How humanity started after the 2 sons of adan and eve?

@noypi07 (109)
United States
February 4, 2008 1:26pm CST
We know that in the bible,adam and eve have 2 son.One son of adam and eve kill his brother.So now he is the only human being living on earth ? Question "how came a humanity continue if ther is only one person and it's a male.mALE CAN'T GIVE BIRTH? Where can he get a partner to concieve another human being?
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2 responses
• United States
4 Feb 08
Lots of incest going on in the Bible. Adam and Eve had other children, including daughters and they all married each other and had children. One of the many reasons I think the Bible is a bunch of hooey.
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• Australia
4 Feb 08
Howdy The Bible actually states that Adam and Eve had Cain and Able ......Cain killed able etc. However it goes on to state that Adam and Eve had another son called Seth and had other sons and daughters. Check the generallagy of Christ
• Australia
4 Feb 08
I forgot. to me it was interesting to see that the line of Cain stopped at the same time of the flood.