My 2 year old decided she needed a hair cut
@stormeetigress (487)
United States
January 30, 2008 12:45pm CST
I've been crocheting a monkey for my nephew's first birthday and had to use the bathroom. So I left my scissors under a towel on the couch where I've been crocheting. My little girl was sitting in a chair watching her shows, Noggin, which left me to believe it was ok. I had done this before in the past few days and she NEVER touched the scissors. I look at it and think OMG that looks soo bad but then I think it could be worse. She just cut the top and sides left all the length in the back and she didn't cut ALL of it off the top, but it still makes me want to cry! I was just thinking the other day, wow, maybe she won't cut her hair! Man was I wrong! I know a lot of kids do this my oldest did it too when she was 9 and my now ex husband was watching her.
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16 responses
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
25 Feb 08
I think most kids do this around 2-4. My youngest did it when she was around 3 almost 4. I honestly thought she was going to the bathroom for normal reasons. Well, she came out missing most of her bangs. It looked like she had scalped herself. I took pictures after pictures to remember it by. Then I made her butt wear a hat when she went outside so no one would see her new hair cut.
Now what really made me mad was about 3 years ago, I was waiting for our realtor to come to our apartment. My 3 year old walks into the living room, I didn't really notice her hair. Then like a flash, I was like OMG, your curls. My oldest (the same one that scalped herself) cut about 2 inches of my youngest hair off. She had beautiful blondish brown curls. They never came back, so now I just have pictures.
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@chertsy (3798)
• United States
26 Feb 08
I took pictures of her hair cut so that I could show her reasons why we don't play with scissors. Now my yougest will be 6, and her hair comes down to the middle of her back. I do wonder what it would have looked if it was never cut. When I don't brush her hair for a few days, the curls trys to come back and gets all tangled, it's a mess.
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@stormeetigress (487)
• United States
26 Feb 08
ahhh never good...yea my oldest had curls in the back of her hair too...they haven't come back either
@stormeetigress (487)
• United States
25 Feb 08
Oh No thats horrible. I try to make my little girl wear a hat. I took LOTS of pictures of her before she cut it but now I have to MAKE myself take pictures. It makes me sad!
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@lilybug (21107)
• United States
30 Jan 08
I remember when I was babysitting this one boy when I was a kid. He was about 3 at the time. He went in to the bathroom to go potty and I went in to check on him cause he was taking too long. he had gotten under the sink and gotten out a bunch of stuff. There was a pair of scissors in there too. He cut the front of his hair right at the scalp. There was no saving that hair. They shaved his head the next day.
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@stormeetigress (487)
• United States
30 Jan 08
I'd probably be tempted to do th if it was much worse of if she was a boy
@stormeetigress (487)
• United States
31 Jan 08
My mom was telling me earlier that my cousin did the same thing when she was babysitting her. My cousin was sitting on the couch next to my mom and she kept getting up and finally my mom asked what she was doing and my cousin said she was throwing her hair away!
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
31 Jan 08
I had to laugh when I read the topic remembering when my oldest daughter decided she wanted to be a hair dresser. She was about 5 I think. She cut her sisters hair. She cut it all on one side leaving about an inch. I had to give her a very close cut to get it all even. It took about 3 months to get it to a good length to do any thing with. Every one thought she was a boy for a long time. She has very fine hair and it was difficult getting the back to grow as it kept breaking off. It still breaks off so she has to keep it fairly short.
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@stormeetigress (487)
• United States
25 Feb 08
My mom said I cut mine and then went to cut my brother's too but she caught me!
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@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
30 Jan 08
Its that toddler radar! I swear they all come installed with it! My kids always knew when i left a pen or something lay while i left the room quick. they also knew when to stop or start being bad, depending where I was in the house! lol...and ofcourse that "mommy and daddy are kissing, lets go get in the middle" radar is the worst! lol
@stormeetigress (487)
• United States
30 Jan 08
I came out of the bathroom and she was in her bedroom which is really no big deal she plays in there on and off during the day. Until she came out with missing hair...Arggg...LOL...
@shrub62 (42)
1 Feb 08
It could have been worse. At least she did not get hurt. I guess you will not be living those laying around any more. Have you been able to straighten her hair out any? I had a friend that had the same thing happen and she had to take her little one to the beauty shop to get it fixed.
@stormeetigress (487)
• United States
4 Feb 08
I actually haven't done much of anything since it happened they are locked in the closet with the rest of my sewing things. I have done any crocheting since she did it because I've been sick. As far as evening it out we haven't attempted it, I'm going to just let it grow a little bit then take her and have professionals do it!
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@goldeneagle (6745)
• United States
1 Feb 08
I never cut my own hair but I did cut my cousin's off. that reminds me...I need to get a cut today hahaha
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@stormeetigress (487)
• United States
25 Feb 08
You are such a dork...Did you get it cut?
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@starangel (414)
• United States
31 Jan 08
My son went to use the bathroom and he was taking too long. I went in to look and he had my kitchen shears and decided to slice my shower curtain. How he got them was beyond me, because I don't ever set those down for them to just pick up whenever. those were kitchenaid could've been much worse.
I remember getting into scissors when i was younger and i cut my mother's favorite kitchen towel into little pieces. I really didn't get into alot of trouble because i think she realized it was her fault in the first place for leaving them on the coffee table. lol.
This is what i did to curb my kids attraction to scissors-- I got some kid scissors and construction paper. let your daughter cut the paper up. watch her of course. let her know that she can only cut the paper and only when you say it's ok. make lines in the paper and have her cut along the lines. Maybe she can cut some scrap yarn and glue it on the construction paper. This will cause her to lose interest in cutting anything w/i reach. lol.
@stormeetigress (487)
• United States
4 Feb 08
I talked to her the other day about it to find out why. And she told me she cut it because it was in her face. And I use hair cutting scissors to trim her bangs from time to time. She didn't use those scissors because they are put up where she can't reach them. These were the little scissors you can buy at Wal Mart and they come with a seam ripper and some needles for like 88 cents! And thanks for the advice about having her cut paper up thats a good idea!
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
26 Feb 08
Never underestimate the goofy, silly, funny, stupid (bt grownup standards anyway) things kids will do, when the tools are within their reach. LOL
When my sister was little she got an expensive pair of pants for a birthday present. someone else gave her a pair of scissors that she couldn't wait to try out. Within about five seconds, the kid had turned those new pants into a pair of shorts.
@stormeetigress (487)
• United States
26 Feb 08
sounds like my oldest daughter she LOVED to cut things..she cut my ex mother in laws dining room chair seat
@quiltedblessings (1066)
• United States
30 Jan 08
I'm sorry, I had to laugh when I read it... I have 5 kids, but only one daughter. When she was 5 she cut off her bangs. Three months later she cut all the hair off the top of her head. Of course it was the day before picture day, so I have photos to forever remember that horrid day. I cried both times. Little girls especially just get the thought in their head and do it. It sucks. LOL
Hang in there, the good news is, it will grow back. :O)
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@stormeetigress (487)
• United States
30 Jan 08
I know, but man I love taking pics of her and she takes great ones, guess we'll have memories too. I know I did it when I was little too and not only did I cut mine but I did my younger brother's too. I talked to my mother in law and learned that of her 3 boys my husband was the only one to cut his hair.
@wolfcrystal (9)
• United States
1 Feb 08
fortunatly hair does grow back. my youngest daughter cut her hair when she was 3 i think her hair ended up having to be cut in a little pixie cut and she has had short hair ever since (not past her shoulders) but she looks good in it so i guess she knew what she was doing after all. like i said hair does grow back but u may have to take her to a salon to fix what she has done
good luck with it - wolfcrystal
@lightningd (1039)
• United States
30 Jan 08
OH MAN!! This made me chuckle. I remember when my oldest decided to do cut his own hair. I was so distraught. I called my mom, who is a hair dresser, and said, OMG.. How do I fix this?
Her reply.. he's a boy.. get out the clippers and buzz it off,,, it will grow back!!! She then proceeded to tell me about my hair cut at 3 years old. I decided I was sick of everyone talking about my cow lick. According to my mom, she came in the bathroom to see me trying to comb my hair over the bangs I had just mutilated. She said I was just so upset and I asked her "Why did you let the cow lick me??" Aparently I had only cut a notch out of my bangs, but left about 1 inch from the scalp. My mom just trimmed the rest of my hair and it grew out.
This is something I think every mother on the planet goes through at some point.
@stormeetigress (487)
• United States
30 Jan 08
My middle daughter was the ONLY one to NOT cut her hair or anyone else's. I think it was cuz after my oldest did it to her's I made sure I put the scissors up ALL the time. I'll have to post the picture. It doesn't look horrible but it doesn't look great either. She still thinks she looks cute!
@stormeetigress (487)
• United States
30 Jan 08
I have posted the picture under a new discussion in Mother.
@m3mema5 (90)
• United States
31 Jan 08
My oldest daughter when she was 6 yrs old had waist length hair.I had to go to the store one day to get something for supper and her dad was watching her. well when I got back we had company ( his siter and children where there).Everything was going great they girls where all in the room playing.When supper was ready I called the girls, well my 2 neices came out but my little girl didnt. I called for her again to tell her supper was ready to come and eat she came out with a smile on her face and her hair cut very short.I was so upset that it happened But after she explained that she wanted to look like her daddy. I could stay mad at her. So I told her that mommy would fix it for her after broke my heart for she has beautiful hair. But she was her daddys girl. LOLOLOL
@EmTeeBee (64)
• Australia
31 Jan 08
Hey, I can still remember the day I cut my hair. I was about 4, at preschool and hated being teased because I had ringlets. So while my mother was sleeping (she worked night shift as a nurse) and dad was in the garden I sneaked the scissors from the overhead cupboard(which required much shifting of chairs and climbing on benches)and carefully cut off my curls. I then replaced the scissors in exactly the right place, hid my golden locks in the bottom of the bin, and carried right on with my day. It didn't occur to me - at 4, that anyone would notice my ringlets missing! I think mum cried, and dad tried really hard to be mad, but found it all too funny. It's now one of those family legends that my dad tells my kids about!
@stormeetigress (487)
• United States
31 Jan 08
My mom tells the story of my cousin cutting her hair as a little girl all the time. She was babysitting my cousin and they were sitting together on the couch watching TV. Kelly, my cousin, kept getting up and sitting back down finally Mom asked her what she was doing to which Kelly replied, throwing my hair way. Here she had taken the scissors to her hair on the opposite side from where my mom was sitting.
@stormeetigress (487)
• United States
1 Feb 08
My husband cut his at school. He told his mom he did it because his hair was in his eyes. When I asked my little girl about it last night she said she cut her hair because it was in her face! I told her next time to tell momma!
@stylist7698 (48)
• United States
30 Jan 08
This has just happen to my sister just a week ago. My sister left to go to the store and her husband and his sister were watching her. She was in the front room playing with her doll and then a minute later she disappeared. She came out of the bathroom with her hair in one and and her kid scissors in the other. My brother and law FREAKED out. He asked her why she did that and she said her hair was getting long. Keep in mind this was her first hair cut EVER!
@stormeetigress (487)
• United States
30 Jan 08
Yeah this is her's too, other than me trimming her bangs every now and then!
@abbiebianca (84)
31 Jan 08
A classmate of my younger brother also did cut his hair when they were in nursery. It was so bad that his mom decided to shave his hair off. The next day, he went to school with a new hairdo.
@stormeetigress (487)
• United States
31 Jan 08
I posted a picture of her's in new discussion. Its not as bad as it could have been but...I still am in shock...
@tinkerick (1257)
• United States
30 Jan 08
Ah the memories!
My daughters did it to each other when they were 6 and 7. Thankfully they only did each other's bangs! It was only a cpl weeks before school started too - ugh!
My oldest had terribly lopsided bangs and the younger had her bangs nearly all gone. I have a picture somewhere.
@stormeetigress (487)
• United States
30 Jan 08
I took a picture of her just now. My mom lives in Minnesota and my in laws live in Oregon and we live in Oklahoma. I guess its a good thing sshe's 2 and not in school yet, she stays home with me!