Obama, Next JFK?
By chillymullet
@chillymullet (181)
United States
16 responses
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
1 Feb 08
I don't thing that Obama is the next JFK.
JFK was a great speaker Obams a is a great speaker.
JFK was young and appealed to the youth. Obama is young and appealed to the youth
JFK sent troops into Viet Nam and started a war. Obama opposes war
JFK beleived in tax cuts. Obama (Hillary) wants Tax increases
JFK was pro Life. Obama(Hillary) is Pro Choice
JFK used the military to get the missles out of Cuba. Obama wants to talk to our enemies and not use force
JFK stated "Ask not what your country can do for you but, rather what can you do for your country."
Obama(Hillary) is telling us that the Government owes you Health Insurance, Owes you a high standard of living, owes you...
There are many people who feelthat if JFK were alive today he would be running as a Republican. It was Jackie the that was the one who could connect with the common person and was the one who made them seem like a family. She opened up the White House with her famous TV Tour of the White house.
Obama is no JFK nor is Hillary and Bill a JFK as much as they would like to be seen in that model.

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
2 Feb 08
I was 11 years old when JFK was assassinated, but I don't think there was a "pro-life, pro-choice" political issue back then so I don't think JFK was "pro-life" in the meaning you're referring to, in fact I'm pretty sure, knowing what I know about his politics, he'd have been pro-choice. I can't imagine in my wildest dreams that JFK would be a Republican today but that's just my opinion so I'd better be careful since I just got spanked for giving my opinion...lol. I do agree, though - everyone is their own person, good or bad, and although there will always be comparisons they really don't mean much to me.
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@chillymullet (181)
• United States
1 Feb 08
your correct but, the thing about taxes:
I would personally want tax cuts but will tax cuts make the country better as a whole? I think not!
People want tax cuts for their own personal needs, but what will make the country better as a whole.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
2 Feb 08
Being a practicing Catholic at the time he would have been pro life (opposed to Abortion). As to being a Republican his actions while in office and what he backed his ideas would fit more Republican than the present day Democratic Party. JFK stated in the first debate that he did not belive in Big Government but in effective government. He also said he would support non-Batista democratic anti-Castro forces in exile. He and Nixon differed on where to draw the line with reguard to Taiwan and stopping Communism. As I remember the discussion in school and with people was the youth vs the older generation and Catholic vs Prostant.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
11 Feb 08
I really think it's impossible to compare him to JFK. The only similarity right now is their age. Kennedy was one of the most popular presidents in history. Obama is at a point where he may not even win the primary against Hillary. Since Obama has not been president, we have no record to compare him to JFK.
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@snowflake5 (1579)
• United States
5 Feb 08
There's a saying that all political careers end in failure - except if you get assasinated. I'm not sure JFK would be so revered if he had lived - instead he might have lost the 1964 election, or if he won, he'd have been blamed for Vietnam, especially as he was the one who made the decision to go in.
Hopefully none of the candidates in this election will get assasinated - which means they are all going to disappoint you one way or another. The question you have to ask yourself if which type of disappointment hurts least. Bill Clinton ran a good economy, but was unfaithful to his wife. George W Bush was faithful to his wife, but messed up on Iraq and Katrina.
There simply isn't such a thing as a perfect leader or perfect politician. One thing is for sure though - when you set someone up to be a saint, the disappointment hurts worse when you find out they are only human.
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@asawako48162 (3321)
• United States
20 Feb 08
This is a very good post..i never heard it put this way...it is very astute.
but I think George Washington comes closest to perfect..as he could not blame the previous administration...
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
1 Feb 08
IMO the only similarity between Obama and JFK is their youth. I do not think that JFK would endorse many of Obama's issues.
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@chillymullet (181)
• United States
1 Feb 08
Thats true,
Atleast they both have good intentions!
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@ladyslew (91)
• United States
19 Feb 08
I hate when people do this. I'm a horse racing fan, and sometimes I think if I hear the pharse "next Secretariat" one more time I'm going to scream. Just like there is only one Secretariat, there is only one JFK. Just like it is unfair to a young horse and his connections to be compared (and expected to live up to) a true ledgend, it is unfair to people - be they sports figures, musicians, actors, or politicians.
But it is not an insult to JFK or any other to have someone compared to them. How can it possibly be an insult to be the figure against whom everyone else is judged (and always in the end found to be lacking.)
Clinton is just jealous.
@marciascott (25529)
• United States
20 Feb 08
They are running neck to neck, it is going to be interesting, who will win. I like Hilary, I know more about her. check out this website with this video with Obama, www.dipdive.com There is a lot of singing in it, tell me how you lke it?
@marciascott (25529)
• United States
20 Feb 08
If you want to see the people singing, don't press the test button, because you will not be able to see who is singing.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
19 Feb 08
nope dont think he is next JFK adn Hillary is petty anyway.
wouldnt vote for either one of them I have to find some one else .
And I think JFK was a great PRez yup he was young and did some things he shouldnt have but then so has a lot of prezes .
We really need to get back government for the people by the people!
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
2 Feb 08
How do you know what Hillary thinks? I'm not doubting that she may be a bit put out by these comments but I haven't heard that she's actually said so. The truth is, whenever someone has a huge impact on an entire generation like JFK did, whether you loved him or hated him, there will be comparisons through the years. There will be many "Next" JFK's and when you think about it the comparison is somewhat justified to both Bill Clinton and now Barack Obama. Clinton symbolized the passing of the torch to his - and my - generation in 1992 as JFK had done three decades before and as Obama may do this year. It's all words and symbolism and everyone needs to lighten up.
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@hersheyskiss (761)
• United States
1 Feb 08
If she says that, then I think she is being a big kid. That is a great honor to be compared to Kennedy and she is just being petty. If it had been said about her, she would be thrilled.
@chillymullet (181)
• United States
1 Feb 08
Thats Right!
Do you think she said it because he is BLACK?
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@hersheyskiss (761)
• United States
1 Feb 08
you know, i sure don't want to believe Hillary would have that type of outlook, but what do you think?
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
20 Feb 08
Obama is Biracial, It doesn't matter about the color anyway.
@thanks2jesus4ever (76)
• United States
2 Feb 08
I think it's like taking French in High School and never going to France- and there is only ONE of each of us and nobody human being can ever be another.
@Aingealicia (1905)
• United States
1 Feb 08
I think that we need to find new presidential possibilities.
I am sure that if obama goes in, that he will to have his own Miss. Monroe.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
2 Feb 08
I must say, that's an allegation with absolutely no basis in fact or truth. I've seen nothing to indicate the Obamas are anything other than a very happy, loving couple and family and I think it's sad that you'd say something like that.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
2 Feb 08
You're certainly entitled to your opinion and I'd never want it to be any other way! This is a DISCUSSION and you made your post and I responded to it. That's what myLot is all about. I'm sorry if I was misunderstood by you but what I meant was it's sad for people to resort to unsubstantiated personal attacks for no reason other than they don't like the candidate. You said:
"I think it is sad that such of our country I would feel I need to say something like that."
I don't really know why you did feel the need to say that. That is MY opinion, and I'm also allowed to have one.
"JFK never really had a reason either now did he, yet he still did what he did."
I don't understand that statement at all; a reason for what?
"How can you defend a freshman senetor who never served in the military himself oh yes and is a former coke head?
Would you trust your money to a coke head, former or not?"
Whether he served in the military isn't relevant here because there was no major conflicts going on in his youth. Bush "served" but was AWOL much of the time; Cheney and the rest of the Bushies didn't serve at all, and that was during the Vietnam war. There are reports Bush was really a coke head, but he refused to talk about his past and nobody pressed him. Obama has spoken openly about the fact he made mistakes in his youth. You certainly have every right to hold it against him, as I have every right to believe there are times when people shouldn't be judged by things they did long ago and have clearly learned lessons from.
I didn't mean this to turn into a personal attack or vendetta. As I said, it's a discussion and sometimes we give different view points here. No one who can't take a disagreement on this type of forum will last very long here, believe me, I know - and some of my disagreements have been with some of my best friends here!
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@Aingealicia (1905)
• United States
2 Feb 08
I think it is sad that such of our country I would feel I need to say something like that.
Not a single candidate is that of worth in my opinion. Notice I said it is my opinion.
I am allowed to have one. JFK never really had a reason either now did he, yet he still did what he did.
How can you defend a freshman senetor who never served in the military himself oh yes and is a former coke head?
Would you trust your money to a coke head, former or not?
I know the answer that I would give, but hey that is just me, maybe the city had jaded me.
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@mehale (2200)
• United States
21 Feb 08
I am not sure that it is fair or right to compare these two individuals so closely. Also no one can replace another person. However, I do believe that if elected he would hold a similar place in America's heart as JFK does - though hopefully not because he gets shot! Really that is the main reason that JFK is thought of so fondly, things might be different had he lived.
• United States
20 Jun 08
i think it's a compliment myself & no disrespect to kennedy at all. did u hear hilary say that??