how many moms out there are guilty of this....?

United States
February 1, 2008 1:53am CST
Have you ever made your child something special because he/she didn't like what you fixed for dinner? Do you set the rule that "You eat what I make" in your house? It gets frustrating doing this, but I am so guilty! I just can't see him going without.When people see that I do this [and it isn't all the time] they say "he won't starve,you have to stop babying him"..I'm like, until they walk a day in my shoes,they have no room to tell me what is or isn't right for MY I am asking you,what you think what is best for YOUR child.Are any of you guilty of doing this for your child?
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19 responses
@SViswan (12051)
• India
3 Feb 08
Well, I plead not Most of the time it is 'You eat what I make'. It's only in the past year that my son has become picky about food and here in India, it's not really easy to make anything last minute...and we can't afford to order out all the time. Most of the time, I set the rule....but when my son has been good for a reasonable amount of days and then one day says he doesn't feel like having what I cooked, I get him what he needs....but I really don't encourage that on a daily basis. Sometimes, I ask him before I start cooking what he needs that day and if it is healthy and nutritious, I make what he asks me to. Each mother knows what is best for their child. Even though I believe starving one day is not going to harm him, as a mother, I know when it happens that I am worried and will try to get him to have something.
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• United States
3 Feb 08
well then you ARE guilty :) I do the same thing, it's not on a daily basis, it's on very rare occasion actually.Some would disagree with my way of parenting,but like you said ,only we know what is best for our child :)
@SViswan (12051)
• India
6 Feb 08
lol...*sheepish grin*....guess you are right. But that last sentence of mine should be 'have something that I've already cook'. I don't fix up anything just because he doesn't like what is me lazy if you wish:) And most of the time he gets what he needs as a treat..when he's been good about eating for a reasonable number of days at a stretch....and this has only been the past one year. He's never been fussy about food before that....I guess it's more about the attention he is not getting now after his younger brother came into the picture than about not liking or wanting what I cooked.
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• United States
6 Feb 08
you are probably right about that,plus children sometimes go through stages...
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
1 Feb 08
guilty as charged. as my hubby does all the cooking, we tell our daughters that we don't run a restaurant, but sometimes we all have different stuff to eat...but rarely...
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• United States
2 Feb 08
thank you for your comment :)
• United States
3 Feb 08
hell's kitchen?? too funny! I agree about being thankful to have what we have.
@tammiem (13)
• United States
8 Mar 08
I almost constantly do this, meaning make something different for my son. For the longest time I actually thought he was a "weird vegetarian" , except he doesn't like no fruits and vegetables. Even still today he eats mainly peanut butter, cheese and bread. Very limited in quality of diet, however I brought this up to his doctor several years ago..and of course they did test, but basically I was told that he's FINE..that when he is ready he will eat different food groups. And she was right..he's slowly starting to come around. And I am ok with this.
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• United States
17 Mar 08
I think most children go through these stages.I think it's also important to allow them to develop their own likes and dislikes...but at the same time teaching them to try new things. Thanks for your response to this discussion :)
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
1 Feb 08
I have tried to set rules like this also but finally gave in because I did not want my daughter to sit there and have to eat something she really didn't want. She was stuck on eating chicken nuggets for years. That was all she ever wanted. I bought it for her almost every time because I did not want her to go hungry either. She had to eat something. I was always forced to eat everything on my plate when I was growing up whether I asked for it, liked it, or not. I don't want to raise my daughter like that.
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• United States
1 Feb 08
ME too!! My step father was that way.He used to call our kitchen the Diner! "It serves what it serves and that is that!" grrrr My son really is a good eater,lucky for him I am a pretty darn good are times when he just isn't feeling what I made.So I make him something he will enjoy.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
1 Feb 08
My daughter is going to be 16 this month ans she is still a picky eater, but I try not to complain too much about it. she has to eat something and i sure know how it feels to eat something you really don't want.
@220870 (249)
• India
6 Feb 08
I do make a special meal for my 5 year old son when he does not eat what I have made. I as a child was a fussy eater. But today I eat everything served on the plate. I feelmy son will do the same as he grows up. When we adults can have a mind of out own, why not a child?
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• United States
6 Feb 08
Thank you for your response.The tastes change as they age, it's true :)
@AICIRT81 (847)
• United States
5 Feb 08
Guilty as charged. i don't like to eat everything there is out there so why should expect my little one to like everything.
• United States
5 Feb 08
that's how I feel too!
• United States
2 Feb 08
I have always given my son a say in what I cook. I just ask that he try something different occasionally. I figure, hey..I don't eat what I don't like, so why should I make him eat what he doesn't like! My mom would lose her mind if she were still here and knew that! LOL I blame my baby sitter. :)
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• United States
2 Feb 08
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
2 Feb 08
Luckily my kids arent fussy really and I've ALWAYS had a firm rule that if i'm making something new EVERYONE (including my husband) HAS TO TRY IT WITH AN OPEN MIND...then if they dont care for it, fine go make yourself thing I've always done that has also been a big help is asking the family what they'd like for dinner...Even when the kids were little..and if they came up with something insane (which was common back then LOL) I'd come up with a compromise for them...ALSO LOL I dont make things that ppl wont like...for example, liver and'll NEVER get served that in my house....Meatloaf? HELL NO! and so on... However there are TWO dishes that i do make seperate things for...My daughter and I LOVE tacos....but my husband and son dont like them...they prefer Manwhich (something my daughter and I cant stand) So on taco night I cook twice the meat, seperate it do tacos with half and manwich with the other half...its really not extra work so I dont mind....Also when it comes to fish and daughter CAN'T STAND fish so she'll have chicken patty and chips instead AND Perogies my son REFUSES to eat because of something that happened when he was little so on Perogie night I let him have something else..but he makes it himself.. Other than that though...NOPE and I NEVER did it when they were little kids...When they were little they ate whatever I cooked for them but like I said I dont make things that the family wont care for....I do allow compromise though LOL my girl for the longest time would NOT eat ANYTHING with ground beef in if we were having spaghetti, she'd have plain pasta which she loves....if i made tacos, she'd have "veggie" tacos LOL If I made hamburgers, she'd have a chicken burger and so on...
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• United States
2 Feb 08
it's all about compromise...that's for sure but along with experimenting with different foods, there comes a chance that my son will not like it,and that's ok, there are things I do not like either,but we never know til we try...and the ones that he doesn't like I wouldn't make regularly just to make extra work for myself to cook him something, yeah like that's what I wanna do,right?! I try to be forgiving though,ya's ok if his tastes aren't like that of mine.I won't make him starve over it.
@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
3 Feb 08
Well, in our house we had a rule. If we never had it before, you had to eat it. If you didn't like it, you either went hungry or you fixed yourself something else to eat (and cleaned it up). If the majority of us didn't like it, I rarely if ever made it again, and if I did it was a "pot luck" night and they'd get something else (grilled cheese or something easy). For instance, I love liver, but I know most people don't. I fixed it for my kids, they ate it - all of it - and didn't like it. I only made that for me when they weren't home. When we'd order pizza, I don't like Dominoes, but both my kids did. We'd usually order Dominoes, and every once in a while I'd tell them it was MY turn for pizza and order something else. One thing you have to remember about creating habits with your children. If you always cook them something that they like instead of having them eat what is given them, they can make the assumption that everyone has to cater to them - in other respects than food. I took our rules in the house very seriously. If it's a rule, then it's a rule. If you choose to make exceptions once in a while, that's probably ok because that happens in the "real world" too. You just want to be careful of what you are actually teaching your children. My step-children were always catered to. If they didn't want to eat what they were served, they were fixed another meal. They're adults and pretty much still like that in that respect. My husband doesn't see anything wrong with it, but when his son comes over he has to eat what I cook. He's gotten used to it and knows it's ok to tell me he doesn't like it. But I wont let him say he doesn't like it if he's never tried it before. One day I will make him liver too, just to see!
1 person likes this
• United States
3 Feb 08
I am careful, and my son is showing very good eating habits at 4.I think my way, the occasional special treatment is ok, and you know, I want him to know that once in a while momma has his back :) GL on that liver
@snoopy04 (718)
• United States
3 Feb 08
I am so guilty of this. It drives my husband crazy though. He thinks what every I fix for dinner is good enough for the kids as well. So I am always fixing family friendly meals to try to get my kids to eat but it doesnt always work. So I will end up fixing them their favorite meal and he will just roll his eyes. He has given up on saying anything because he knows it wont do any good. But when their hungry and they dont want what I fix then I give in to them. But I am really trying to break that habit because it puts more work on me.
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• United States
3 Feb 08
Kids go through stages too, what they don't like today, they may like tomorrow.Hopefully for your sake, this is the case.Hubby should know you would do the same for him :)
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
4 Feb 08
You're right, no one has the right to tell you how to raise your child or what is right or wrong with what you do for your child. But on saying that, if you don't want critism don't ask for it. You have asked for it by starting this discussion so here goes. I think you are spoiling your child by doing this. I think a child learns by the parents behavour. I think your child is taking advantage of your good nature and will continue to do so since you are allowing it now. If the child doesn't like the food you are serving, they need to learn that they either eat it or they don't eat anything. If they are hungry enough, they will eat it. You are setting him up to disappoint his wife one day and I don't think that is being fair to him or her. You asked for our opinion on this subject so don't get too upset when people give it. This is only my opinion.
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• United States
4 Feb 08
Oh, I don't get too upset, but don't think I will not defend my actions.I only do this on very rare occasions.So spoiling him I am not.And as far as dissapointing his wife in the future, that's where you are wrong, my son will depend on no woman to cook his meals.It's 2008,he can learn to cook for himself,and he will.Thank you for your opinion :)
@pastorkayte (2255)
• United States
4 Feb 08
My children know that my home is not Mcdonalds, I dont cook for everyone this is not takeout and I dont even want to do that. But luckily my children can make Microwave things if they dont like what I cook.
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• United States
4 Feb 08
now I am sure that cooking secial for more than one child seperately would makeyou feel like a short order cook, but my little guy rarely dislikes the food I make, so once in a while, making him something he does enjoy is fine with me :)
@lightningd (1039)
• United States
2 Feb 08
Well, I'm not sure if this completely qualifies, but, when my oldest was little, he didn't like chilli, so I would throw a package of hot dogs in the chilli, and when we sat down to eat, he ate hotdogs that were smothered in the sauce of the chilli. Other than that, no I never really made something special, unless they were sick and I would make them soup if we were having something spicy. But that was just because they were ill.
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• United States
2 Feb 08
Well there are tons of things that I crave, like spicy wings,chilis,or indian foods, that my son can't stomach.I make him soup instead when I prepare dishes that only I enjoy,but that is a very rare occasion since, I don't like double the cooking,lol
@pdahse (10)
• United States
3 Feb 08
Well welcome to the world of Mother hood....! I was the mother that said you will eat what I fix you and no arguing about it, and she did. That is why today she ask my Grandson what he wants to eat.There are good and bad in the old ways the good is that she learned to love veggies and he does as well and the bad is when we said clean your plate....not always a good thing. When they are full they are full. the only thing wrong with fixing you child something and they don't like it and you fix something else is that you will stand there for hours trying to please them and they more than likely never tasted the first thing that you made ,,,,it is just that they can get you to do it....It is a kid thing.
• United States
3 Feb 08
I agree that some kids will test their son is a very good eater, he never even asks me to make something else,if he doesn't like something, he would be fine with a glass of milk.I of course am not having my son go without, so I will make him something fairly simple just so he eats.
@kbourgerie (8780)
• United States
1 Feb 08
I dont have to fix my son anything special. I am really lucky that he will eat just about anything put in front of him. He is definitely NOT fussy. I remember when he was little that instead of stealing candy at the grocery store, he would steal raw broccoli. A couple of nights ago we went out to a Chinese buffet and some of his choices included duck, mussels and shrimp in the shell. Who would have thought. After all he is only 11.
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• United States
2 Feb 08
My son loves fruit and veggies,and because of his health problems, he can't eat junk.But he has a hard time with some seafood.He will try it, but if it just doesn't appeal to him then hey, he tried.I made a seafood gumbo on this particular night that inspired this discussion,my son was not having it, because I added scallops, something I made him a kid cuisine meal, something he is only allowed to have on movie night,and my guest's husband swore I was doing more harm than good.I was embarressed,and so was my son.I even let him eat in his room while watching a movie so he could eat peacefully without being the center of attention!
@luvstochat (6907)
• United States
1 Feb 08
I have made my kids someting different for supper when I know they don't like what I am fixing I don't belevie in making a child eat something they don't like after all we as grown ups don't eat something if we don't like it so we should not force our kids to eat it. I do make them take one bite to see if they like it though as some things might look like they wouldn't like it but they are surprised when they take a bite.
1 person likes this
• United States
2 Feb 08
This is how I feel too
@jayman32 (267)
• Australia
1 Feb 08
depends on if my boy taste's the food or not. if he tried it & didnt like it then fair enuff but if he's being a little poo & flat out wont even try it then i give him nothing else until he at least try's it. and yes it makes me feel bad but im not letting him win the batle of wills.
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• United States
1 Feb 08
I should have added that my son is a very good eater,and likes almost everything that I make,but if he doesn't like a new dish he's never had before then I will make him something that he will eat.Like your son, he does have to try it, and never fights me on that, the kid just loves food! LOL Fortunately it has never been a battle of wills for us.Maybe then he would go without.
@chrysz (1602)
• Philippines
1 Feb 08
I'm the type of mom who would ask my kid what she wants to eat.If she doesn't like the food I prepared, I'll fix another one for her. Maybe I had brought along my grandmother and my mom's example that you should prepare something a child could and would want to eat since foods is one of our basic needs. Sometimes my kid abuse this but I am not the one who'll tell her not to eat. I just tell her that those are allthe food we have right now and I knwo she liked it before so she decide whether to eat or not. One more thing, I don't know if it does work, never use not having their meals as punishment because a starving child is not only physically hungry but all areas of progress are also affected. (who can think sensibly when starving, right?)
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• United States
2 Feb 08
I agree, take a toy away, not a meal!
• United States
1 Feb 08
I do it for sure, but we are not guilty of anything. My children will gag and puke with certain foods. They also have food allergies (all milk and milk by-products). So I don't think it's fair to force them to eat something they don't want given their already limited diet. Don't get me wrong, ice cream (soy) for breakfast is not allowed (usually! LOL), but I do let them pick their veggies and fruits. My son will not touch spinach, and will freak out if it's on his plate, so there's nothing wrong with green beans. My daughter loves garden veggie hommus, and is willing to try many foods. I don't think it's babying at all. As adults, we choose what is for dinner, and we wouldn't cook and eat something we hated. We are also offered menus when eating out. I pick my battles, and food usually isn't one of them.
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• United States
2 Feb 08
lol amen! we have something in common it seems, by your screen name.may I send you an invite?