Which star do you find that you are most compatible with?

@kiran1978 (4134)
February 3, 2008 3:15am CST
I am a virgo and I find that I get along well with pisces. My partner is a pisces and my best friend is also a pisces. It is strange since I think astrologers say that these signs are probably the least compatible signs. I think virgos are meant to be compatible with other Earth signs, like Taurus or capricorn. So what is your story? Which signs are a good match for you, is it the same ones that astrologers predict for your star sign? Why do you most like these star signs?
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6 responses
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
3 Feb 08
You have to take into account other factors though...I'm also a virgo and my husband is an Aquarius, a sign I'm "not compatible" with HOWEVER there are other factors that come into play such as the other planets and how they fit in, whether or not one is on a cusp (I'm virgo on the cusp of Libra) and so on and of course things like life experiences, upbringing etc... My BEST matches according to basic astrology are Cancer and Capricorn...VERY VERY TRUE however my kids dad was a Cancer..but becuase of the other factors our relationship was a disaster...my bf on the otherhand is also a Cancer and we are a perfect match... Astrology is so much more than just Sun Signs and all the other aspects have to be taken into account as well..
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@littleowl (7157)
3 Feb 08
hello ravenlady i loved your comment to kiran on starsigns from what you say you it seems you do or have done astrology-am really interested to hear about you and what your discussions are about-was wondering if you beleive or do any other things concerning that sort af aspect-hope you respond you sound a very interesting lady -from littleowl
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
3 Feb 08
Hey littleowl...I've been using astrology for several yrs now and have done profiles for ppl etc...I also enjoy the results I get when I combine it with numerology as well.... Me interesting?? aw thanks LOL I guess thats one way of putting it ;-)
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@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
3 Feb 08
Wow you are very knowledgable in this area. Did not realise there were so many things that had to be taken into account when looking at star signs. Always keen to learn more. Thanks for your comments.
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@littleowl (7157)
3 Feb 08
i am aquarian my ex-husband is a saggitarian we were ok together and had two children but when we divorced i went with my chilhood sweetheart he is a leo and we are perfectly matched we would still be together today but there were things that happened why i left him now i am with a capricorn which in the chinese horoscopes as well is meant to be a good match-the thing with starsigns is that there are different traits for the male and female so in all my thoughts are it really is how you both connect the trust you both have with each other cos without trust there really is no relationship and last communication to be able to spesk your mind talk about things etc,all the likes and dislikes we can deal with as we all have them!-from littleowl
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@littleowl (7157)
4 Feb 08
lots of factors come into play with starsigns i was born on the cusp of capricorn as well as aquarius my charachter is a bit of both can be very eccentric at times and dont like being the same as the jones am a very individual and independant person thats the aquarian but on the other hand i hate quarreling and try always to keep the peace am very patient thats the capricorn in me but stay out of my way when i do lose my temper! its not nice-so yes there many factors with the sins from the time you are born the planets at the time-i did my grandsons for him and mean to put it on tapestry for him so my daughter can put it up for him lol littleowl
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@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
3 Feb 08
I totally agree trust and communication are essential ina successful relationship. Thank you for your detailed response, you seem to have alot of insight into star signs. I have also been fascinated with it, I understand too that alot of othe factors come into play aswell.
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@snovamp (55)
• Kabul, Afghanistan
3 Feb 08
I'm also a Virgo. My sister is a Capricorn, our mother was a Virgo and our father was a Taurus. You want to talk earth sign overload ? My mother was very sharp tongued as I myself am as well. My sister also sharp tongued if provoked which seems to be a trait of Capricorn's too. My mate is also Capricorn and alot of what he displays as far as traits of the sign fit. I have tried being with Gemini's. I never knew which twin I was dealing with.. Then Cancer.. He was alright but he tended to be the life of the party.. and too much partying he did. Then an Aquarius, my headache.. He was off the cuff completely. I dated an Aquarian prior to this one and they seem to both have the same ill conceived thing going.. cheat and lie.. Though that's a given with any sign who doesn't want to come clean when caught.. so really can't go by that at all... I tend to do well with most signs. I seem to stay in the earth sign capacity though.
@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
3 Feb 08
Gee you are surrounded by alot of Earth signs. I seem to clash with some geminis too, my stepdad is a gemini. One twin of his came out more then the other, lol. Thanks for your detailed response.
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• Singapore
4 Feb 08
I share the same sentiments. I'm an Arian and I'm quite comfortable with Pisces although Aries and Pisces are not compatible. I guess it also depends on the type of personality of the person that attracts you.
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• Pakistan
9 Feb 08
I'm Aquarius, i've a bitter experience with Capricorn the rest is fine. but i must say that i've great coordination and mental satisfaction when working with other Aquarians. libra and gemini are also one that i match. fortunately my wife is also an aquarian so we are like one sould in two different bodies
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@ellie333 (21016)
3 Feb 08
I am Taurean and am supposed to get on with other earth signs but the majority of my very close friends are Aquarius or Pisces. My partner is Gemini and so was my ex husband and another long term partner. I don't read too much into star signs really I think if people get on they get on.
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