How do you overcome embarassment?

United States
February 2, 2008 10:15pm CST
In our everyday living, we cannot avoid we get into embarrassing situation. During those times, what did you do to counteract embarrassment, do you pretend to be angry, pretend nothing happen or you will try explaining the situation. Me, in my case, most of the time, I just pretend nothing happens and try to relax myself to boost my confidence again. How about you?
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7 responses
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
3 Feb 08
When I get embarrassed, I try to walk away or get away from the embarrassmenr as sooas possible. I can'r stand the feeling and people just stand there and stare at you for a very long time and that makes me feel really uncomfortable.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
3 Feb 08
"fixing my typing error above" embarrassmenr as sooas= embarrassment as soon as Sorry, Thanks.
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• India
3 Feb 08
thats a real gud question in such situations i just try to hide my expressions and move along
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• United States
3 Feb 08
well, we are just the same, especially if that embarrassing situation just happen in front on many people who are somewhat judgmental and instead of helping you, they will give you negative critics. So I just manage to pretend nothing happen.
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@simplejoy (359)
• China
3 Feb 08
I do the same with you,just pretending nothing happened and trying to keep myself calm and relaxed. But If I am understood by others,I do make explanations.
• United States
3 Feb 08
I don't really experience embarrassment. If I do, it's so rare that it's not even a factor in my life. We are all humans - we all trip and fall, spill things, get mustard on our mouths while eating out....I don't see why I should be embarrassed about things that's happened to each and every other person on Earth. On those rare times, however, I laugh at myself right along with everyone else.
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@VampAmber (308)
• United States
3 Feb 08
If the act was embarrassing enough, I prefer to take a bow and laugh about it. I understand that everybody has these types of moments, so I try to let others laugh about it. But then again, I'm always trying to make other people laugh, so maybe that's why I react the way I do.
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• United States
3 Feb 08
When I get embarresed I try and laugh with them or I just try and keep my confedince up so that nothing more embarressing happens.
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@Liasonfan (1702)
• Canada
9 Feb 08
Oh boy, yep. This is a doozy of a question. I have embarrassed myself good a few times. Depending on the situation, I either laugh at myself along with every one else or just run away as fast and as far as I can. Then I have those annoying nightmares where these things that I am trying so hard to forget come back to haunt me again annd again and again!