Is it really so difficult?

@DJfrOKI (251)
United States
February 5, 2008 1:54am CST
I was driving home after work in some traffic today. As there were many people making the trek home, I noticed something rude happening a few cars infront of me. The cars going straight were either blocking the road where people were waiting to turn from or sped up so they couldn't go. Please keep in mind that they wanted to go the same way we were all going. So being that I'm the nice guy and nobody was going anywhere fast, I let three people go along the way. The first waved to me to thank me but the second and third thought it was too much trouble to give a kind gesture towards me. So my question stands, why is it so difficult to be a little courteous towards someone that did something nice to you? Is it too much trouble to give a small wave? This is the reason why people don't want to do nice things. How does everyone else feel about this?
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1 response
@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
5 Feb 08
The world is made up of all kinds of people (thank goodness!) Keep on doing good deeds, don't always expect to get paid back....and then you will be surprised when you're kindness & good deeds get paid back in spades. You are the kind of person that makes this world a better place to reside in!
@DJfrOKI (251)
• United States
6 Feb 08
Well thank you for your kind words. I have a saying that I use....Good things happen to those who wait- if so, how much longer do I have to wait? Thank you again.
• United States
6 Feb 08
well i personally beleive in the threefold law. what you give you get x3