What do you think about ABORTION
By alfira
@alfira (27)
12 responses
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
3 Feb 08
What country do you live in? In the US it's legal in almost every state, and each state has varying degrees of restrictions. For the most part first trimester abortions are legal in the US.
As to what I think about that, I think that women should have the right to decide what happens within their bodies. I think it's awful that there are countries where women can not access safe & legal terminations if that is what the choose to do.
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@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
3 Feb 08
In my country abortion is legal up until the 24th week of pregnancy. I would never have an abortion because I think it would be horrible. I know I would regret having it for the rest of my life. If I adopted my baby than I would feel happy about giving my unwanted baby to a loving family. This would be giving a chance rather than killing my own baby before he or she is born. I respect other ladies decisions to have an abortion but think it is a sick job to perform abortions. I have read that abortions even still go on in countries where it is illegal. Screening is done at 16 weeks and a scan is done at 20 weeks it gives ladies time to consider an abortion. I found out my baby has spina bifida at 36 weeks pregnancy and he was born three weeks later. He is a lovely baby and since he joined a play group I have met some nice disabled children. Many ladies are told that they should abort their spina bifida baby and I have met a few ladies that have done this.
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@Louiseybaby (68)
30 Jan 08
it is legal but can be done illegaly i have no experience in abortion as i couldnt be so cruel as to kill a baby, did you know they are in pain when they are being killed? are you thinking of having an abortion yourself? all i advise is that you have a good think about what will happen after, will you regret it forever? i mean imagine having other kids after ..it could have been just like them! and as i say the babies go through pain. i can understand why people do it in some circumstances but i could never ever do it.
@SixPaulEleven (552)
• United States
1 Feb 08
They are not in pain.
90% of all abortions are done during weeks 8-12 or earlier than that, maybe around weeks 4-7. There are no pain sensors or a brain present during this time. The brain does not develop until week 20 and beyond and after that the fetus can feel pain.
I don't know where you got your information from, but it is not correct. You can go to www.jama.org or any REPUTABLE source and find out REAL information. Even that parenting site www.baby.com has better information than yours Though I don't like it when women call their zygotes 'belly beans.' Sounds gross.
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@Louiseybaby (68)
1 Feb 08
they do feel pain and real life abortionists will tell you that as they see then via ultrasound wriggling in pain and silently screaming.
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
3 Feb 08
"they do feel pain and real life abortionists will tell you that as they see then via ultrasound wriggling in pain and silently screaming"
Could you name an abortion provider who made that quote or one even similar to it? When an abortion is performed early in a pregnancy there are no limbs to wriggle & no vocal cords (or mouth for that matter) to "silently scream". The nervous system & brain is not developed enough to feel pain or anything else.
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@corilat (180)
• Australia
30 Jan 08
Legal or not, I just can't relate to it at all. How could anyone kill what will develop into a beautiful human?
Often people cannot emotionally or financially support a baby - fine, but then there's always adoption! Of course pregnancy and giving birth takes a lot of effort - but can you live with yourself later not knowing what that baby might have become???
If you've gotten yourself into the situation, at least follow your actions all the way through. The pain and energy of pregnancy has to be undeniably outweighed by the beautiful creation that becomes of it.

@SixPaulEleven (552)
• United States
4 Feb 08
They might. They might not.
Abortion is far cheaper.
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@SixPaulEleven (552)
• United States
1 Feb 08
If you can't afford to raise a baby, how are you supposed to afford the prenatal care? The delivery alone + hospital stay can run up to $35,000 or more if you are a high risk pregnancy or if you need a c-section or emergency surgery.
Adoption is fine and dandy if you're willing to gestate the pregnancy. But I owe nothing to no one because my uterus works and an infertile woman's does not.
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@Foukus (37)
• Lithuania
30 Jan 08
I think that it is the decision of the mother. It's her life and it would be her, who'll give the child place to life, food to eat and clothes to wear, not those who are trying to convince her to some decision. If she filles strong enough to go through all the misfortunes and complexities of life, than I'll be really happy for her. If she is weak, than it's her life, her actions and only her responsibilities...
@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
1 Feb 08
Are unborn babies human being? Yes. Then I think it is illegal. Just because someone who cannot speak up for her/his rights that does not mean we should not protect their right to live. I think only in extreme cases we should allow abortion.
@sheenshaukat (2617)
• Pakistan
2 Feb 08
It is dangerous step. We should think and care before becoming pregnant. If we become pregnant, then we should be ready for every sort of result. Abortion is same as killing a life. some one is coming in your life. it is coming because of you. and now you are not allowing and stopping by the act of abortion. it is not good. Morally it is not good should not good also legally. this is opposite to the law of nature. and nature use to reward the punishment.
@lady_kanti (122)
• Philippines
1 Feb 08
when did it become legal? im against it! abortion is indeed killing someone with life...you enjoyed the process of making that baby but in the end, you let the little angel suffer...i felt so sad for people doing that..
@SixPaulEleven (552)
• United States
4 Feb 08
It's been legal in the USA since the 70s
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@chrysz (1602)
• Philippines
1 Feb 08
It's illegal here in the Philippines but in some countries, they allow it, of course, with some measures to follow. I admit, I considered abortion last year because I contacted rubella (german measles) when I was only 8 weeks pregnant. That's very dangerous to the fetus and I was so afraid that my unborn child would have some complications like being deaf, mute, blind or mentally retarded. But then, I still pursued my pregnancy, held on to my faith and I gave birth to my only 35 weeks daughter but with a strong lungs and perfectly normal.
@stylist7698 (48)
• United States
31 Jan 08
I think it is always up to the mother and what situation she is in. If the pregnancy happened because the mother was careless in her actions then I believe it is not right to kill the baby for the mistake the mother made. If it is a health reason or another tragic reason for the abortion then I guess I would believe in it was necessary. I was stupid at 19 and got pregnant, I made the appointment but never went through with it. I now have a healthy 9 year old that I wouldn't know what I would do without.