Do you own any cats?
@shotgunner101 (315)
United States
14 responses
@LupusEvolve (108)
3 Feb 08
I've got two cats - a male ginger tom and a female tortoise shell.
They're called Toffee and Fudge (and previous cats were Malteaser, Cadbury and Caramel)
Toffee likes to sleep in my wordrobe for some reason, and Fudge likes to sleep on top of my dad's work box full of screws!
They are both so cute though!
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@shotgunner101 (315)
• United States
3 Feb 08
LOL well nice food names :P.I know that we had a cat named ginger and she was a honoury little cat ;).She would take the chicken off our table and go behind something we cant see her behind and shed eat it lol.
@kat_princess (1470)
• Philippines
3 Feb 08
I'd like to own one.I took care of two but one got lost and was never found and the other one was given away.their names are Sam and Chabby.They're both male cats.
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@shotgunner101 (315)
• United States
3 Feb 08
Well I gotta tell yah having all male cats is bad in a way even though their fixed 2 of the male cats try to hump eachother in their butts lol.Ive caught them doing it 4 times and each time I spanked them pretty hard then squirted them with some water lol.
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@butterflygrl76 (205)
• United States
3 Feb 08
We have 3 cats, none of which are mine. One is my husband's and the other two are my mother-in-laws. Marshall, Gaffy, and Lucky are their names. Three very distinct personalities. Gaffy, which was supposed to be Garfield, but somehow Gaffy stuck, he thinks he's a human. He sits like a human, he tries to jump at the doorknobs to get the door to open. If you don't let him outside, he gets frustrated and attacks the other cats. He doesn't do any phsical damage to them, but you can tell he's frustrated. Marshall and Lucky are very easy going, but also get frustrated when they don't get what they want. In a way, they're just like kids.
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@jhl930 (3601)
• United States
3 Feb 08
I actually have about four cats(I did not really choose to own all of those cats but some of them just came around the house and I didn't really have the heart to make them leave so I just started feeding them and they stayed)I think my favorite out of all of them is my kitty cat trouble(we named him that because when he was a kitten he use to get into everything that you could imagine and we said you know what you are nothing but trouble lol)so thats how he got him name and the others are speedy,bob, and bubba!
@shotgunner101 (315)
• United States
3 Feb 08
Well this house has 10 cats and the reason why we have so many is because the landlord had a cat/dog kennel where she would house them and take care of them then give them to buisnesses for pets.ANyways she had to take a bunch of them in since they had to sell the animal shelter.My favorite cat has to be Duda :P.He is a trouble maker and when hes not causing trouble he will sit on your shoulder and let you pet him for hours :).
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@fadilah8 (207)
• Malaysia
3 Feb 08
i'm having one male cat..but i'm thinking of getting one female cat give my male cat a company...
since now i have only one..then, he's my very very very favorite one...
My cat's name is HACHI because he's got the symbol of no. 8 on his body..first i wanna call him LAPAN ( its 8 on our language) but its sound a bit wierd then my fren suggested the name HACHI ( 8 in japanese ). but i tend to call him KACHI...
funny stories....when he's walk or run...he's always fall down...its seems that his front n back leg does not cooperate with each other..n its always make me laugh
some of my frens n relative said that, he's not like a cat..he's behavior shows that he's like a fox,a lizard n a tenggiling...because when someone hold him..he will stiff himself n does not react...he's afraid maybe...but its funny
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@tinkerick (1257)
• United States
3 Feb 08
Boots is our outdoor cat, she was born an outdoor barn cat so we let her stay outside. We did try to bring her in once for a couple days, but she was absolutely miserable.
Her most comical moments are when she jumps onto the front porch railing and peers into the porch windows. (she got used to this when we brought her and her kittens in once to protect them from local tomcats. We'd let her out a few times during the day.) This peering from the railing tends to push her body against the doorbell. The first time she did it we peered out the door but saw no one. The doorbell rang again so again we looked out and so nobody. Then on the third time we looked and saw her face at the window from her perch on the railing, and realized it was just Boots wanting to be let in to her kittens!
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@shotgunner101 (315)
• United States
3 Feb 08
Ahh your cat sounds so cute :P.I wish the cat good luck alogn with the kittens :).ANyways nice name for him to boots is a nice name ;).
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@gdsdb4 (173)
• Canada
4 Feb 08
We have 2 cats, Pepper and Raiden, both male. As you can see in the picture they are inseperable. When one eats the other eats. When one uses the litter box the other will go right after. They sleep together and play together.
Let's hope they live a long life together.
@twistedangelwings (350)
• Australia
5 Feb 08
I've got 7 cats. Never planned more than 2, but I must have a huge sign saying sucker. I love all of them, impossible to have a favourite.
First we have Sammy (a ginger tabby (dark ginger) and Patch (brown,black,white tabby) we brought them from a cat shelter after one of my previous cats had to get put down.
Then we have Northern & Whisper who we rescued as kittens (Along with their mother and sister) from a family friends house. The stray mother had kittens under her house and she was scared her dog would kill them as they had started to explore. Rehomed the sister and took the mother to the cat shelter (kept attacking Sammy) eventually. Both Northern & Whisper are ginger tabbies, whisper thinner & lighter in colour than Northern, both are lighter than Sammy in colouring though.
Then we have socks who is a grey & white domestic shorthair. Elderly owner went into a nursing home and the family just left the kitten behind once her house was cleaned out. A relative, who was the next door neighour feed her for quite a few years but her kids kept terrifying the cat (she is quite soft and delicate) and said for years that she should give it to us. Then one day she finally decided and called us around to pick her up.
Then we have Ginger and Shadow. Both were stray feral kittens at a relatives place. She'd fed them since their appearance for about 4-6 months. Then decided that they would keep them but we should tame them and get them use to people. So we went over and caught them both eventually and brought them back to our place. Taming them wasn't going as quick as my mother hoped so she rang local animal shelters for ideas who all said it was hopeless and we should take them to their shelter (where they would put them down) and buy the kids in question cats from their shelter. I'd started to slowly win them over by this stage, very slowly but was at the stage where one would play with toys with me, and the other I had patted. I came home one day from work, and my mother had trapped one into a council cage to be collected to be put down the next day. I wasn't too happy & had a teary moment. Found myself off from work the next day convincing the council to increase our current cat permit to a larger one to allow us to keep these two.
@nosferatu07 (404)
• Denmark
3 Feb 08
I have 2 cats. Feles and Pätu. First one is black 3 year old cat that i just had to have when i first saw her. The other is now 6 months old small rascal :) that my dad and prother got.
@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
4 Feb 08
I have one cat, a kitten really. She's almost 3 months old, a gorgeous tortoiseshell with beautiful markings. Her name is Mia.
Not so much a funny story, but something that I think is really cute:
When I clean out her litter tray, she runs over to the spot it would usually be in, paces around meowing and then sits while I wash it out, staying there until I finally replace it, and then she continues running around and being all kitteny =P
@Caseyfern (6)
• United States
3 Feb 08
Two, Chatterbox (aka The Cat) and Growler. Blog at highlights the insanity.
@mickimoon (15)
• United States
3 Feb 08
Right now we have only one cat. His name is Jack Sparrow and he is all grey. I named him that because he gets this crazy look in his eye. He was born at my mom's farm and I desided that I wanted him. We had outside cats before, but they all got poisoned. Jack, therefore, is not allowed outside. He tries, mind you, but I'm too afraid that something will happen to him.
Jack is quite the character. He's still young, so playing is his favourite thing. One time, he desided to attack my husband's foot. Nobody thought nothing of it, until I noticed the blood on the carpet. Appartently, Jack had pierced a vein with his claw and blood was spurting from my husband's ankle! To this day, my husband says that the cat was trying to kill him.
@Dasari100 (3791)
• Anantapur, India
4 Feb 08
i have one cat , that cat name is lucy its very funy cat, it goes daily infornt of dogs and loving them with sincere eyes how funny is it , this cat hasn't got fear to go infront of dogs.. every time that cat wants to sleep on the bed.. how it it , isn't it?
@shotgunner101 (315)
• United States
4 Feb 08
LOL what a funny cat ;).I gotta say we have a blind cat nammed buddybear(orinal name was Leo) anyways he actualyl would attack the dog which was a full grown autstralian shepard :P.Anyways we havent got to see any of that funny stuff since the dog is currently at a 4 acre property lol.
@Dasari100 (3791)
• Anantapur, India
4 Feb 08
i have one cat , that cat name is lucy its very funy cat, it goes daily infornt of dogs and loving them with sincere eyes how funny is it , this cat hasn't got fear to go infront of dogs.. every time that cat wants to sleep on the bed.. how it it , isn't it?