mealtime battle of wills

@pajmaz (134)
United States
January 31, 2008 9:44pm CST
i have two children, ages 1 and 2. The 1 year old is a great eater and will eat almost anything I put in front of her. The other one, however, wont eat anything except crckers, cereal and the occasional apple. She has become so picky that she wont even eat macaron and cheese anymore. she only wants snack foods. I know that its gonna take more than crackers to meet her nutritional needs, so lately, I've been telling her that if she doesn't want to eat whatever I happen to be fixing, then she doesnt get anything . Last night she went to bed hungry.I don't know what to do with this child. She can't grow up soley on snack foods but she refuses to eat anything else. Any suggestions?
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3 responses
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
1 Feb 08
my two year old is the same way, most of the time. I fix dinner and if she doesn't want it i put it up and when she wants something to eat, i bring the plate back out. i do allow her to have two snacks a day, but other than that she will learn to eat what i fix. she's gotten better since i've done that to. she's figured out that if she wants to eat she'll eat what was given to her before she gets anything else, although there are still times she tries me to see if i'll give in. you just have to stay strong and be consistent with it and they do get over it. good luck and God bless
@pajmaz (134)
• United States
1 Feb 08
Thanks. I guess maybe I just have to hold out. It just gets difficult when one one hand she refuses to eat, but on the other hand she nags that shes hungry. Sometimes I feel like I'm being mean. Thanks for responding!
1 person likes this
• United States
1 Feb 08
I know how you was hard for me at first and i would usually give in, but then it became more of a habit for her to eat all day and not eat dinner so i had to buckle down and stick with it. it only takes a few days and then they figure out what they need to do before any other thing is given to them. just stay strong and things will be fine. God bless
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@joyce959 (1559)
• Philippines
1 Feb 08
I guess the first born child is most of the time the harder to feed than the succeeding child or children. I don't know why, but that is my observation. I noticed it too on the children of my brothers/ sis and friends. I also have no problem with my 2nd child when it comes to food, he eats a lot, but my first child is a lesser eater and harder to feed, so he looks thin. Like the first responder, I also think the same. You have to make your child hungry and starve, when he's hungry, she/he will eat. For children ages 1 to 3, milk should also be there as part of their food. Maybe vitamins will help also your child's appetite.
@sminut13 (1783)
• Singapore
1 Feb 08
i'm having the same problem with my 5 yr son. he too only wants to eat junk food and snacks, and doesn't want to eat rice nor noodles. fortunately, right now, my husband is home more often so though he still doesn't eat much, he's beginning to eat some. we have to be content with him eating a few spoons only. you could try the suggestion given by miller above me. i think it could work. if not, as long as they have something healthy besides junk food, even if they do not eat much, so long as the children are healthy, it's fine. tht's the advice i get from my older relatives these days.