to continue the baby unprepared or to have an abortion?
By imlucky
@imlucky (128)
February 4, 2008 12:02am CST
i just received a good news but a bad one (from her point of view)..
she's pregnant but having to deal with the situation alone!
she's pregnant, 4th year college student with a boyfriend who is also
a student and would not want to stand up for her..i need advices and point
of views before i talk to her for i believe this is a very delicate situation.
can somebody tell me the pros and cons of abortion?
13 responses
@sminut13 (1783)
• Singapore
4 Feb 08
i agree with sweetrix too. in my opinion, i'd rather she keep the babe. being a single mother can be tough but not impossible. she can achieve her dreams and goals but only if she is determined. if her boyfriend doesn't support her, why does she want to stay with him?? i would think tht he would be thinking for both of them and not just himself.
sweetrix has mostly mentioned the pros and cons of abortion already so there's not much for me to tell. though i do know one thing. if you have an abortion, i heard that it's quite tough to have another child later on. you can have one but there might be risks and complications though not guaranteed of course.
she must be prepared for whatever risks there are when having abortion. then, there's the emotional pain besides the physical one to your body. i heard it's not painful when the abortion is done. in fact, it's quite fast. but you need plenty of rest.
it's the emotional attachments that will niggle at her mind. true, she could say plenty of what ifs after giving birth and doesn't reach her goals.
but there'll be plenty of what ifs too if she doesn't have a child. but i too don't know her situation well. so it's all up to her and her determination.
@SixPaulEleven (552)
• United States
4 Feb 08
"tough to have another child later on."
That is bullshyte. There is no greater risk of not being able to conceive after an abortion than there is after a c-section or a natural delivery.
It's just pro-life bs.
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@sminut13 (1783)
• Singapore
4 Feb 08
well i don't really know, it's just what i hear over here and i'm just conveying it here that's all. sorry if i offended you.
but though rare, they say that there might be some complications. how true it is, i don't know. it's something i hear and which i'd like to share that's all. if it's not true, then all the more better.
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@imlucky (128)
• Qatar
10 Feb 08
well that too is point to be be taken into consideration! i also heard from another friend that she was able to have another baby after 3 years
("not intentionally aborting her first baby").
there are other areas to be considered aside from physical, emotional..
thanks for the information..

@david2005 (798)
• Canada
4 Feb 08
It is all really up to her,if she thinks that she can handle a baby then have it but if she thinks that she isn't ready for a child then she can abort it but she could also consider in adoption too. If she has family they could help her too if she choices to keep the baby. If she has an abortion it all depends on how emotional the person is cause some people it doesn't bother but with other people they think about it all of the time though.
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
4 Feb 08
I had a roommate who had an abortion, and she seemed fine afterward. Then one year later, she had a breakdown, all of a sudden she started screaming and crying and throwing things..including pots and pans full of hot food.
She felt terrible guilt about what she had done - she had killed a child of hers by having an abortion.
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
10 Feb 08
I have no idea..I do know that it happened to my roomie. I do know many people feel terrible guilt though.
@SweetTrix (1071)
• United States
4 Feb 08
Well the pros of abortion I guess would be that she wouldn't have to take on extra responsibility, miss out on her college years(although she is almost done), could work without having to worry about the baby and daycare and the expenses that come with having the baby.
The cons are that she would probably feel a lot of pain not only physically(depending on the procedure she gets) but emotionally as well. She wouldn't experience the joy of having her baby. She may suffer from regret, anger, anxiety, menstrual irregularities, and depression.
I was in a worse situation than your friend, I was going to get an abortion put after reading into it, I decided it would not be fair to punish the baby for something they were not in control of. I was in the last year of high school, in an abusive relationship, and I didn't have a job or money at the time, but I knew it wasn't right to have an abortion. I dropped the abusive ex, found a amazing guy, finished high school and doing pretty good. It's amazing what your friends and family will do for you when they know you are in a bind, without them I think my son wouldn't have had a lot of things. Just because you don't talk to relatives doesn't mean the aren't willing to help, I had people come to my baby shower that my aunt hosted and I didn't even know I was related to them! lol.
If her boyfriend won't stand up for her, then why have him there? I have always thought that a significant other is someone who loves you and cares for you, and helps you work through your hard times. It's not like she magically got pregnant, it takes to to make a baby and if he isn't willing to stand up for the situation that they made then I think she should re-think him. She will be better of dealing with the situation herself than with a bf who doesn't want to deal with it at all. I know the first thing I thought when I found out I was pregnant was "abortion", but after having my son I am proud to say I was truly blessed with such a bundle of joy (well most of the time anyway).
Of course I don't know the whole scenario, but if they don't want the baby then why not adoption? I am sure there are families out there that aren't able to conceive and want to adopt a child. I think when people choose this option later on they end up keeping their baby because of that mother-baby bond. I really hope I helped you with my point of view, and I hope she figures out what is best for her. Let me know how it goes and what option she chose. •¤•Good Luck•¤•
@SixPaulEleven (552)
• United States
4 Feb 08
"the joy of having her baby"
Not everyone enjoys or thinks of that as a joyful experience. For those who don't want kids, childbirth and/or pregnancy is anything but.
"adoption? I am sure there are families out there who aren't able to conceive"
Why can't they adopt one of the millions of kids already in the system? Answer: They all want white day old newborns.
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@SixPaulEleven (552)
• United States
4 Feb 08
"love the child once he/she is born"
Sorry, but if you don't want kids, nothing in the world is going to change that.
I am VERY insulted in that statement. How dare you insinuate that I'll love a baby just because I carry it 9 months then squirt it out or have it cut out.
Nothing can make me love it. Nothing.
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@sminut13 (1783)
• Singapore
4 Feb 08
yes not everyone thinks of having a baby as a joyful experience. they have their reasons and some might have valid reasons to feel that way.
but at the same time, many, though unwilling to have the child at first, will love the child when he/she is born. especially for most mothers, this feeling is natural.
but all in all, in the end, it's up to the girl what she wants to do. here we can only give our opinions and advice. not everyone will feel the same. in the end,the decision is up to her.

@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
4 Feb 08
I will continue the pregnancy even I am not prepared. I am so afraid to God that I don't want to kill the baby He will entrust on me. I will do my best to continue the pregnancy no matter what and will take care of the baby till he or she grows.
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@loudhummer14 (535)
• Philippines
4 Feb 08
yes this is indeed a very difficult situation. poor baby. it isn't born yet and it is already considered a PROBLEM, it is blamed -- when the real people to be blamed are it's parents. i hope the girl won't do anything to take the baby's life because she doesn't have the right to do so. only God can take a person's life -- in His own time. tell her to look at the situation as a blessing in disguise. at least now she knows beter than to trust a guy who promises heaven but when hell arrives -- he splits. i'm sorry. i don't know what else to say. there are so many news around the world about unborn babies that it makes me wonder -- those people who ask for baby aren't given one, and yet it is very easy for others to just throw it away. i've always wanted a baby. my wife and i had been trying for the longest time. but i guess God has better plans for us. and we must with our all heart accept it. the girl should accept it too. and love it.
@atifshahzad1 (632)
• Pakistan
4 Feb 08
Abortion is a very easy way to abort the baby but i think that boy and girl have to think before and procedd of these pragnancy.
Muhammad Atif
@elzenren (192)
• Philippines
5 Feb 08
i know that its kinda delicate but she should consider first the baby and herself.... forget what others may say about her anyway she's not the only one who has that kind of problem... after that when the baby comes out that baby will give her a at happiness curse that man instead for doing that to her...
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
7 Feb 08
Children are not born to give their parents happiness. For a woman who wishes to have a child, of course she will be happy with that choice- but for a women who doesn't wish to have a child suggesting a child will make her happy is quite unfair to the child.
@imlucky (128)
• Qatar
10 Feb 08
i agree that she's not the only one who might be experiencing that problem..
but still so many factors have to be considered..
i also agree that there are some women given the child at the time
she is prepared and for some, a child is given for those who are unprepared..
so here goes the dilemma..
@onesiobhan (1327)
• Canada
6 Feb 08
It's really a decision only she can make. It's a huge sacrifice and commitment to have a child. She'll have to figure out if that's worth it to her before she makes a decision either way. For some women it's the most rewarding thing they've ever done - for others it's the biggest mistake.
Really the best thing you can do for her is to help her explore the pros and cons and help her figure out what she really wants to do and then support her in that decision. Good luck. It's a tough situation to be in.
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
7 Feb 08
I'm assuming you are in the US or another country were terminating a pregnancy is legal. If you are not, then there is a completely different list of cons.
The only reason a woman should continue a pregnancy is that she wishes to be a parent. And the only reasons she should terminate is that she does not. All other reasons come down to those two. If she does want to continue the pregnancy, but perhaps doesn't feel she has the support, finances, housing etc there are agency & means of accessing that support. But based on the question you asked, I'm also going to assume she does not want to continue the pregnancy.
Terminating early in a pregnancy is a relatively painless, simple,out-patient procedure. Sometimes it is done in a private doctor's office, but more often women are seen in a clinic. The fee ranges depending on what area of the country you're in and which specific procedure she chooses. In some states insurance including Medicaid will cover the cost, in others it will not. The staff of the clinic will explain her options, not only for the termination but also offer referrals for pregnancy services if she changes her mind. There will be blood drawn, and possibly an ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy & the stage there of. She should know that she has the right to ask any questions she has about these procedures. If she doesn't understand anything, she should ask for clarification. If she chooses to have a medication induced abortion, she will be given medications and directions for when to take them, when to return to the clinic and what to expect when she goes home. If she opts for a 'surgical' abortion (which really isn't a surgery) it will be much like a pelvic exam. She may opt for general anestesia or just a local. A D&C is the most common method, she'll be numbed, her cervix will be dilated and her uterus (oh I can't seem to spell the C half of the term) essentially her uterus is scraped to remove the POC/products of conception. She'll be observed at the clinic for an hour or two after, and sent home with instructions to take it easy. She may have some light bleeding, & cramping. Within a day or two she should feel & be ready to resume normal activities. Oh- most clinics will also talk to her about birth control options and provide them if she wishes.
@sexymamastephy (19)
• Canada
5 Feb 08
My name is stephanie and i got pregnant at 16 going on 17 and had my sone at 17 going on 18.. and i look back on it now and think if i could have went for the abortion would i....the answer is no. my son is the best thing that has ever happened to me... about a year and a half after he was born i found out that i was pregnant again... I thought Wow am i ready to handle a second child and i looked at everything carefully and decided no so i made an appointment for an abortion and went and had it done... That i would take back.. i think about it everyday and its almost been 2 years.. they gave me a picture of the fetus after i asked them not too and i cant help but look at it to this day and regret it. i look at my son i have now and think if i went threw with an abortion with him all the things i would have missed out on..
Best idea that i have gotten is adoption...but by family.. or even say get a family member that is willing to help raise your child so that they can continue there college.. it would a very suggested idea...
@checkers (11)
• United States
4 Feb 08
Indeed this is a delicate situation. Having a child before you begin a career can lead to unhappiness in the future...the what ifs..I know from experience. Struggling, sacrifice, giving up your entire lifestyle as it is now. Having an abortion is such a personal choice-but if it is one made..I feel that you should then be sure to fullfill your destiny and dreams to the fullest. Whatever decision is made..make sure it counts-take ownership of the decision, and be the best mom or career person possible. Good luck to you both. She will need you more than you know.
@SweetTrix (1071)
• United States
4 Feb 08
i agree with you, I don't know what I would have done without my best friend and now fiancee. They really helped me through it and were there from the beginning. Having a good friend or friends to talk to and confide in is always helpful, especially in situations like this one. I think without them I would have made the wrong discussion.
@forge_t (92)
• United States
11 Feb 08
do not believe in abortions their is parents and family or a childless couple that would love to have that chance to raise a child please check on that first.