I was just curious...
By jerritts1mom
@jerritts1mom (816)
United States
February 4, 2008 12:33am CST
Have your lives turned out how you pictured them to? If not, what was different when you dreamed of it as a child?
I am not sure if my life turned out the way I had imagined, although I wouldn't change a thing.Did you have a realistic dream of a future or did you see crowns and jewels and servants and such?LOL...I remember as a little girl my bestie and I used to say we were going to live together in a huge castle so our familes can grow together.We were also going to be detectives and solve huge cases and get the key to the city!!lol...but we were quite the little dreamers :)
Share your childhood dreams and what has actually came true or hasn't.
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13 responses
@sminut13 (1783)
• Singapore
4 Feb 08
well, in my case i would say i was a child who had realistic dreams for my future. i wanted to study well, get a job and be successful in life, and support my parents. unfortunately i got married early and now am a housewife instead of being successful as i dreamed of. sigh but it's life. i have a son and now, expecting a daughter. i didn't really have jewels and all kinds of dreams.
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@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
4 Feb 08
as I grew up into my teens of course they became more realistic, but my bestie also passed away, so I had to change them accordingly...I too have a son now and one on the way :) Not exactly what I had planned, but, I wouldn't trade it for that old key to the city :) or anything else for that matter!!
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@rakeshgerra (36)
• India
4 Feb 08
what? you have one jewel and you are expecting other soon, if you are housewife you must be with parents and more your hubby, support them, make it your job and you have your successful life.
Dreams are dreams,
and there is nothing nice than those
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@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
4 Feb 08
You are so right, it's funny, because I was just thinking to myself, that I did get my jewels, and I guess you could say I have the castle too....now if I could only have a serveant, this pregnancy will go sooo much smoother!!!LOL
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@rakeshgerra (36)
• India
4 Feb 08
LIFE AS PICTURED, to some extent its fine to dream, but to live with all those dreams is a foolish act.
Life is struggle and one has to,
and be just bold and bullish, life is not the one living but the life is how much one is enjoying
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@rakeshgerra (36)
• India
4 Feb 08
NO you dont have to teach about dreams, you have to look about them, and they will share their interests, if you want to be great parent wait for the correct time to teach them how to be a perfect hunter
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@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
4 Feb 08
I think it is wonderful for children to dream, I think so many times kids don't reach high enough,bec someone is always telling them to be realistic...
I think when you become an adult, then worry about buckling down and being serious,bold and bullish...
I loved that time in my life when I felt free, and had no worries.I could go back and dream all day and it would be just fine with me :)
@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
4 Feb 08
hmm, I guess then I will have to teach my children to dream, and to be an accurate shot :)

@34momma (13882)
• United States
4 Feb 08
it is funny that you ask this question because i was in my bathroom last nite cleaning it so i can give my baby girl her bath. that's her in my avatar. anyway i am scrubing my tub and as much as i hate cleaning the bathroom i was almost in tears that I was cleaning my bathroom in my apartment where I have raised my three children. my childhood althought not horrible, but man could have been alot better didn't leave much room for dreams and goals. I didn't know as a child or even as a young adult that I could have dreams and goals.
but cleaning that tub last nite, did remind me of one thing I always wanted and that was my very own place to raise my own children and give them something I never had a stable home. So i guess dreams do come true
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@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
4 Feb 08
yes they do, and more importantly you can teach your babies to dream :)
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@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
4 Feb 08
My life definitely hasn't, but then again, who really doesn't fall prey to those childhood dillusions? I definitely pictured myself attending school and the like, and I am in college, but I pictured myself engaged, ready to be married by now. I'm definitely not there, but there comes a point when you realize your life won't go as you planned unless you really really work at it and make sure you get it. I'm not too concerned about it though. It's just silly childhood dreams.
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@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
4 Feb 08
No, I am just glad to have had them.
Thank you for your response :)
@sminut13 (1783)
• Singapore
4 Feb 08
well, mine certainly didn't go as i had planned. yes i agree that you must really work for it and have the guts too. for me, right now, if my dream had her way, hehehe i'd be in university and studying and earning at the same time. if possible, i'd be sending what little salary i have to my parents.
but now, i'm a mom of soon to be 2 kids and a homemaker making some extra cash online. grins
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
5 Feb 08
My life definitely hasn't turned out exactly how I planned it, but there are alot of things that I wouldn't change either. I am happily married with a 16 year old daughter but every day is a struggle for us financially even though we work our rearends off 7 days a week. I had hoped to be financially stable by now. I always wanted to go to college right after high school but it just didn't work out that way and we cannot afford for it to happen now. I am happy overall though because I still have my husband and my daughter and we have come a long way and we are all still together.
@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
5 Feb 08
You are so right about what is important...togetherness,my fiance and I are constantly reminding eachother that no matter how much we struggle,we are together!!Thank you for your response!!
@sexymamastephy (19)
• Canada
5 Feb 08
Ever since i can remember i had always wanted to do something with children or with the elderly. I love kids and i love grandparents you can learn so much, i also wanted to have a family with 3 children and a house in my home town right close to my friends and family. But as i went to high school and started looking into my options i knew they were right for me. but then one summer i met this amazing guy ( whom i am still with ) and we hit it off right away. I was soposed to return to school when i found out i was pregnant and then everything started too fall apart. my carrer wants and goals that i had set for myself. I did not ever finish my schooling but i did start the family that i wanted and the home i always dreamed of.. one day my dreams will come true
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@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
5 Feb 08
it's never too late to go back to school :)
I wish you all the best!
@thrwbckjay67 (2870)
• United States
4 Feb 08
When I look back at how I expected my life to go, I can defintiely say that it has not turned out the way that I had envisioned back then. Although if you think I am unhappy then you are completely wrong. I am married to a wonderful women, getting ready to finish with school and go into a career that I am looking forward to going into. However, it's not the life I saw when I was younger.
When I was younger I wanted to be famous. It was about being a movie director or screenwriter and being rich and having the big house on the hill. It's not about that anymore, but it's fun to remember what I thought my life would be and where I am headed.
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@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
4 Feb 08
It is fun isn't it? To have those memories...
I am glad you are happy, that had to be at least part of your dream:)
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
4 Feb 08
I dreamed of so much when I was a girl, having a princess wedding (didn't happen), living in a little cottage with a rose covered white picket fence (didn't happen), being a famous artist (yeah, you guessed it, didn't happen), going to college, living happily ever after. HAHAHA!!!
But my dreams did change, I am content, married with children and grandchildren, priorites have changed for me, I have my own home which was my biggest dream for years and has finally come true. Now I would just like to be debt free and live comfortably.
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@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
4 Feb 08
ahhh, but didn't you love dreaming???
It is one of those magical things children have,and adults just forget about.
@uiwwitch (892)
• United States
4 Feb 08
I don't think anything I dreamed of when I was younger ever came true, except getting a degree. Even then, it wasn't the one I always wanted. Though I never really dreamed of being super rich or live in a castle or have a lots of jewelry.
I always thought I'd marry older, like in my 30's. But ended up getting married @ 22. I wanted to be a writer but have long put that on hold, hopefully will be able to resurrect it someday. But that doesn't mean I regret not pursuing my dreams. I guess they just changed as I got older.
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@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
4 Feb 08
Oh they will change and will probably continue too as you mature, the important thing is that you have them. :)
@kwenge (2487)
• Kenya
4 Feb 08
For me I had dreamd that am going to study to the highest level, have a good job and become famous and marry the man of my dreams. Unfortunately I could not complete my degree because of my father's financial instability. ok, he tried his best but I ended up dropping out of university after his demise. Now am going to marry the man of my dreams, have a simple job and if i get funds, am going to complete my degree.
Oh no, I never dreamd of jewels and crown in any of my wild dreams.
@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
4 Feb 08
ahhh but you dremat of being famous...famous what may I ask??
@lightningd (1039)
• United States
4 Feb 08
Well, it hasn't exactly turned out like I dreamed, but I too, wouldn't change a thing. I hadn't really considered having kids when I was a kid. I wanted to be a veterinarian and save all the planet's animals. Which in some capacity, I have been able to help some, especially doing equine massage, I get to help my favorite animals, horses. I moved around alot as a kid so I didn't have a "best" friend. It was always me and my animals. I didn't become a vet, but I do get to work with animals. So I guess in a way, I am fullfilling one dream.
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@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
4 Feb 08
Yeah I guess life has it's own way of making dreams come true, even if it isn't exactly how we picture them.
@Wario_1 (965)
• Sweden
4 Feb 08
I really wanted to study either chemistry or physics, but it never happened because i dropped of school after compulsory school. Im quite happý that i didnt continue, because that ment i after a few years got into a welding § metalwork education, done 1 year now and hopefully will go on a similar education.
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@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
4 Feb 08
well things turned out for you,haven't they?
GL in all your endeavors :)
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
4 Feb 08
I think most of us have had that dream of a beautiful castle! I, too, wanted to live in one.
I dreamed of being a writer, being married to a wonderful man and having children.
Well, I'm writing this so I wasn't all wrong, eh? ;-)
I have two wonderful sons of 19 and 20, I'm very proud of them. I didn't marry a wonderful man and he divorced me after 19 years for his high school girlfriend but I'm now okay with that. I don't live in the castle I dreamed of but I just bought my very first (and probably last) house and it feels like a castle to me.
I wouldn't change a thing about my life, though, because that would change who I am today and I like who I've become.
@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
4 Feb 08
great feeling isn't it? to let go and just be ok with the way things are? not needing or wanting more...but just content?! I love this feeling :)