How many people have peircings?

@kylanie (1205)
United States
February 1, 2008 10:54pm CST
It could be like earings or even nose rings the reason why I asked is that today I went to a local tattoo shop and got my nose peirced and it really did not hurt that bad I was just curious to find out?
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12 responses
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
2 Feb 08
I have a few, one in my left ear and one in my right outer ear in the muscle bit. I used to have more piercings but I don't use them now, my right ear is also pierced and so is my eyebrow, I haven't worn my eyebrow ring for years now, must have sealed up by now, but I only do the face I don't go any lower. You were brave for getting your nose done my friend!
@kylanie (1205)
• United States
4 Feb 08
@beyonce03 (2331)
• Canada
4 Feb 08
I have my tongue pierced. I did that 4 years ago. It was something I was thinking for a long tiem before doing it. Sometimes I just forget that I have that in my mouth. It's now a regular piercing like an earing lol
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@dreamy1 (3811)
• United States
3 Feb 08
I got my nose pierced probably 10 years ago. It has all but closed up because I hadn't put anything in it in a very long time.
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@honeylore23 (1081)
• United States
3 Feb 08
I have piercings only my ears. It was pierced when I was in grade school. It seems compulsory here for every women to have piercings on the ear so help them recognize they are a girl, just like a boy need to undergo circumcision. I have not tried having a pierce other than in my ears, and I don't want to try even if it does not hurt. I am sorry to tell but I am not comfortable having piercing on other parts of the body, for me it doesn't look nice. But I know that folks use to that and that is a way of showing art to them.
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@ellie333 (21016)
2 Feb 08
Years ago as a teenager I had lots of piercings in my ears but only have one in each now. One of my daughters has her tongue and belly button pierced and the other doesn't even have her ears pierced. I think a nose piercing looks good but I wouldn't personally choose to have at this time in my life.
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@layanby (78)
• Argentina
2 Feb 08
i have 3 in one ear and one in the other and i have one in my lip i planning to do another 2 one in my nose and the other in my eyebrow
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
2 Feb 08
I only have my ears pierced. They both are pierced twice. I have never thought about piercing other parts of my body, but my daughter would like to pierce her bell button.
@megumiart (3771)
• United States
2 Feb 08
I just have the "normal" one on each ear piercings. I've always wanted more though, and tatoos. x3
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• United States
2 Feb 08
ya I got my nose pierced about 3 years ago and i agree it dosn't really hurt. But I also have my ears pierced too. I plan on getting some more piercings soon.
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@lightningd (1039)
• United States
2 Feb 08
I've had my ears pierced since elementary school back in the 70's.. but 5 years ago I got my belly button pierced and it didn't hurt hardly at all.. I've had cramps worse. I have heard that tongue piercings can get infected real easy, same with lip piercings.... but I don't have any desire to get any other holes in my face so I'm not about to try either one.
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• Canada
2 Feb 08
I have my ears pierced. I have 7 in my left ear and 6 in my right. I've thought about getting my nose done but I'm afraid it will hurt too much. I am more of a tattoo girl myself. I have 5 of them and would love to get more.
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@sminut13 (1783)
• Singapore
2 Feb 08
my ear was pierced when i was really young. i do not really remember the process but i do remember when my mom did it for my younger siblings. at that time, they did not have tatoo shops. she basically used a needle to make a hole in the ear. it's said that it'll be good if you pierce when young as the ear skin is still soft so all of us had our ears pierced at a young age. it was also a requirement in our society you could say. she wanted to pierce our noses too when we were a little older but by then we could understand and we were afraid of the pain and always refused. it was kind of compulsory for the nose too. fortunately, in my teens beauty shops began to give piercing too. i pierced my nose when i just got married at 17 back in my country at a beauty salon. it wasn't that painful too. just felt a bit uncomfortable. but after a few days, my nose was swollen cos the nose stud was just a fake one from the shop. we hadn't bought a nicer one yet. it was so bad. awful.