menepausal women who take the reins at the local post office

February 3, 2008 4:56pm CST
in our city there are few places a person can go to ship ebay items out on a saturday or sunday. as these are the only days i can get to the post office. i am forced to deal with the same two (ladies) each week. i cringe each time i enter the building, forseeing the imminent happenings, never a smile only the same old what do you want? ........i want to ship some ebay items what the heck do you think i want. then it's the same questions, always the same questions, surface? air? usa? international?what? you can't read the bill of ladeing? what are you doing in a post office if you can't take the time to read what i have taken so much time and effort to write out in a ledgible script even with the arthritus bothering me as much as it does. do these people not realise that they are there as servants of the public. and they get damn (scuse the word but it's the only one that works for me in this situation) paid well for it. why don't they treat their customers better. i know i do, my customers pay for my food lodgeing and transportation. in a round about way we are paying theirs. if i treated my customers as they treat me and others, i'd be living on the streets.i find it upsetting that the younger less trained individuals can do a better job than the middleaged, who have been doing the job so much longer than the youngsters. the end result of my banter is, if you don't like dealing with the public and you don't like your job, quit, go on a pension, just go, as long as i don't have to deal with your crabby looking crow face. how many of us have had to deal with a miserable public employee
5 responses
@urbandekay (18278)
4 Feb 08
Worst of all seem to be those that work in admin of the local university here. Not only are they incompetent at their job and rude but they extract great pleasure from intimidating students and treating them in a derogatory and humiliating manner. As a mature student at university I have to say these despicable wretches would not last five minutes if they had to deal with mature adults regularly. Not far behind are employees of the local council. Both these groups practice deceit, double speak and injustice, they are a blight on society. all the best urban
2 people like this
• Canada
3 Aug 08
i think you just hit the nail on the head
@urbandekay (18278)
3 Feb 08
I have to say, that in my experience their are a lot of women of a certain age that turn into the worst little Hitlers with a modicum of authority. I hadn't considered it but perhaps the reason is menopause? all the best urban
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
4 Feb 08
What about male menopause?
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@urbandekay (18278)
4 Feb 08
I have no idea, generally, unless there are good reasons to doubt it, I assume people actions are a matter of choice, disposition or habit. all the best urban
• Canada
3 Aug 08
adoniah, men don't get mood swings, hot flashes, and sudden bursts of emotional confusion, we think rationally, and not with our hearts, we consider the consequences of our actions and how it will effect the ripple in the pond. ok there are some who aren't all there, nothing between the ears lol. but for the most part we are men, we don't all grunt and make useless sounds. we do have feelings, although most times they are pent up until the wrong moment and they are blurted out in a monotone comment most likely at the wrong time, and taken in the wrong context. i have found in my 54 years on this planet, that it's best not to try to console a female endureing a hot flash, i don't understand. of course i don't understand i'm a man. we go through changes in our lives but they are usually not of a physical nature, or emotional for that matter. we lose our companions, we change cars, change domiciles, find new jobs and new companions. we get to a point in our lives where we need a bright red sports car, an extension of what? maybe, maybe not, or are we waveing a flag at all those beautiful women, saying look at me i'm available. i went through that stage, it was good
• United States
3 Feb 08
if you think thats bad youve never visited the west Virginia motor vehicle dept !
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
4 Feb 08
Interesting. So if middle age women get to pawn off their irritating ways on menopause what excuse do middle age men get to use for their irritating ways? Seems to me that I run into just as many crabby men as I do women. And with the men I can throw in the issue of superiority. They of course know more than women by virtue of the fact that they are MEN. I never let it bother me though. I always worked in men's fields since I worked in construction and I do understand men better than I understand women. Why don't you just go to their boss and say something instead of harbouring this anger? Or, just say something straight to the women. There are diplomatic ways of taking care of situations like that. It seems kind of weird to go there week after week and not do something. Shalom~Adoniah
• Canada
3 Aug 08
men become nasty after contracting the desease lakanookie, uaually spread from their conterparts who are menopausel
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
3 Feb 08
I would try to find a different post office...or start including the cost of using UPS or Fed Ex because these companies will pick up right from your house.