I could cry

@dlkuku (1935)
United States
January 30, 2008 7:59am CST
Two years ago we had to transfer because of my husband's job. There was no choice really, it was either transfer or have no job. We came here, bought a house and have finally started to settle in, and now the company is saying that it may happen again. There will be massive layoffs without notice. One day they will just call and say not to come to work. Then they will go by seniority to decide who gets to keep their job. The kicker is that they can tell the ones that are going to keep their jobs that they have to move and they will have no choice. They could tell them to move anywhere and if they say no, they are automically terminated. I hate the way these big corporations play with people's lives. I understand with the economy being so bad they need to restructure things to keep the company afloat, but this will affect thousands of men and their families across the country. With the housing market so bad I am afraid that it will take a long time to sell our house, there are so many houses now for sale in the area and have been for a long time. I don't want to move again, and all I can do is pray that my husband gets to stay where he is. He only has a little over eight years to go before he can retire, and we really don't want to have to start over again. He is worried sick over this, and I don't blame him. I am upset over this myself, but what can we do? I hate not knowing what is going to happen, this company tells you a little bit at a time, and then wait and wait. They did that last time, they kept us hanging for almost a year, then when it happened they gave us three weeks to move, which was hard. We had to find a house, then find a place to stay till our closing went through, then drive back to our old home, pack up and move. It was a nightmare which I really don't want to repeat. And we didn't own a home then, we rented, so things would be even more complicated now. Agh, I just want to scream, this is making my head hurt.
3 responses
@squaretile (3778)
• Singapore
31 Jan 08
that sounds really bad... sorry to hear about it. it sounds like the corporation is really random and has a messed up human resource policy. they can't give people such short notice. i'm sure on the reverse your husband would have to give them at least a month's notice if he were to resign. i hope things pick up. perhaps you could find a temporary job in the meantime? is there someone in the town council on in the city that you could talk to? moving constantly is really disruptive... do take care.
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
31 Jan 08
Unfortunately, companies can pretty much do what they want. I am working, thankfully, not the greatest place to work, but it's a job. However, my income is not enough for us to live on, so his job is vital to us. I was going to start looking for a new job, but with this happening I have decided to stay there since I can transfer pretty much anywhere with this company which means I wouldn't have to job hunt if we did have to move again, that would be one less headache.
@nancy555 (29)
• China
30 Jan 08
Sorry to hear the problem you are facing now, i think i can understand you , because of the recession of American economic, many countries and families will suffer a lot:( it's not good news to people all over the world,I hope you can escape the dilemma soon. God bless you!
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
31 Jan 08
You are right, the econony is not good now, and it is affecting many people.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
30 Jan 08
It sounds like you have a lot to deal with tight now. I hope your husband ends up being one that gets to keep his job and that you get to stay where you are. I also would hate to have to start over in a new career so close to retirement age. I wish you the best.
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
31 Jan 08
It was a real hard adjustment moving here, but now that we have settled, I have really come to love it here. I have made new friends, found a church and a job and just the thought of moving again makes me tired! All we can do now is wait and see. Thanks for the well wishes.