Hair & peroxide

United States
January 30, 2008 7:39pm CST
Ok, I have yet another hair question for everyone. I recently was told that you could "naturally" lighten ones hair using a mixture of 50% peroxide & water. To spray it on after you wash your hair and it is safe to naturally give highlights that won't turn red or brassy. I need to hear from someone who personally has tried this or knows for a fact that it works and is or is not safe to do so. I already have had the haircut from hades disaster, I don't want to make it worse with the peroxide. Please,help!
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15 responses
• United States
31 Jan 08
When I was a young teen I used to lighten my hair with peroxide and lemon juice. It did work but you have to be in the sun. Do you remember the product called Sunlight. Well that is what it was made of. It also took for ever to get light. Being a part time hair dresser, I do not recommend doing this. Also this time of the year here would not help at all. You can get your hair lighter much faster and much safer if you go see a professional
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
31 Jan 08
"When I was a young teen I used to lighten my hair with peroxide and lemon juice. It did work but you have to be in the sun." LOL yep I use to do that was cheap, effective and fun actually LOL
@di1159 (1580)
• United States
31 Jan 08
Wow! such memories! I used that on my kids when they were little before we spent a day at the beach. My son who had dirty blond hair, ended up looking like a professional wrestler! His hair was almost white! My daughter who had brown hair, ended up with a bright orangy tone! Needless to say the rest of the product went down the drain! I agree with you, leave your hair in the hand of the professionals.
@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
31 Jan 08
I am not a hairdresser, but I am pretty certain that on me it would turn brassy. That may be like those "Sun In" products, and they made my hair brassy. Maybe I am wrong, we will see.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
1 Feb 08
I have never tried it & wouldn't dare. Honestly, dont risk these homemade colour treatments. Often you get hair colours on special.
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
1 Feb 08
Hi applsofgld! Personally, I did try that twice during my younger days and that was a long time ago. I did that to keep up with the trend way back then and it did give my hair a lighter shade of golden brown. I guess, it depends upon the coloring of your hair. My hair is brown and has very fine strands. It did not damaged my hair though. And at that time, I didn't use spray but instead I wet some cotton balls with peroxide and applied it to the strands I wanted to put some highlights. My friends were the one who taught me how to do it and we are no expert. We were just experimenting and luckily it did not damaged our hair. Just my thoughts. Take care and have a nice day! :)
@hisoka147 (606)
• Philippines
1 Feb 08
I don't think the a 50% mixture of water and peroxide are safe to use and can give natural highlights with your hair without turning it red or brassy. You might end up losing your hair.
@jhl930 (3601)
• United States
31 Jan 08
I have heard that before too and I even think I know someone that has tried that before....I think she did try something with peroxide and I think if im not mistaken that it has turned her hair like a yellowish color....I have also heard before that getting all of those chemicals on your head isn't good because if you keep trying to put stuff on your hair it will make your hair fall out one day(I guess if youdid it like once a week every single week is what they are talking about)other than that I dont really know you will just have to try!
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
31 Jan 08
Hi, I have personally tried this many times. Although I didn't add any water just the peroxide. I have only diluted the peroxide if I was going to use it as a oral mouth rinse. I have what most call dishwater blonde or light brown hair. I haven't ever had any brassiness I think it is the lemon and other ingredients in Sun-In which cause brassiness. If you have darker hair then very light brown then I wouldn't suggest it because it will have a reddish tint to it. I used a tooth brush to streak in highlights and let it air dry or you can use a blow dryer. It sometimes has to be repeated a few times to get the lightness you desire. If I was you I would test it on a strip of your hair that might be hidden or some that you have cut off that way you will be able to see the results and if it isn't to your liking then your whole head isn't ruined.
@starangel (414)
• United States
31 Jan 08
I did that all the time. that was the thing to do as a teen. we took a toothbrush, dipped it in peroxide and made our own streaks. It takes awhile to get to the color you want it to be. It was fun kid stuff. The downside is that it will dry out your hair big time. and since you've already had a bad hair day, I wouldn't advise it. Just go get a highlighting kit and be done w/ it.
• United States
31 Jan 08
I have tired it but it dries my hair out and leaves me with the frizzies bad
• United States
31 Jan 08
Way back in the stone age when I was a teenager we used to mix peroxide with water and lemon juice on your hair then let it dry in the sun. On my hair which was a dishwater blond it lightened it very slightly. On my darker haired friends it just gave a reddish orange tinge. Nowadays I would rather go to a professional and have any lightening process done.
31 Jan 08
I would not recommend using peroxide on your own hair unless you know what your doing. I used to be a hairdresser and i've seen some really bad disasters that people thought it was easy to use peroxide. To be honest even having your hair bleached professionally is a little risky, especially if you have other things on your hair. It can clash with the peroxide. See what other hairdressers say but i would not do it.
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
31 Jan 08
You can but I don't know why you would want to. Just be sure it is the right kind of peroxide because some of what you buy is diluted and some is not. Even the 3% can eat holes in fabric, so you can imagine what would happen if you put to much on your hair or got it in your eyes! Have fun, but be smart!
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
31 Jan 08
I have what they call dirty blonde hair and I've tried the mixture of peroxide and water and yes it does work. My hair had all kinds and shades of highlights and was very pretty however I sat in the sun most of that day which helped a great deal. I've got to say this though, I'm not sure what it would do to darker hair color, I just know what it did to mine.
@dayzz25 (552)
• United States
31 Jan 08
I used this mixture when I was a teenager and it turned my hair more of an orange color rather than lightning it. I have a light brown colored hair. I don't recommend it. Have a great day.
@AmbiePam (96740)
• United States
31 Jan 08
I've been told to never put peroxide on your hair at all. It can also damage your scalp. That is what my former beautician told me. Perhaps others have different opinions?