
February 4, 2008 7:06pm CST
"Ocean Blue,ocean blue,Here's my wish; Make it come true." Build a successful family with a great home to helping my family in needs financially and spiritually. Also All friends , cousins, relatives who's person need a helping hands. Do you beleive a miracle? make a wish with deeply good heart and faith to our LORD papa JESUS
2 responses
• Kuwait
5 Feb 08
Wow,, nice poem,,, i wish you wish will come true,,, nice line dear,, good luck for more of your coming lines and graces,,
@danzer (2723)
• Philippines
5 Feb 08
I believe in miracles. Now you don't make your wish to "Ocean Blue" and expect God to do a miracle for you. It will never work. A wish is different from praying for a need or desire. When you pray to God through Jesus Christ, He can give it to you as long as you are Inside His Will and you're ready for it.