My neighbour came over with his dog & his dog killed my cat, what would you do?
By missdaisy
@missdaisy (72)
February 2, 2008 6:27am CST
I am very upset, my neigbour today came over to my farm with his ute and his two huge dogs (cross ridgeback & rottweillor) on the back of the ute untied, the dogs jumped off the ute and found my cat and grabbed it around it's neck and started biting it.
I was hanging out the washing, I freaked out and started screaming for help, when the neighbour finally got to the seen, he pulled the dog off my cat.
She ran away, but when I found her, she was badly cut up, and her throat or lungs were damaged as she could hardly breath and a terribly sound was coming out of her as she breathed. We eventually had to have her put down, as her injuries were to bad.
This neighbour knew that I have two small children, and a small dog and a cat living on my property. He knew I was scared of his dogs as I would run inside if his dogs got loose.
Then, he told me that his own cat was eaten by his dog.
I am so sad that my beautiful cat was killed by this dog, but also it could have been my children killed by them. They could have been playing on the swings or around the property.
I have told him to NEVER brings those dogs here again.
What would you do?
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41 responses
@elisa126 (166)
• United States
2 Feb 08
OMG!! when I had my farm this happened to me also my nabors dog killed my scottish terrior a purebred,I was so upset and so flippin mad,he paid what I had paid for the dog, which still too me was not enough,cause that dog was my baby,I would of called the sheriff and filed a report,and make him pay the vet bills. Im so sorry for your lose! The dog should be destroyed,once they kill something,they will continue to do so... Oh and by the way the nabors dog was a pitbull which he put down.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
2 Feb 08
The same thing I would do if anyone came onto my property to destroy what is mine. If I lived in an area where self defense is allowed, I'd shoot the dog.
Either way, I'd press charges against this violent oxygen thief.
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@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
2 Feb 08
I think this dog is a threat to community peace and the law should be resorted to to make the owner more responsible-I dont care if the dog ate the owners cat-but i wouldnt tolerate this wild dog eating another person'cat! He must answer for the actions of his wild dog!
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
9 Feb 08
How absolutely awful for you to have to witness that act of cruelty. Please don't blame the dog. It's the owner who is at fault here although if he has allowed his animals to be this wild (like some country people tend to do)then they should be euthenased before something else occurs. Unless a dog is a registered hunter there is no need for it to be so brutal. Hunters should behave in a responsible manner with their dogs having them restrained and under control at all times.
I feel sad your poor kitty suffered so badly and happy that you got Max. I hope his treatment is going ok. I didn't read 6 pages of posts I'm sorry.
As for your own unwellness I would be suing the owner of the dog for the loss of your cat, vet bill, your own medical bills and also pain and suffering.
My beloved goat Pickles was attacked by a dog and had his jaw broken. I saw the whole thing and it was one of the worst experiences of my life. Pickles was screaming. He is ok now. Fully recovered and as cheeky (moreso!) as ever.
All the best to you and your family.
@kimbers867 (2539)
• United States
2 Feb 08
I would get an order from the local police that this person and his animals can not be on your property. You need to do this to protect your children and yourself.
I don't know what else to say, but I am so sorry that you are going thru this. Adults need to be more responsible for their pets.
@gemini_rose (16264)
2 Feb 08
You must have been so distraught, what an awful thing to see. And you are right it could so easily have been your children. If the dog has already harmed or killed once then it will continue to do so, someone once told me that once an animal has killed once it will do so again. I would have reported this man and his dog, and I would certainly make sure he never brings the dogs again, they are an unpredictable breed anyway. I am so sorry that you lost your cat this way.
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@mansha (6298)
• India
29 Feb 08
I would report this to the local police and have him shoot the dog or sent away. As you rightly say that it could have been your kids instead of the cat. Its not normal for a dog to kill a cat. They do chase them but I don't think unless they are trained to kill will actually kill them. That dog seems scary and I think you should take some iind of action against your neighbour.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
13 Feb 08
OMG, that's so horrible! I'm so sorry that happened to you. As a cat owner and lover I can't even imagine going through that. I know you're in a difficult position because it was your neighbor's dogs and I doubt either of you have any intention of moving away anytime soon but I think my first thought might be to take some sort of legal action or something. I would be so angry, so heartbroken over the loss of my kitty and so filled with thoughts of "what if" about my children I just don't know what I'd do! I would make it very clear to him that if he ever does bring those dogs onto your property that the authorities will be notified. Again, I'm so sorry for your loss, Hon! Hugs to you and your kids.
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
4 Feb 08
How terrible! I am so sorry this has happened, that poor cat. First of all, you did the right thing in having her put down :( As hard as it was,it saved her from a lot of pain.
Your nieghbor was totally wrong in bringing those dogs to your house, especially untied! And he knew that you were scared of them, and how dangerous they could be around smaller things. It was a very stupid move on his part. I think you were right in telling him to keep the dogs away. Make sure if anything like this happens again you will take more drastic measures.
@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
4 Feb 08
I will most probably kill the dog. lol But seriously, I will just tell the owner not to bring the dog again. So there will be no problem between us. Let us respect each other's pets.
@Loen210 (1540)
• United States
5 Feb 08
Oh my goodness. I am so, so sorry to hear about this painful story. I was shocked when I read it. I hadn't ever heard of this happening, though of course it seems like it could happen to others too. My dear golden retriever and my golden tabby cat pretty much got along fairly. Even lie next to each other once in a while, though would fight a bit too, but never woudl injure one another.
Again, I am so sorry. As I don't have experience, I can't say what the right thing to do is, but if any files were reported or people charged, I would do so to the human (owner), as it was his fault. The dogs unfortunately had to follow their wild instinct. But he should NOT have brought his dogs over.
Your poor, poor cat. I send over my warm and wattery shoulder for you to lean on. PLease keep us up to date what happens. This is definitely your neighbor's responsibility to control his dogs. And my goodness, especially he should have known if his dog sickly attacked (and killed!!!!) his past cat.
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
6 Feb 08
I would definitly report this to the authorities. Your lucky that this time, it was your cat. Although, poor little thing. She must have been so scared. It is not a natural instinct, as you stated in a comment to one of your other responses, for these dogs to attack your cat. These dogs were raised as guard dogs, obviously. I would tell your neighbour to never come over to your house again, with his dogs. What did your husband say about this incident? Did he want to call the authorities? If not the police at least call the humane society.
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
6 Feb 08
I would be so upset of my neighbor allowed something like that to happen. Just hearing about the breed of dogs he had makes me think he needs to keep them in his house or inside a fenced yard at ALL times. He should've known better not to bring those dogs over and put his neighbors and their pets and their children at risk! You're exactly right - it could've been your small children rather than the cat! It's a shame it had to be anything that was injured by those dumb dogs. I would be extremely upset if I were you. I don't know how close you are with your neighbors, but I might even go as far as pressing charges for damage of personal property. He obviously didn't know how to handle his dogs. I'm sure this isn't the first time those dogs have done something damaging. I know you said they killed his cat, too, but that's his own problem. He's probably had issues with other people and his dogs too. I think the dogs should've been put down rather than your cat. What a shame! Did you happen to get pictures of the dogs, your cat, or anything related to this incident that can be used as evidence? You could probably still press charges for damages, especially if there were other witnesses to what happened. If you don't have pictures, it'd just be your word against his and makes for a more difficult judgment and ruling. What a terrible situation. I'm so sorry to hear about this. Basically, your neighbor needs to live up to his responsibilities in this case. I hope everything works out for you and wish you the best, Daisy!
@sallysue (326)
• Canada
4 Feb 08
First of all I have to say I feel very sorry for you. I think that must have been an awful shock to you. If the dogs were that violent I don't know what possessed your neighbour to have brought the dog onto your property. I think I'd end up calling the authorities about your neighbours dog. Can you sue the owner or something like that?
@Ohara_1983 (4117)
• Kuwait
3 Feb 08
i think you need to make a complain about the dog, it will be dengerous to everyone not only to the kids & to other people too, specially they have already this bad habit, dog need a decipline not just to bit everybody, need the support of the owner. if the owner cannot give this they have no reason to keep those dengerous dogs, it will be they will be beatin of this dogs. thing you need to do is ask for help how to solve those problem. to be in safe side.
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
4 Feb 08
It very sad.. accidents happened i guess..but the neighbor should be more careful on that situation...its a pity really for a cat do die that way(horrible)...its good that you told not to bring the dogs again..and i hope it will never happened again..ill do the same..ill try to be nice and told him about my sentiments..
@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
3 Feb 08
I'd report him and his crazed killer dog to the authorities, before I sued his *ss! Something similar happened to my dad's cat 2 years ago and he was devastated (as much as a man can be); unfortunately, they were were wild dogs/coyotes (no one's really sure) and they just shook the old girl (she was 18!). I'm so sorry this happened to you--thank God it wasn't your children! Keep us updated!
@egfitz62150 (645)
• United States
3 Feb 08
First of all, I'm so sorry for your loss!! No cat deserves to die that way -- act of nature or not.
Second, I'd tell him that if I ever saw his dogs loose and on my property again I'd shoot them without a second's hesitation as they are known predators! Knowing that they've already killed his own cat makes him even more culpable for their actions, and he could be sued for negligence and the dogs would be put down. What if they'd attacked a child? We live in a rural area and have been told that we have every right to shoot ANY animal which is threatening our pets or livestock. This person has no business owning animals he can't (or won't) control.
@NanaL41 (32)
• United States
4 Feb 08
Even if he never brings his dogs to your place again,
what about if he happens to drive into the same parking lot with you, and it eats your children?
Those dogs should never be loose anywhere again.
Riding in the back of his ute? They would have a
ball if the school bus came by and they could jump
down and get into the bus!!!!
Not only for your and your families safety, but all
the other people and animals in your area, report
these dogs immediately....before it's too late.
@lorelai (1558)
• Italy
3 Feb 08
I had the same situation about 10 years ago. I had that cat for 6 years and I adored him. I had several cats after him but he was really special to me. Anyway, this neighbor was walking his dog and they stopped to say hello. My cat saw the dog and attacked him. Unfortunately cats are the one who attack dogs even though they are smaller. My neighbor knew I had a cat and his dog always liked killing cats. I wanted to kill my neighbor but couldn't do anything. My cat ran away and I never saw him again.