thanks! I've always felt very strongly that you need to stay in church, not only for you and your kids, but for the Word. It's very important to be around other people that share your faith. You can stay at home, but why would you want to. God wants His people to get out and fellowship with each other and to go and speak His Word.
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
30 Jan 08
This is so true. You have to find a church were you feel the Holy Spirit there. You can't go to a church were all you do is stand when they say stand and sit when they say sit, never raise your hands in worship, or say amen during a sermon if you want, and expect to get fed spiritually. If you are spirit led, it doesn't matter where you are or what your doing you worship and you praise God. That is what He wants from His children. thanks so much for responding and God bless

@mrarkangel (72)
• Canada
7 Mar 08
The way i understand the Church after perusing through the Bible and Scriptures a couple of times and what I found that the Church that Jesus spoke of was not a church of Stone and Mortar. " For where two or three come together in my name, there I am with them {some versions read this is the church instead of there I am }" (Matthew 18:20) the Chrch that Christ gave us is in the heart, soul and mind of every man, woman and child. If you and me where to pray right here on this site this discussion would become a Church a place where god is present. The word Church has been a little jaded over the centuries and loosly translated it means "meeting/ gathering of people (the faithful)" so any place where those who love god our is a Church in the eyes of God. The rest is just a building for people of a specific denomination to meet.
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
30 Jan 08
That's the reason why I don't come to churches, these congregations and groups are the one's that divide what should've been one -with God.
For me, I prefer to read more about the bible. I listen to the words written in it and how God wants us to be, learn from it and be what God wants us all to be.
From what I know, WE (the people) are the church. God does not live within those man-made structures nor images, but within us -we are the church..
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
30 Jan 08
First of all I want to say that if all that mess is going on at your congregation, find another one and keep looking until you find a congregation that meets your needs. It took me years to find the right place. I just happened to fall into this one. I had left the church many years ago because of these same issues you mention here. There is mention of church in the bible, more specifically it is referenced as fellowship. Look in Acts 2:42, it references fellowship and the breaking of bread with other christians, also, 1 John 1:3, this also mentions fellowship with fellow christians and with the Father and Son. I think the most important verse though is Hebrews 10:25. It states that we should not give up meeting together as we have a habit of doing, but let us encourage each other as we see the day approaching. I hope that helps you! As I said before, if you are experiencing such issues at your congregation, keep looking! Don't give up!

@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
2 Feb 08
Thanks for the best response rating! I am very flattered and appreciative. I agree with you about the church should concentrate on encouraging each other, building each other up and not concentrate on finances and putting a man where Christ should be. A pastor is a leader to his flock, a spiritual guide, to help us understand, not to take Christ's place in reverence. You do make a good point. I just hope you will find the right place for you and your family. It is important to raise your children in the church and encourage them to minister to those around them. It is important to be a christian in and out of church. Some people forget to do that at times. It's hard to be a christian that is for sure. Take care!
@TruthNow (4)
• United States
30 Jan 08
Yes, I agree with all! I am very aware of all those scriptures, especially, "Do not forsake the assembly of yourselves together". I love getting together with Christians. I've been at church every time the door opens. I've started children ministries, preached, taught, lead Worship, Volunteer wherever I can, etc. I really hope that it is that we just haven't found the "right" church. I strongly believe our children need to be around Christians, and at a good church. What I'm trying to uncover here is how effective is spending most of our time "in" the confines of the church, fellowshipping with eachother, rather than spending most of our time going out into the world and preaching the Gospel. Then we come together in fellowship to encourage each other, take communion, preach the Word, feed on the Word, pray for one another and press into Worship. I think Christians are spending too much time on creating the institution of "Church", rather than being a true Biblical representation of the Church, with Jesus Christ as its head
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
31 Jan 08
The Christian Church was created by Men (not God) for business purposes. The Christian Churches are the Oldest, Biggest, Richest,and most Powerful Business Organizations on Earth. They pay no Taxes, the people pay all the bills and the church pockets the money. Is it any wonder they are so Rich and Powerful. Yes its wrong. People who support Organised Religions are brainwashed. They can follow instructions, but have forgotten how to Think for Themselves.
@TruthNow (4)
• United States
31 Jan 08
I agree with studying the Word of God for oneself. I have been teaching my children at home. Because I am a part of the Body of Christ, which is the body, Jesus as the head, I am very much effected by the direction and state the church is in. So, even though I seek God, pray, worship, and study His Word, I am still connected to the rest of the Body of Christ. I see that Church as we know it will no longer be the norm. People stay in church out of fear. They are afraid to step out on their own. I've sat under great teaching about the importance of having a Pastor, and submitting. I agree. The truth is, a good Pastor can and will grow people up in the Word and encourage them to become leaders. The problem is, this is very rare find right now. There is much division in the church. We are commanded by Jesus to love. He said that this is how people would know that we were His disciples, that we would have love, one for another. If people could see the real truth about this Agape love, they would know the truth about Jesus, and the miraculous would happen in their hearts and lives. As it is now, most people don't want what's in the church because it's similar to the world. People do not have a revelation of the Love of God, through Jesus Christ, because they are decieved into thinking that it is a cold religion. If we walked according to the Word, and truly loved, repented and humbled ourselves like Jesus, believing in His power to transform and heal our hearts and lives, we would have a revival for sure. I see that happening, but not in the church. I see that happening when people get a hold of the truth of His Word, believe it and act on it. Not wait for some leader to tell them how to do it, or that they are gifted. When these people step out in believing His Word, and others hear and see the truth on the streets, through their kindness, amazing generousity, miracles of forgiveness, then Jesus will truly walk amongst us in the streets and where we gather. I can't see that happening in the confines of the church walls right now because people's agenda's, self-promotion issues, greed, and the need for position and power is too great. God is a true gentleman. He would never go where man's glory is held so precious.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
30 Jan 08
A Very interesting Post. The Jesus was a Rabbi. A Rabbi is a teacher. He is not a pastor or a leader of a Synagogue. There are many Synogogues that do not even have a Rabbi and there are some that have several affiliated with them. A good cantor is a big help, but any member of a Synogogue can officiate at a service if they know what they are doing.
In Jewish tradition, there is no requirement to attend Synogogue on the Sabbath. It is good to do, but if it is not possible, it is not considered a sin. You have just missed a chance at a positive Mitzvah. You still need to observe the day as is proper, and do no work and say your prayers etc.
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
4 Feb 08
All the reasons you give in your post are just about all the reasons why I stopped going to church a few years before i stopped calling myself a christian. Far too many thow shalt nots for me, I found a road less travelled where i can covert my neighbours a (another word for Donkey, but not a mylot word, apparently) much as i like.
blessed be
@urbandekay (18278)
4 Feb 08
When I read the words that Jesus spoke it is clear to me that his intention for his Church is very different from that practised today.
We are to be as brothers (And sisters) equal under Christ, to confess our sins to one another (Not to a priest)
all the best urban
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
30 Jan 08
Hi TruthNow, I too took my children to church and felt I was doing right, that was thirty years ago, but I don't think I would take them today. Churches don't follow the teachings of Christ and I've found most Christians to be very unlike the Christ of the Gospels. Blessings.
@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
30 Jan 08
OK first i want ot say im not a christian but im going to help you. There is one verse in the bible and if you want it i can look it up but it says that when 2 or more people are gathered in my name they are having church. So you dont have to go to church to be in church its just a building. Actually right now we are having church b/c we are two or more gathered together talking about God. So if you dotn like the church its probaly better for you to teach your kids about the bible and God and stuff. I on the other hand would let them grow to what they want dont force them it will make them turn away im living proff of that. Other than that you just get a few friends together or something and yall all sit down and have yalls own little time. you dont have to go to a church and listen to a preacher you could be the one teaching them.
@johndur (3052)
• Pasig, Philippines
4 Feb 08
sad to say but what you have said is true...a lot of church members now are into fund raising,socializing and the likes...have they forgotten the real meaning of the church...many are into money making in the churches which is a no-no in the bible unless of course if they are the Levites but they are not.i have also seen some church members giving away empty envelopes and singing praises in the public...God is not a beggar for them to do it in the middle of all the people...do you think they are the false prophets that is written in the bible?i have been looking for the perfect church the was in the bible yet i havent found it anywhere...i think the real church is in our hearts where it should be blameless and full of love for God and for his people....what do you think/